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That doesn't count перевод на испанский

512 параллельный перевод
As the daughter of the shoe-polish king has married a count, and as we all know that shoe-polish doesn't trump oysters, I request that you send me a son-in-law with a pedigree in accordance with my oysters.
Como la hija del rey del betún se ha casado con un conde, y el betún no tiene la categoría de las ostras, le ruego se sirva enviarme un yerno cuyo árbol genealógico esté a la altura de mis ostras.
That doesn't matter - l'M Count Osdorff!
Eso no importa... Yo soy el Conde Osdorff, al fin y al cabo.
That a noble count doesn't do things like that.
¡ Qué esas cosas no las hace un noble conde!
- That one doesn't count.
- Ese matrimonio no cuenta.
Oh, for medicinal purposes? Well that doesn't count.
Si es una bebida medicinal, eso no cuenta.
only once, but that doesn't count a scullery maid.
Sólo una vez, pero no cuenta. ¡ Una criada!
Eso no cuenta.
I said that love doesn't count and it still doesn't.
Dije que el amor no cuenta, y no cuenta.
- That one doesn't count.
- Ese no cuenta.
That doesn't mean to count each bullet.
Eso no siginifica que contaras cada bala.
- Yes, but that doesn't count!
Sí, pero no vale.
But that which we make disappear from Africa doesn't count for much among us compared to what we have in store.
Pero eso que hacemos desaparecer de Africa no cuenta de mucho entre nosotros comparado con lo que nos espera.
and anything that happens to either of us just doesn't count!
y cualquier cosa que nos suceda no importa nada.
- That doesn't count.
- Olvídelo.
That drop of water I drank today doesn't count, I hope.
Esa gota de agua que hoy bebí no me hará daño, espero.
But that doesn't count.
Pero esa no cuenta.
So? That was last week, and "almost" doesn't count.
¿ Cierto? "Esa era la semana anterior, y casí no cuenta casi".
I'm just a squire but if I bump into one count and he doesn't take off his cap not very well other day that I see him coming I'll hide in a doorway so as not to greet him.
Yo sólo soy un escudero, pero si me topo con un conde y no se quita muy bien quitado el bonete otro día que le vea venir me meteré en un portal para no saludarle.
As to the other - the phone calls, hiring a man to make them, the feeling of persecution - that doesn't show up in a blood count or on a photographic plate.
Lo de las llamadas... eso de contratar hombres... que la hagan sentir perseguida,... eso no sale en análisis de sangre o radiografías.
- That doesn't count,
- Son cosas que no cuentan. - ¿ Esas son cosas que no cuentan?
But that doesn't count for anything now.
Pero ya no cuenta.
I told you now, doesn't that count?
Te lo he dicho ahora. ¿ No es lo mismo?
- Right. - That doesn't count!
- Eso, eso. - ¡ Eso no vale!
My sister doesn't think so, but that poor, poor girl... But you must have cried too, Sir Count.
Usted también habrá llorado, Sr. conde.
Doesn't that count?
¿ Eso no cuenta para algo?
'Cause when he takes his trousers off and folds them neatly and hangs them over the back of a chair, that sharp, exciting intelligence of his doesn't count for very much.
Porque cuando se quita el pantalón y lo dobla cuidadosamente... para colgarlo sobre la silla... esa inteligencia suya tan aguda no sirve de mucho.
That doesn't count anymore.
- Ya no vale.
That sin doesn't count here. "
Ese pecado no cuenta aquí. "
It was 7 years ago in France, that doesn't count any more.
Fue hace siete años en Francia ; eran católicos. Eso no cuenta.
Athletic Scholarship. Doesn't that count?
¿ La beca de atletismo no cuenta?
I am working, but that doesn't count.
Estoy trabajando, pero eso no cuenta.
Well, I won't pry, although my family have served this country for seven centuries, but that doesn't seem to count these days, does it.
¡ Bien! No me entrometeré,... aunque mi familia ha servido a este país durante siete siglos,... aunque eso no parece contar hoy en día ¿ verdad?
Doesn't that count for something?
¿ Acaso no tiene ningún valor?
He's a real hero. He's little, but that doesn't count...
Es pequeño, pero eso no cuenta...
That doesn't count either!
¡ Esa no cuenta tampoco!
It doesn't matter where he hides, we'll find him, you can count on that.
No importa dónde se esconde, lo encontraremos, puedes contar con eso.
I'm a parent. Of course, that doesn't count.
Soy su madre y eso no cuenta.
That doesn't count.
¿ Y por qué?
But seriously, put down that man and women-persons their existence means exactly and precisely not more, not one tiny bit less, just what they think it means. What I think doesn't count at all.
En serio pon que la existencia humana significa exactamente, ni más ni menos lo que piensan ellos y que lo que pienso yo no importa.
That doesn't count.
Eso no cuenta.
I was in Florida once, but that doesn't count, does it?
La mayoría de la gente no lo entiende.
Doesn't that count for anything?
¿ Eso no cuenta para nada?
That doesn't count at all.
- ¿ Tu dinero?
But that doesn't count for much in the dark.
Pero eso no cuenta para mucho en la oscuridad.
- Don't cut, that doesn't count!
- Bueno, ¿ qué es lo que te pasa ahora?
That's precisely the proof that someone doesn't count, even if he's on account.
Esa es la prueba de que el que paga no cuenta.
- That doesn't count.
- Eso no cuenta.
Oh, wow, Vyvyan, man, you broke your own submarine! I've shown you a great deal of consideration over the years, but doesn't that count for anything? You bastard!
Has destrozado el submarino.
That doesn't even count.
Eso no cuenta.
That doesn't count, then, does it?
Entonces no cuenta, ¿ verdad?
Except for a little white lie, but that doesn't really count.
Quitando alguna mentira piadosa que no cuenta.

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