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That is a good question перевод на испанский

169 параллельный перевод
That is a good question.
Esa es una buena pregunta.
That is a good question, and it deserves an answer.
Es una buena pregunta, que merece una respuesta.
Ah, that is a good question.
Es una muy buena pregunta.
You know, that is a good question, Alan.
La boda empieza en veinte minutos.
That's a good question. That is a good question.
Muy buena pregunta.
Well, now, that is a good Question.
Qué buena pregunta.
That is a good question.
- Es una buena pregunta.
That is a good question, and...
Es una buena pregunta y...
That is a good question, Frank.
Esa es una buena pregunta, Frank.
Actually, that is a good question.
Sí, buena pregunta.
Richard, that is a good question!
Richard, ¡ esa es una buena pregunta!
That is a good question.
- Sí, lo es.
Yeah, that is a good question.
Sí, esa es una buena pregunta.
That is a good question. It's not.
- Ésa... es una buena pregunta.
that is a good question, actually.
es realmente una muy buena pregunta.
That is a good question.
Es una buena pregunta.
Tell him for example as if by chance in conversation, that there is the question of a departure from Marseilles, that it would be good for him to come see me, invent something!
Supongamos que usted le hablara en una conversación, acerca de un posible reembarco a Marsella, que sería conveniente que me viniera a ver. En fin, invente algo.
That is a very good question.
Ésa es una muy buena pregunta.
That is a very good question.
Esa es una pregunta muy buena.
- That's a good question. - Yeah, but the answer is no. There's not enough money in Texas to get him off our backs, Dad.
Dijo que no había datos de que antes de 1997 existiese Nicolas Treviño.
Yes, that is a good question for a candidate, to which my answer would of course be
Mi respuesta, por supuesto, sería...
That's a good question. Most people are afraid of technology. They're solution is to forget it.
Es una buena pregunta, la mayoría de las personas temen a la tecnología, como solución procuran olvidarla.
That is a very good question.
Muy buena pregunta, Shelly.
That is a very good question.
Esa es una muy buena pregunta.
Bates, that is one hell-of-a good question.
has hecho una muy buena pregunta.
- That is... a very good question.
- Esa es una muy buena pregunta.
That's a very good question because that, in fact, is probably the most widely misunderstood deduction in the book.
Esa es una muy buena pregunta porque esa efectivamente es la deducción más malinterpretada de los impuestos.
- That's a good question. "Is there any truth to any of it?" I doubt it.
Buena pregunta. ¿ Hay algo que sea cierto?
That's a very good question, and this is the best part.
Es una muy buena pregunta, y esta es la mejor parte.
Now, Mohamed, cos we is good mates now, next time I go into'Arrods and I see something that I like I got one question - can I nick it?
Mohamed, ya que somos buenos colegas, la próxima vez que vaya a Harrods y vea algo que me guste tengo una pregunta - ¿ lo puedo mangar?
That is a good question.
- Buena pregunta.
I think that's what they call a rhetorical question, being that I already know the answer, which is, in your case, not so good.
Esta es una de esas preguntas retóricas ya que ya sé la respuesta que en tu caso es "no muy bien".
That is a very good question, isn't it?
Y entonces ¿ Quién es este pobre hombre?
There is no good way to answer that question.
- No voy a responder eso.
The question is can I find a school? A good school... that will take kids that are children of prostitutes.
¿ pero podré encontrar una buena escuela que acepte niños que son hijas de prostitutas?
No, that's a good question. I'm not saying that a person is as smart as they're gonna be at 15.
no, es una buena pregunta no estoy diciendo que esa persona sea inteligente como lo será a los 15
That is a very good question.
Buena pregunta.
That is a very good question.
Excelente pregunta.
That is indeed a very good question.
Esa es, en verdad, una buena pregunta.
A very good sign that you're crazy is an inability to ask the question, "Am I crazy?"
Una señal de locura es no preguntarse si se está loco.
That is a very good question, Alexx.
Es una buena pregunta, Alexx.
That is a very good question.
Es una muy buena pregunta.
[A.J.] All right Alex, all good stuff, all stuff that needs to be talk about, but, the question is, why?
[A.J.] OK, Alex, todo interesante y se necesita hablarlo, pero la pregunta es ¿ porque?
That is a very good question, Paige.
Es una buena pregunta, Paige.
That is a very, very good question.
Es una muy buena pregunta.
Well, that's a good question, but whatever the answer is, we know why there are not sparks flying in the bedroom.
Bueno, esa es una buena pregunta, pero cualquiera fuera la respuesta, sabemos por qué no están chispeantes en la cama.
That is a very good question, Sam.
Es una muy buena pregunta, Sam.
Yeah, but the whole question of man's accountability... everything that makes a "good" criminal... which is subject to the law... be guilty of having committed a crime, that you wanted to commit a crime... ie, is attributable, opens a new area of ​ ​ action potential... networks of action, things can suddenly... things can turn criminal.
de todo Io que hace al "buen" criminal, eI que se somete a Ia ley : ser culpable de haber cometido un crimen, de haber querido cometerIo, o sea, ser imputable... se abre a un nuevo campo de potenciales de acción, de redes de acción, en eI que, de pronto,
"And that, children, is a good question, so good..."
"Y eso, niños, es una buena pregunta, tan buena..."
I don't know if that answers my question, but it sure is good to see you.
No sé cómo responde eso a mi pregunta, - pero sí es muy bueno verte.
There's no question that Freddie is a brilliant mind in the hair world, but after the failure of Broke Front Mountain, her success will depend on her ability to translate her concept into good hair.
Sin duda Freddie es brillante en el mundo del cabello pero luego del fracaso de "Broke Front Mountain" su éxito dependerá de su habilidad para transmitir su concepto a un buen cabello.

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