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Tãªte перевод на испанский

17 параллельный перевод
Don't interfere.
Tú no te metas.
You're the good boy.
Tú sà ­ que te portas bien.
They're shooting.
- Tú no, te matará ¡ n.
I tell you, Red, you know, the cupboard is pretty bare.
Te dirà ¨, Red, tà ¹ sabes, el armario està bastante vacio.
We play the game, Red, and I'm telling you, one day not today, not tomorrow, not this season probably not next season either, but one day, you and I are gonna wake up and suddenly we're gonna be like every other team in every other sport where winning is everything and nothing else matters.
Jugamos, Red'y te digo que algún dia... ... ni hoy, ni maà ± ana, probablemente tampoco esta temporada... ... ni la prà ² xima temporada'pero algà ¹ n dà ­ a, tà ¹ y yo nos vamos a despertar...
You were going to California with my son.
TÃ ¹ te ibas a ir para California con mi hijo.
You're going to Hell too, Florence.
Tú tambià © n te irà ¡ s al Infierno, Florence.
- You got it? - Got it.
-  ¿ Tú te encargas?
You came to me and said, give me a day to show me what you got.
Tú te acercaste y me pediste un dà ­ a para mostrarme tu valà ­ a.
You better tell me where that Serbian buy is going down, boy, or I'm gonna give you a classic tactic.
Dime dà ³ nde se va a realizar esa compra serbia o te enseà ± arà © otra tà ¡ ctica clà ¡ sica.
Yeah, but I ain't gonna miss your ass. Oh.
Sà ­, pero tú no te me vas a ir.
It's best if you keep them.
Meor si te lo quedas tú.
I know you don't owe me anything, but I'm asking you this one favour.
-  ¿ Sà ­? Tú no me debes nada, pero solo te pido este favor. -  ¿ Quà ©?
Why don't you fucking blow yourself'cause Lucy's not going to anymore!
Chúpatela tú mismo. Porque Lucy no te la chupará ¡ mà ¡ s.
Then, I shall bring you tea.
- Entonces te traerá © tà ©.
I brought you some tea.
Te traje un poco de tà ©.
And you broke all of them.
Y tú te los saltaste.

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