Unscathed перевод на испанский
298 параллельный перевод
I tell you that Andrew Jackson, that great volcano at Washington, is belching forth a lava of political corruption... which is sweeping over the length and breadth of this land, leaving unscathed no green spot, no living thing.
Os digo que Andrew Jackson, ese gran volcán de Washington, está arrojando una lava de corrupción política que está barriendo todo lo largo y ancho de esta tierra no dejando ilesa ni parcela verde ni cosa viviente.
Now we all repair to the riverbank... where we hope to find the mighty Fearless unscathed and unharmed.
Ahora nos dirigimos todos a la ribera... donde esperamos encontrar al poderoso Intrépido sano y salvo.
We've come unscathed, my friend and I, through untold perils.
Hemos vuelto ilesos, huyendo de innumerables peligros.
You've come unscathed through a few public houses too, or I'm no judge.
Venís ilesos de unos cuantos bares.
If you're unscathed you'll meet her and you forget about me.
Y si ninguna bala te diera, entonces te vas con ella y te olvidas del Capitán Galdino Ferreira.
He returned unscathed and look at me.
Volvió sin un rasguño, y míreme a mí.
You won't go unscathed, even... you are guilty.
No saldrá indemne, usted es culpable.
Vrestin, have you mended the communicator? ( IAN CHUCKLES ) Well, my boy, we've managed to come out of this knot unscathed.
Vrestin, has arreglado el comunicador? Bien, querido, nos hemos gestionado para salir de este nudo indemnes.
The one thing I tried to carry unscathed through the sewer of our marriage through the sick nights and the pathetic, stupid days through the derision and the laughter.
La única cosa que traté de mantener ilesa en nuestra basura conyugal a través de noches de asco y días inertes y patéticos a través de la mofa y la risa. ¡ Dios, la risa!
He failed to set the sun on fire, just as the town at which he aimed his rockets remained unscathed.
Él no consiguió prender fuego al sol... igual que la ciudad a la que apuntaba sus cohetes permaneció indemne.
In any case, neither one of you are getting away from this unscathed.
En cualquier caso, ninguno de vosotros escapará de esta situación.
But since the fire would leave him unscathed The impious pierced him with a dagger
"Pero como el fuego... no le hacía daño... los infieles lo apuñalaron."
And the ginger biscuit were unscathed.
- y las galletas están intactas.
Oh, she will emerge unscathed. Women are like cats. Have you never noticed?
Saldrá sin daño alguno, las mujeres son como invariablemente caen de pie.
But there she is, unscathed.
Pero ahí está, ilesa.
I can be smashed to bits in a bomb-proof dugout, or I can survive ten hours unscathed out in the open.
Yo mismo puedo saltar hecho pedazos dentro de un refugio, o sobrevivir 10 horas a campo abierto
To put it bluntly, I don't think your daughter escaped this incident entirely unscathed.
Francamente, no creo que su hija haya salido indemne de este incidente.
Fierce and cruel as he was I almost regret his death when there are much worse villains walking around unscathed!
¡ Aunque era siniestro y malvado su muerte me duele de verdad ya que villanos mucho peores viven aún impunes!
I didn't get away unscathed either.
No salió ileso tampoco.
If you should come through this fearful ordeal unscathed, I'd like to offer you lunch at my club.
Si llega a salir de esta terrible odisea sano y salvo... quisiera ofrecerle un almuerzo en mi club.
We can't let the gent go home unscathed, can we?
No dejaremos que el caballero vuelva a casa entero, ¿ verdad?
You always squirm out of these things unscathed.
Siempre se retuercen de estas cosas ileso.
He says you're a warrior, and that there is a chance that you will emerge from this challenge unscathed.
Dice que eres un guerrero... y que es posible que salgas ileso de este reto.
It's a miracle Maurice got out of there unscathed.
¡ Ya es un milagro haber sacado a Maurice de ese antro!
But in the end, the Japanese are finally defeated and turned back, while the McCarthur landings go unscathed.
Pero al final, los Japoneses son finalmente derrotados y obligados a retroceder, mientras los desembarques de MacArthur ocurren incólume.
You know, it is a wonder I got out of there unscathed.
Usted sabe, es un milagro que saliera de allí ilesa.
You know, it is amazing, all things considered... LexCorp came through this computer virus relatively unscathed.
Es increíble, tomando todo en consideración a LexCorp casi no la afectó el virus informático.
I just managed to come out unscathed
Me las apañé para salir ileso.
Good thing this cookie arrived unscathed.
Por suerte esta galletita llegó intacta,
One deaf woman survives unscathed while everything else around her dies.
Una mujer sorda sobrevive indemne mientras todo lo demás alrededor suyo muere.
Issa managed to get back to the cover of the helicopters unscathed.
Issa se dirigio de regreso a los helicopteros para cubrirse.
Will he survive unscathed?
¿ Saldrá ileso?
I don't know who gave the route, but there's no way I'd go unscathed...
No sé quién les daría la ruta, pero si salgo ileso...
Surely our planet could not have survived unscathed?
Nuestro planeta tampoco pudo haber quedado intacto.
Now, Charlie got horribly burned and scarred for life, but his beautiful sister, Chloe, got out unscathed.
Charlie se quemó horriblemente y quedó marcado de por vida, pero su hermosa hermana, Chloe, salió ilesa.
Do you think the Namgungs who were favored by the Emperor will be left unscathed?
Crees que los Namgung que fueron favorecidos por el Emperador se les dejará ilesos?
Well, he seems to have gotten through yesterday's events unscathed.
Parece que salió ileso de los acontecimientos de ayer.
Only the highest office in the land seemed to have survived unscathed.
Sólo los más altos oficios del país parecieron salir indemnes.
My guy's walking away from this unscathed.
Mi cliente saldrá de ésta indemne.
If what you're saying is true and a second jar survived the trip unscathed...
Si lo que dice es verdad y la segunda vasija sobrevivió el viaje intacta...
I always knew the E Company men who trained at Toccoa wouldn't get through the war unscathed.
Los entrenados en Toccoa no pasarían de rositas.
Trust me. Remember you came out unscathed.
Confía, recuerda que saliste intacto.
I tried hard but he escaped unscathed.
Yo intenté dificilmente pero él escapó indemne.
I warn you or you won't leave unscathed!
Te aviso, o no saldrás ileso!
God help you if you get stuck in that system... because it's very easy to get in... and it's almost impossible to get out unscathed... because you're up against an adversary... that has everything going for it except maybe the truth.
Dios te ayude Si te quedas atascado en ese sistema... porque es muy fácil para entrar.. y es casi imposible para salir ileso... porque usted está en contra de un adversario... que tiene todo a su favor excepto tal vez la verdad.
Still, my people, the water-breathers, went relatively unscathed.
Aun así, mi gente, los respiradores de agua, estábamos relativamente a salvo.
I promise you that we will get through this night together, unscathed.
Te juro que saldremos airosos de ésta.
Oh, thank goodness, it made it through unscathed.
Gracias a Dios que no le pasó nada.
What happened to make this time different than all the other times when you had left a job unscathed?
¿ Qué hizo que esta ocasión fuera distinta de las otras en las que salió ileso del trabajo?
A teenage girl falls six stories, then walks away unscathed.
Una joven se cae de un sexto piso y se marcha caminando ilesa.
If you have enough trust... in the Order, you and your soul mate... will come out of this experience unscathed.
Si tienen suficiente confianza... en la Orden... ustedes y su alma gemela... saldrán ilesos de esta experiencia.