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There's no such thing as перевод на испанский

1,750 параллельный перевод
You know, I don't think there's such a thing as "space earth."
Sabes, no creo que exista algo así como "tierra espacial".
There's no such thing as coincidences these days.
Ya no creo en coincidencias estos días.
There's no such thing as Santa Claus.
No existe tal cosa como Santa Claus.
I've been telling kids for years there's no such thing as Father Christmas.
He estado diciendo a los niños por años que no hay tal cosa como Papá Noel.
Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?
Espera, ¿ no existen los unicornios?
There's no such thing as anti-revolutionary cookies.
No existen cosas como las galletas anti-revolucionarias.
There's no such thing as time travel.
No se puede viajar en el tiempo.
Yes, I'm sure that's true, but has it occurred to you... that without the distortion of reality provided by a privileged upbringing... there'd be no such thing as the Sistine Chapel or Taj Mahal... or the Three Rivers Stadium, home of your beloved Steelers?
Estoy seguro de que es así, pero, ¿ te has puesto a pensar que sin la distorsión de la realidad que conlleva una crianza privilegiada no existirían la Capilla Sixtina, el Taj Mahal o el estadio Three Rivers, hogar de tus amados Steelers?
There's no such thing as man-Droids.
No existen los hombres androide.
You know, because, especially with language it's like there's no such thing as bad words.
Hay un Tim Hortons, 1,8 1,008 Tim Hortons por cada maldito residente de Canada.
There's no such thing as a non-alcoholic cocktail.
No existen cócteles no alcohólicos.
Now come on Harry, you know there's no such thing as love.
Sólo pregunta a Tía Frieda. Vamos, Harry.
Yeah, look Murphy, we both know there's no such thing as magic.
Si, mira Murphy, ambos sabemos que no existe tal cosa como la magia.
to me there's no such thing as coincidence.
Para mí, no existen las coincidencias.
There's no such thing as a birth-certificate clause.
No hay cláusulas en las partidas de nacimiento.
There's no such thing as safe.
No hay algo como "seguros".
Oh, well, they say there's no such thing as a truly random occurrence, but... You were random there, Colby. Fairly random.
Bueno, dicen que no hay tal cosa lo tuyo fue aleatorio Colby, bastante aleatorio.
There's no such thing as a coincidence.
No existen las coincidencias.
But there's no such thing as magic!
¡ Pero no existe la magia!
There's no such thing as an open marriage.
No existe eso del matrimonio abierto.
The VA's right. There's no such thing as Gulf War Syndrome, especially in veterans who've never served in the Gulf War.
Pero si no existe el "síndrome de la Guerra del Golfo", sobre todo en veteranos que no han estado en esa guerra.
There's no such thing as "sounding black."
Esas no son cosas como, "Hablando como negro."
There's no such thing as "sounding black."
No hay otra cosa como'hablar como negro'.
how many times do i have to tell you, there's no such thing as monsters?
¿ Cuantas veces tengo que decirte, que no hay cosas tales como monstruos?
There's no such thing as mutants.
No hay nada de mutantes.
There's no such thing as mutants because the world didn't end.
No hay mutantes porque el mundo no se ha acabado.
- There's such a thing as honor.
- ¿ No conocen el honor?
But there's no such thing as free titties, is there, Zack?
Pero las tetas gratis no existen, ¿ no, Zack?
There's no such thing as a Ripper. Or Hogzilla. Or whatever else the fuck you wanna call it.
No existe tal cosa como el Destripador ó el Porcozilla... ó ¿ como quieran llamarlo?
No, there's no such thing as playful hazing.
No, no existe tal cosa como una broma divertida.
There's no such thing as definitively, but nobody's ever come back from something like this before.
No existe algo que sea definitivo pero nadie se ha recuperado de algo así.
There's no such thing as a nickel g of crack.
No fue por pertenencia de crack.
Well, I think they'd say that there's no such thing as being too careful.
Imagino que dirán que nunca se puede ser demasiado cuidadoso.
Oh, honey, you know there's no such thing as ghosts.
Cariño, ya sabes que los fantasmas no existen.
There's no such thing as a freeze ray.
No existe un rayo helado.
Maybe not where you come from, but where I'm from, there's no such thing as a black gay football player.
Tal vez no de donde vienes, pero de donde soy, No es normal un negro gay en un equipo de fútbol.
There's no such thing as not fitting in.
No hay tal cosa como no encajar.
- There's no such thing as a dancing lawyer.
- No existe nada semejante.
If you're having fun, there's no such thing as terrible.
Si te estás divirtiendo, es imposible bailar fatal.
[British accent emerges] But there's no such thing as the gunther building or the Wilson towers,
Pero no existe el edificio Gunther, o las torres Wilson.
You'd have to be psychic to get it, and there's no such thing as "psychic."
Tendrías que ser psíquica para pillarlo, y no existe tal cosa llamada "psíquica".
There's no such thing as chance.
No existe la casualidad.
First I found out there's no such thing as Santa Claus or the easter bunny. That kind of sucks.
Primero descubrí que no existen ni Papá Noel ni el Conejo de Pascuas.
There's no such thing as aliens.
No existen los alienígenas.
There's no such thing as True Tales Magazine.
No existe ninguna "Revista de Historias Reales"
There's no such thing as aliens.
No existe tal cosa.
There's no such thing as too early.
No existe eso de "demasiado temprano".
There's no such thing as monsters, no such thing as monsters, no such thing as monsters...
No hay tal cosa de monstruos, no hay monstruos, no hay monstruos...
There's no such thing as the vision system.
No existe el sistema visual.
There's no such thing as just one glass with me.
No existe eso de "sólo un vaso" para mí.
There's no such thing as the Boogeyman.
El Boogeyman no existe.

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