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There's no way to know перевод на испанский

481 параллельный перевод
there's no way to hurt it. we don't know what kind of evil will come out.
Nosotras solas no podemos hacerle daño. Aparte de eso, si derrotamos al último Ángel, no sabemos qué clase de mal vendrá después.
Since you came, there's only one way For a girl to end up here and you know it.
Desde que llegaste, una chica no puede ser decente aquí.
Well, there's no need for the loser to go all the way to Siberia, you know?
No hace falta que el perdedor se vaya hasta Siberia.
There's something about a train. I don't know whether it's the way it looks or the way it smells, or what it is. It always makes me feel I want to be off somewhere.
No sé que tienen los trenes... que hacen que quiera viajar a algún lugar.
There's something about the way you sing, I don't know, it does something to me.
Hay algo en su forma de cantar que no sé qué me hace.
Father O'Malley, I'd like for you to know that there's no possible way...
Padre O'Malley, me gustaría que supiera que no hay forma posible...
You know, you're probably not aware, but there's a new Act just passed by the Congress, an Indian on his way to his reservation is entitled to free transportation.
Probablemente no esté enterado, pero hay una nueva ley aprobada recientemente por el Congreso, donde los indios camino a su reserva tienen derecho al transporte gratuito.
You don't know which way to turn, there's no place to hide, nowhere to run... except to me.
No sabes dónde refugiarte, hacia dónde correr, a quién acudir. Sólo yo.
Now everything has changed, and there's no way to know.
Ahora todo ha cambiado, y no hay forma de saberlo.
Oh, by the way, there's a pull-in across the street where they eat. Yeah? Of course, you might get to know some nice local girl and get invited for supper.
claro que... allí no dan de comer, pero puede entrar en relación con alguna chica que le invite a comer.
There's no way for them to know we're here.
No tienen forma de saber que estamos aquí.
There's no way out. You don't know what to do.
Y no hay forma de parar, ni saber qué hacer.
Well, you know, I'd like to say no but there's no way of telling until we know the man.
Bueno, sabe, querría decir que no pero no no puedo, hasta conocer a ese hombre.
Well, you know I hate to, but I'm afraid there's no other way out.
Sabe que no me gusta, pero me temo que no hay más remedio.
I know there's no way to stop you leaving
Sé que no hay modo de detenerte.
You know, you begin to go one way and keep on going that way pretty soon, there's no other way.
Empiezas de una manera, sigues de esa manera y pronto, no hay otra manera.
I know there's no reason in this whole world why you wouldn't like to step on something like me but do you think you could ever take to a man who dragged you from your home and done you the way I done you?
Sé que no existe ni una sola razón por la que no querría pisotear a alguien como yo pero, ¿ cree que alguna vez podría aceptar a un hombre que la saca a rastras de su casa como he hecho yo?
There's so much to keep pondering... so many questions, sometimes I don't know which way is which, and I get completely...
No hay mucho más que considerar tantas preguntas, a veces no sé cuál es cuál y me pongo...
There's no way for us to know.
No sabremos.
There's only one way I know to find out whether my theory is correct or not.
Solo hay un modo de saber si mi teoría es cierta o no.
There's no way to know.
- No hay forma de saberlo.
Eso es una locura.
There's no way that the man who led the Jets to so many victories could be a... You know.
Es imposible que el hombre que llevó a los Jets a tantas victorias pudiera ser... ya sabes.
I prefer to know that there's no way out.
Prefiero saber que no hay salida.
- I just don't know how anybody could enjoy anything more... than I enjoy, uh, reading Charlton Heston's autobiography... or, uh, you know, uh, getting up in the morning... and having the cup of cold coffee that's been waiting for me all night... still there for me to drink in the morning... and no cockroach or fly has-has died in it overnight. I mean, I'm just so thrilled when I get up... and I see that coffee there, just the way I wanted it.
Y cuando me levanto por la mañana... y veo la taza de café frío desde la noche anterior, y si no se ha caído ninguna cucaracha ni ninguna mosca, soy tan feliz al levantarme y ver el café como me gusta,
And I mean, you know, even if I were to totally agree with you, you know... and even if I were to accept the idea that there's just no way for anybody... to have personal happiness now... well, you know, I still couldn't accept the idea... that the way to make life wonderful would be to just totally... you know, reject Western civilization... and fall back into some kind of belief in some kind of weird something...
