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Violins перевод на испанский

319 параллельный перевод
Cathedrals, and violins, and rice?
¡ Tu Chartres, tu violon y tu arroz!
In the blue water and the blue firmament the violins sow their haunting strains and the love vows of the sender ever sweeter and more tender hold you in love's embrace again
"Por las aguas y el cielo azul " Los violines reparten su son ; " Dulces son las palabras y tierno, el rumor
You ought to have violins playing when you talk.
Debes oír violines cuando hablas así.
It warms the heart like singing violins.
Endulza el corazón como la música del violín.
You've got two violins, professor, why don't you play anything?
Tiene dos violines, profesor. ¿ Por qué no toca?
My violins and I are on vacation.
Mis violines y yo estamos de vacaciones.
We'll steal the violins and throw them at the stars.
Lanzaremos los violines.
There should be violins playing when you talk that way, Julie.
Solo te faltan los violines.
It's violins, you know?
Son violines, ¿ sabes?
But what killed me is that from nowhere an orchestra started - - Violins and everything right in the middle of the jungle.
Pero lo que me mató es que de la nada, una orquesta empezó- - violines y todo- - en el medio de la jungla.
- I like violins best
- Sí, sobre todo los violines.
She knocked over some violins.
Tiró mis violines al saltar.
I've always wanted something for working through the sound holes of violins... and that seems to be exactly right.
Ah, sí. Siempre quise algo para limpiar los hoyos de los violines... y el puñal me sirve a la perfección.
I'm in the telephone book under violins.
Estoy en el directorio bajo violines.
♪ And no mandolins or violins or pianos ♪
Ni bandolones, Violines o pianos
You know, red wine, white moonlight, gypsy violins.
Ya sabes, vino tinto, luz de luna, violines gitanos.
Full of bad taste and tears, and the moon, oleanders, violins, and the ocean and love.
Llenos de mal gusto y lágrimas, con la luna, las flores, los violines, el mar y el amor.
First, soft violins
Primero, suaves violines
You know, in the daytime they make violins, and in the evening, they fiddle.
De día fabrican violines y al atardecer los tocan.
# A serenade of silver strings # From dreamy violins... #
La serenata de cuerdas de plata de lánguidos violines...
You speak and I hear violins
You speak and I hear violins
We have violins, we have flutes... we have....
- Tenemos violines, tenemos flautas... tenemos arpas.
Yes, I know you have to go to Mr. Oberkugen's party... but you'II try to get there for my part of the audition, won't you? - They're taking the violins last.
Sí, ya sé que tienes que ir a la fiesta del Oberkugen... pero procura ir más tarde para el momento de mi audición, ¿ quieres?
I call it good music, but it's really just pop stuff with a lot of violins.
Y a lo que llamo buena música, es música ligera de violines.
Night life.. no violins. It's enough to make a man..
Una noche así, estos violines, suficiente para que un hombre...
Don't you have cases for violins, trombones...?
¿ No tenéis estuches de violín, trombón, contrabajo?
Romance, with violins. Don't move.
¡ El romance, la gran pasión!
Lights on dimmers and gypsy violins offstage.
Luz tenue y violines gitanos de fondo.
Perhaps you're not aware, madam, that guitars are something like violins.
Igual no sabía, señora, que las guitarras son como los violines.
They don't play violins But you must have noticed the disgraceful way they are carrying on?
¿ Se habrá fijado en su conducta escandalosa?
Scratchy violins?
¿ Violines chirriantes?
♪ And the violins were soft and sweet ♪ And so was I ♪
Y los violines sonaron suave y dulce... como yo...
♪ The violins ♪ Were warm and sweet ♪ And so were you, mam'selle
La música de los violines... era suave y dulce, como usted, mademoiselle.
- I have to go on makin'a living so I can die. - ♪ The violins were sweet
Tengo que ganar dinero para morir dignamente.
Deck tennis, gypsy violins.
Tenis en cubierta, violines zíngaros.
Remember how in the morning we escorted you to the train with violins playing and everybody cried like when a king you love very much leaves his country.
Por la mañana, le acompañamos al tren al son de violines. y todo el mundo lloraba como cuando un rey muy querido deja su país.
Maybe have a quartet of violins.
Tal vez contrate un cuarteto de violines.
I even thought that you'd have Gypsy violins playing somewhere outside and that the lights would be dimmed low.
Pensé que tendría a violinistas zíngaros tocando ahí fuera y que la luz estaría atenuada.
These are the violins? The altos.
- Estos son violines?
He was attacked by people with drums, trumpets and other violins.
Lo ha atacado gente con tambores, trompetas y violines.
"The long sobs of the violins of autumn."
"Los largos lamentos de los violines en otoño".
You know, about 30 or 40 violins throbbing.
30 o 40 violines vibrando.
We are going out and find Mewsette or there will be four new violins in the world.
Saldremos a buscar a Mewsette ¡ o habrán cuatro violines nuevos en el mundo!
Let's bring champagne and violins, let's call the gypsies, and if I end up cashiered in front of the troops, at least I'd have lived.
Que envíen champán y violines. Que llamen a los gitanos. Qué importa si me degradan antes las tropas, al menos he vivido.
I bet it would sound even prettier... with like... like twenty violins.
Sería aun más linda, digamos, con 20 violines.
Other than violins!
¡ Y luego los violines!
You know, violins playing, all her lovers come back in a beautiful scene.
Con violines y sus amantes juntos en una escena muy bonita.
The violins.
Each time you speak... it's like a thousand violins playing in the halls of heaven.
Cada vez que habla, son como mil violines... tocando en las salas del cielo.
When violins
Cuando los violines
Will the sound of trumpeter and violins.
Lo hará al son de trompetas y violines.

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