This isn't the way перевод на испанский
572 параллельный перевод
"Who is this insignificant Swiss descending on the Americans, " coming to explain to them that the'American Way of Life' "isn't as extraordinary as people say?"
"¿ Quién es este insignificante suizo que desciende hasta los estadounidenses, para decirles a ellos que el'Estilo de vida americano'no es tan extraordinario como la gente dice?"
Klein isn't interested in the image in itself, but he's interested in the way this image can be arranged, cropped, put in different context.
Klein no está interesado en la imagen en sí misma, está interesado en la forma en que esta imagen puede ser arreglada, cortada, puesta en un contexto diferente.
This way... In the daytime, it isn't so bad.
De esta manera,... por el día no es tan malo.
This isn't the way I pictured an ocean voyage.
No me imaginaba que la travesía fuera así.
You know, this isn't the way I anticipated my breakfast.
No había previsto un desayuno así.
I know this isn't the proper way to train him. But it's the easiest way, so...
No es un buen método,... pero sólo así paran de llorar.
This isn't the way my Treasure Island looks.
Mi libro de La isla del tesoro no se parece a éste.
- This isn't the right way!
- Éste no es el camino.
Well, this isn't the only way to make a living.
Bueno, ésta no es la única forma de ganarse la vida.
I hope it's a man, and by the way, who broke this and why isn't it here?
Espero que sea un hombre. Por cierto... ¿ Quien ha roto esto?
This isn't the way back to your trucks.
Éste no es el camino hacia los camiones.
Why, this isn't even the way I sign my name.
No es ni siquiera mi firma.
Woodland. ¿ No es este el camino?
This isn't the way out!
Ésa no es la salida.
Hey, this isn't the way to headquarters.
Este no es el camino a la comisaría.
This isn't the way we planned it, is it?
Es que no lo planeamos así.
My house isn't this way, this is the road to Warsaw!
No es por aquí. Es la ruta para Varsovia.
This isn't the way we came with Mr. Smith.
Por aquí no fue por donde vinimos con el Sr. Smith.
This is the way to the stage, isn't it?
- ¿ Para ir al escenario?
This isn't the way you'll settle the difference... our organization has with you.
Pero esta no es la forma en que vamos a resolver las pequeñas diferencias que nuestra organización tiene contigo.
This isn't the way we used to put over a show.
Así no era como organizábamos los shows.
Isn't that the way of everything in this life?
¿ Acaso todo lo que aquí hay no termina en polvo?
The way this place is protected by soldiers, Our popular presidente isn? t too popular.
Por la forma en cómo esto está protegido por soldados, nuestro popular presidente no es tan popular.
Oh, this isn't the way I planned things at all.
Así no es como había planeado las cosas.
This isn't the way we're gonna do it.
Esto no es el procedimiento legal.
This is the right way to the cova, isn't it? Yes.
- ¿ Por aquí se va a la cova?
By the way, this isn't your space, is it?
A propósito, su compartimiento es otro.
It isn't fixed up quite the way I wanted it, but it's a big improvement on this!
No está arreglado como quisiera, pero está mejor que esto.
The dance floor is this way, isn't it?
- La pista de baile está por aquí, ¿ no?
This isn't exactly the way we'd planned on spending the night, in a barn!
No imaginábamos pasar la noche así, en el granero.
This isn't the healthiest way to come visiting.
No es la forma más sana de venir de visita.
Isn't that doing it the hard way? Well, no, I once saw Gregory Peck do this in a movie.
Hay una forma más fácil de construir un incendio?
How do you know... that this isn't precisely the way to appeal to those people?
¿ Cómo sabes que éste no es el mejor modo de llegar a esa gente?
This isn't the proper way to lead an investigation.
No podemos llevar una investigacion asi.
This isn't very nice to say, but I just didn't have the courage to get all the way through.
Esto no es muy agradable decirlo, pero simplemente no tuve el valor de leerlo hasta el final.
Well, look, isn't the table this way?
- Me gusta. - ¿ La mesa no está por allí?
Because stopping her from seeing this young man isn't the way to put an end to it.
Esa no es la manera de acabar con esto.
There's no need to laugh like that, young man. This isn't the way I planned to have my daughter wed.
No hay por qué reírse así, yo no quería casar a mi hija de este modo.
This is the way we should work, isn't it?
Es así como debemos trabajar, ¿ verdad?
When I think about the way things have been, this isn't surprising.
Cuando se piensa cómo nos han ido las cosas, tal vez no es tan sorprendente este resultado.
Maybe this isn't the way you dance this.
Tal vez no se baile así.
Perhaps you don't realise this isn't the way theatres are rented.
Quizá no sepa que los teatros no se alquilan así.
I don't know how we got off on this subject. Well, it isn't the way I wanted it.
No es como lo quería.
I know I said it could be toothpaste, but isn't this the hard way?
Bueno, dije que podía ser dentífrico, pero ¿ no es demasiado fuerte?
- This isn't the way it should be.
- Esto no debería ser así.
You see, jenny, my real shape, i mean, the way i really look... isn't this the way you really look?
¿ No es éste tu aspecto real? No. ¿ He visto alguna vez como eres de verdad?
This isn't workin'out the way we figured.
No está saliendo como pensamos. Como tú pensaste.
This isn't exactly the safest way to travel!
No es exactamente la elección más fácil o la manera más segura de viajar, ¿ no?
- This isn't the way.
- Este no es el modo.
R, isn't this the only way, to understand your crime?
¿ R, no es esa la única manera de entender tu crimen?
This isn't the way out.
Esto no es la salida.
this isn't you 235
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't happening 184
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't 241
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't happening 184