Y aunque me sintiera como tú, si pensara que es imposible ser feliz actualmente, aun así, no pensaría que para que la vida sea maravillosa... debo huir de la civilización occidental... y volver a una especie de no sé qué cosa rara.
I don't know if that kid's still got it, but if he has, I know one thing... if he was there now, he'd find a way to turn that bucket around and get out of there, pronto!
No sé si ese chico todavía tiene fuerzas, pero si es así, estoy seguro de algo... Si él estuviera ahí, encontraría la forma de ingeniarse y saldría de ahí, ¡ enseguida!
Now, I don't know what he saw, Gary, but I don't want to think there's anything out of the way.
Mira, no sé lo que vio, Gary,... pero no quiero pensar que haya algo que esté fuera de tono.
There's the door to Steubens'lab right there, but with all this in the way, I don't know how we're gonna get...
Ahí esta la puerta al laboratorio de Steubens, pero con eso en el camino no sé cómo llegaremos.
Until we know exactly what happened to him, there's no way to determine his course of recovery.
- Hasta que sepamos lo que le pasó... no podremos saber el tiempo de recuperación.
There's no way to put a nice face on it but battered plants is part of a larger problem as you know the overall problem is called the battering syndrome.
No hay forma de poner buena cara al tema pero el maltrato a las plantas es parte de un problema mayor como saben el problema mayor es llamado'Sindrome del Maltrato'.
There's, uh, there's only one way to find out, you know.
No hay, eh, sólo hay una manera Para averiguarlo, usted sabe. ¿ Cómo es eso?
Hey, Sam, I want you to know, if I'm ever in a life-or-death situation and things look hopeless, like there's no way of getting out alive,
Oye, Sam, quiero que sepan, si estoy siempre en un vida o muerte y las cosas parecen sin esperanza, como no hay manera de salir con vida,
There's no real way to know until the tests on the food samples are complete.
No se sabrá seguro hasta que analicemos la comida.
There's no way to know.
No lo sé.
It's the only way I know how to get there.
No sé llegar ahí de otra manera.
Look, there's no way, Mr. Beetroot, that I am going to deliver any damn Cadillac... unless I know for sure that I have... twenty for my cut.
No hay forma alguna... de que entregue ningún maldito Cadillac... a menos que sepa con seguridad... que tengo... 20.
I know you were trying to help, but there's some people who might not see it that way.
Sé que intentabas ayudar pero algunas personas quizá no lo vieran así.
There's no way for you to know this, but they all use the same format,
No hay manera de saber esto, pero todos utilizaron el mismo formato.
There's no better way for two guys to get to know each other than to spend a couple of days in a car.
¿ Que mejor forma de conocernos que venir juntos desde allá en auto?
There's no way to prove this, you know it!
¡ No hay manera de comprobarlo, lo sabes!
I mean, there's no way to know what she'll tell the investigator tomorrow.
Digo que no hay modo de saber qué le dirá a la investigadora mañana.
Larry doesn't know the way to Becky's house, so I'll have to meet you there.
Larry no sabe ir a casa de Becky. Te veré allí.
You know, I hate to say this, because Brandon likes her and everything, but there's something about Emily that just rubs me the wrong way.
Odio decir esto, porque Brandon la quiere pero hay algo de Emily que no me gusta.
I don't know what this is all about, but you go tell them there ain't no way it's is ever going to work.
No sé de qué se trata todo esto... pero diles que esto no funcionará en ningún caso.
There's no way to know till I go through all the files.
No hay forma de saber hasta que yo revise todos los archivos.
There's no way that you could know this of course but I've devoted my professional life to you... and to the other fellows
No tiene forma de saberlo, claro, pero... les dediqué mi vida profesional a Vd.
I know this isn't what you want to hear right now but there's a blob on the scope the size of New Mexico and it's heading your way.
Sé que esto no es lo que desean escuchar ahora, pero hay una masa en el sonar del tamaño de Nuevo México y se dirige hacía ustedes.
If I do the play, I want you to know now... there's no way that you are gonna play the lead.
Si yo hiciera la pieza esto es si se hace... quiero que sepa ahora que no hay modo que sea el protagonista.
Class, I know there's no way to prove who actually did this... and in our American democracy, everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
Clase, sé que no hay forma de probar quién hizo esto y en esta democracia son inocentes hasta probar lo contrario.
There's no way to know.
No hay forma de saberlo.

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