That's my wife перевод на испанский
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And I have read in Leviticus that it was against God's law and a sin, for me to marry my brother's wife.
Y he leído en Levítico que iba en contra de las Leyes de Dios y un pecado para mí, casarme con la esposa de mi hermano.
That's why my wife and I stopped using a "safe word."
Es por eso que mi esposa y yo dejamos de usar la palabra "seguro".
Well, uh, it's not as exciting asombie killing, But the thing that gets me through is my wife pamela.
No es tan emocionante como matar zombis, pero lo que me a mí me ayuda es mi esposa Pamela.
Orson, every wife understands that her husband will make a few mistakes- - a forgotten anniversary, the occasional harsh word, but we all have to draw the line somewhere, and I'm drawing mine at the attempted murder of my best friend's husband.
Orson, toda esposa sabe que su esposo cometerá algunos errores. Olvidará un aniversario, algún insulto ocasional pero en algún lugar hay que trazar la línea y yo trazo la mía en el intento de asesinato del esposo de mi mejor amiga.
Alison- - well, that's my wife- - she sometimes questioned my breath.
Alison - bueno, esa es mi esposa - - a veces cuestionaba mi aliento.
- I understand that you're my wife's sister but we've been wondering when is it, exactly, that you're gonna get a place of your own?
- Entiendo... que seas la hermana de mi mujer, pero nos hemos estado preguntando... ¿ cuándo vas a buscarte un sitio propio?
That's my ex-wife.
Ésa es mi ex esposa.
My wife's honor is not something that can be taken away by some loudmouth jackass in a bar.
El honor de mi esposa no es algo que pueda ser arrebatado por algún idiota bocón en un bar.
that's my wife.
Esa es mi mujer
Chavez, that's my wife Darcy.
Chávez mi esposa Darcy.
I guess it's good that my wife has some fun, now that my performance might be impaired.
Supongo que está bien que mi mujer se divierta, ahora que mi performance puede ser reducida.
That's my wife.
Ésa es mi esposa.
The idea that somebody would put their pregnant wife on a plane would choose, because I'm Jewish or because the plane was going to Israel, to kill everyone on the flight, I mean, that's the most sickening, disgusting, despicable thing I've ever heard of in my life.
La idea de que alguien pondría a su esposa embarazada en un avión elegiría, porque soy judío o porque el avión iba a Israel matar a todas las personas del vuelo, es decir, es la cosa más asquerosa, repugnante, despreciable que jamás haya oído.
That's my wife's spinning instructor.
Ese es el instructor de swing de mi mujer.
That's what I did with my wife.
Es lo que hice con mi mujer.
That's because she's my wife, you fool!
Es porque es mi esposa, tonto!
The most suspicious element in Szirmai's life is in fact centred around my own humble person, meaning that I was or still am his wife's lover.
El elemento más sospechoso en la vida de Szirmai se centra precisamente en mi humilde persona, ya que fui o aún soy el amante de su mujer.
My pretty wife, Mr.Cameron, is a belligerent drunk Who calls me names in front of my children and takes swings at me in public, That is when she's not online ordering single barrel bourbon by the case.
Mi hermosa esposa, Sr.Cameron, es una ebria perdida que me insulta delante de los niños y me maltrata en público, esto si es que no está comprando por internet un barril de bourbon.
That's my wife!
¡ Esa es mi esposa!
She's the one that has to pay. She called my wife.
Ella es la que debe pagar, llamó a mi mujer.
I said, "Man, who is that?" And my wife got up. She said, "That's your niece, Kim."
Pregunté quién era, y mi esposa dijo : "Es Kim, tu sobrina".
Yes, that's my wife's business.
Sí, es el negocio de mi esposa.
But that's all everyone wanted to know about. My father, my wife... Just everyone.
Pero eso era lo que todos querían saber mi padre, mi esposa... todos.
That wasn't a date, that was you eating my wife's prize specimen.
No era una cita, eras tu comiéndote el preciado especimen de mi mujer.
( ringtone playing ) Sorry, that's my wife's phone.
Perdóneme, es el teléfono de mi esposa.
