Uninhabitable перевод на испанский
151 параллельный перевод
My flat's uninhabitable.
Mi apartamento está inhabitable.
In uninhabitable places.
En lugares inhabitables.
Aboveground, Paris, like most of the world, was uninhabitable, riddled with radioactivity.
La superficie de París, y sin duda la de la mayor parte del mundo... era inhabitable, podrida por la radioactividad.
We were all living then in Grandfather's studio, because our house was uninhabitable. There was a huge town-plan hanging on the wall in the studio.
Todos vivíamos entonces en el estudio del abuelo, y de la pared colgaba un plano gigante de la ciudad.
And, if there were a war, at least 20 per cent of the areas into which people had been evacuated would themselves be rendered totally uninhabitable by the resulting radioactive fallout.
Y, si hubiera guerra, al menos el 20 % de las áreas donde la población se habría evacuado se volverían totalmente inhabitables como resultado de la lluvia radioactiva.
The bridge is uninhabitable.
El puente es inhabitable.
Minara is now entering a critical period and the Enterprise has been ordered to evacuate the station before the planet becomes uninhabitable.
Ahora Minara está entrando en un período crítico y a la Enterprise se le ordenó evacuar el centro antes de que el planeta se volviese inhabitable.
He had seen the north, the vast, silent, frozen sea... unendurable, uninhabitable.
Había visto el norte, el vasto, silencioso y helado mar... insufrible, inhabitable.
It threatens to destroy the vegetation on the entire planet, leaving it uninhabitable.
Amenaza con destruir la vegetación de todo el planeta convirtiéndolo en inhabitable.
It would make the Earth's atmosphere uninhabitable to the human race, but exactly like the atmosphere of Mars!
Sería una atmósfera de la Tierra inhabitable para la raza humana,... pero exactamente igual que la atmósfera de Marte!
He'd find it uninhabitable.
No la encontraría habitable.
We intend to make this planet, uninhabitable for humans beings.
Intentaremos hacer este planeta inhabitable para los seres humanos.
There's a room it will share with a nanny, but right now it's uninhabitable.
Podría decirte con Ariane, pero dormirá con la niñera en un cuarto que ahora está inhabitable.
That the California desert, arid and uninhabitable, would be developed into thriving model communities.
... que el desierto de California, árido e inóspito se transformaría en una próspera comunidad modelo.
After all, there's 30,000 cubic metres to deal with today. We'll make them uninhabitable, or even pull them down.
Al fin y al cabo, hoy nos esperan 30.000 metros cúbicos que tenemos que derribar o hacer inhabitables.
Won't be long before the place becomes uninhabitable.
No pasará mucho antes de que se vuelva inhabitable.
Noisy, garish and uninhabitable!
Ruidosa, sucia e inhabitable.
A vast area would be uninhabitable, with many cancer cases later.
Vastas areas quedarían inhabitables, con muchos casos de cancer.
We found it uninhabitable.
Lo encontramos inhabitable.
Federation plans currently include operations on nine planets previously considered uninhabitable.
Los planes de la Federación actualmente incluyen operaciones en nueve planetas que antes se consideraban inhabitables.
It lasted 5,000 years, rendered four fifths of the earth's surface uninhabitable and wiped out all but the hardiest of nature's creations.
Duró 5.000 años, provocó que cuatro quintos de la superficie terrestre quedaran inhabitables y lo destruyó todo menos las criaturas más fuerte de la creación.
By an international decision, the destroyed nations territories have been declared uninhabitable zones!
Por decisión internacional, los territorios de las naciones destruidas han sido declarados zonas inhabitables.
we may have fled the earth once it became uninhabitable.
Pudimos huir de la Tierra una vez que se volvio inhabitable.
- This place is uninhabitable.
- Este sitio es inhabitable.
We have created such mess with this pituitary that the flat has become uninhabitable.
Hemos creado tal lío con esto de la hipófisis que el apartamento se ha vuelto inhabitable.
Can I ask him to assuage my fears that he's contaminating the planet and making it uninhabitable?
¿ Puedo pedirle pruebas de que no está contaminando el planeta y haciéndolo inhabitable?
Perhaps man might find the planet uninhabitable without spiders.
Tal vez el planeta fuera inhabitable sin las arañas.
That's the only difference between what we enjoy here on Earth and the really harsh, uninhabitable blackness of space.
y ésa es la única diferencia entre lo que disfrutamos aquí en la Tierra y lo que es realmente dañino, inevitable, en la oscuridad del espacio.
Rustic gods that live in this uninhabitable place.
Rústicos dioses que en este inhabitable lugar moráis.
When the house proved suddenly uninhabitable, however... Henry van der Luyden offered... an old cottage on his property nearby.
Cuando imprevistamente la casa resultó ser inhabitable Henry van der Luyden ofreció un viejo chalet en una propiedad cercana.
But most people will go on as they always have, ignoring, adapting, until finally the planet is truly uninhabitable.
Pero la mayoría de la gente seguirá como siempre, ignorando, adaptándose, hasta que el planeta sea realmente inhabitable.
If something isn't done our planet will become uninhabitable.
nuestro planeta se hará inhabitable.
Atrea will become uninhabitable in 13 months.
Atrea será inhabitable en 13 meses.
I estimate that the planet will be uninhabitable in less than 38 hours.
El planeta se volverá inhabitable en menos de 38 horas.
Instead, we come to you as refugees. Exiles from a planet rendered uninhabitable... by our own negligence.
Sin embargo, acudimos a ustedes como refugiados exiliados de un planeta que se ha vuelto inhabitable por nuestra propia negligencia.
Main vessel declared uninhabitable.
Recipiente Principal declarado Inhabitable.
Unless you release that spirit from this world and end the struggle you make the body uninhabitable for anyone.
Si no liberas el espíritu de este mundo y terminas la lucha haces que el cuerpo sea inhabitable para cualquiera.
A lot of them are uninhabitable.
Muchos no son habitables.
When it's over, the planet will be uninhabitable for generations.
Cuando se acabe, el planeta estará deshabitado durante generaciones.
The Baron insists the southern areas are uninhabitable.
El barón insiste en que las áreas del sur son inhabitables.
The world outside is uninhabitable.
Afuera, el mundo es inhabitable.
The outside world is uninhabitable!
¡ El mundo exterior no se puede habitar!
Let's not get into a contest over rocks uninhabitable most of the year.
No compitamos por unas rocas que son inhabitables la mayor parte del año.
More than 80 percent of the ship is uninhabitable.
Más del 80 % de la nave está inhabitable.
Like the Earth, it too will finally become uninhabitable.
Al igual que la Tierra la luna Titán también se hará inhabitable.
The Baron insists the southern areas are uninhabitable.
EL Barón sigue diciendo que las áreas del sur son inhabitables.
The baron insists... the southern areas are uninhabitable.
El barón insiste... en que las áreas del sur son inhabitables.
The Grenelle and Passy Districts quickly become uninhabitable.
En unas horas, el barrio de Grenelle y gran parte del de Passy se vuelven inhabitables. "
Oh, it's a blue-green gem of a world rendered uninhabitable.
Oh, es una gema azul y verde de un mundo que quedó inabitable.
The planet is an uninhabitable gas giant, but it has a large moon on the far side.
El planeta es un gas gigante inhabitable. Pero tiene una luna grande al otro lado.
Seven decks have been rendered uninhabitable and we've had to relocate the crew.
7 cubiertas han resultado inhabitables y tuvimos que reubicar a la tripulación.