All right, look, even if I could wrap my mind around the idea of this lovesick guy building an elaborate stage set to woo his ex-wife there's no way I can get a warrant to search that complex on the basis of a dream.
Está bien, mira, incluso si pudiera abrir mi mente y aceptar la idea de este sujeto enfermo de amor construyendo un escenario elaborado para cortejar a su ex esposa no hay manera de que pueda conseguir una orden para registrar el edificio basada en un sueño.
That's what my wife says.
Eso dice mi esposa.
And that's why dad said, "My stubborn Sicilian wife."
Y es por eso papá dijo : "Mi esposa siciliana terco."
So please, buy my DVD's that my wife made... and don't be scared anymore.
Asi que por favor, compre mis DVDs hechos por mi esposa... y no vuelva a asustarse.
Mr. Monk? That's not my wife.
Sr. Monk, esa no es mi esposa.
I get bills for my wife's breasts that's some grown up woman shit right there.
Pago cuantas por los senos de mi esposa, eso es cosa de mujer adulta.
That's my wife, Louise.
Es mi esposa, Louise.
Well, I just fixed that dryer there, I fixed my wife's friend's sink and I took old Aunt Mary to the doctor's to get her prescription fixed up.
Arreglé esa secadora Arreglé el fregadero de la amiga de mi esposa Llevé a la tía Mary al doctor para que le dieran su receta
If I can get these bullets back to my lab, and they match the bullet that killed the manager's wife then I'll know what you're telling me is the truth.
Si puedo tener esas balas de regreso a mi laboratorio. Y coinciden con la bala que mató a la mujer del director entonces sabré lo que me estas diciendo es la verdad.
I need D.N.A. to confirm that I fathered a child with my best friend's wife after the war.
Necesito ADN para confirmar que tuve un hijo con la mujer de mi mejor amigo después de la guerra.
But I suppose the fact, someone like that's looking for my wife has implications.
Pero supongo que el hecho, que alguien busque a mi esposa tiene implicaciones.
I, uh, consult with the police department, so when my husband mentioned that your wife's murder was unsolved...
Trabajo con el departamento de policía. Cuando mi esposo mencionó que no habían resuelto el crimen de su esposa...
That's how I ended up with my first wife.
Así es como terminé con mi primera mujer.
And write that my wife, the sister-in-law of our village Jamnabai's candidature should be confirmed. Yes.
Uh, this is, uh, that's my wife lisa.
Uh, esta es, uh, es mi esposa Lisa.
That's precisely the reaction my wife wanted me to have.
Esa es precisamente la reacción que mi esposa quería que tuviera.
It's just that my ex-wife and I, we decided to do this divorce by a couple of rules for the kids'sake, like how long to wait before we start seeing other people, and last night,
Es sólo que mi ex y yo decidimos divorciarnos con un par de reglas por el bien de los chicos, como cuanto tiempo debia pasar, antes de ver a otras personas, y anoche, estoy bastante seguro de que rompí esa regla,
That's my ex-wife Allison.
Esa es mi exmujer Allison.
We had a disagreement about what she was saying to my wife, that's all.
Tuvimos un desacuerdo sobre lo que le decía a mi esposa, eso es todo.
I can tell you that he's my dear, dead wife's brother, and that this little impromptu inquisition of yours is over.
Te puedo decir que es mi querido cuñado, y que esta pequeña improvisada inquisición tuya se acabó.
It's because of him that i'm cheating on my wife, Because of him that i'm betraying my country.
Es por su culpa que engaño a mi esposa, por él traiciono a mi país.
Yeah, I'd stick my cock through that veil hole and fuck the shit out of your wife's face any day.
Meteré la polla por ese velo y me follaré a tu mujer algún día.
Yeah, I'd like to call in some danger-close on my wife, that's for fucking sure.
Sí, a mí me gustaría que dispararan en distancia peligrosa si estuviera mi mujer.
"That's not a bird, that's my wife."
"Eso no es un pájaro, es mi esposa".
That's my wife.
- Esa es mi esposa.
Well, that's between me and my wife, sir. No.
Bueno, eso es entre mi esposa y yo, señor.
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25