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Vivia перевод на испанский

282 параллельный перевод
Betty lived in that fashionable downtown suburb - Gas-house Gables -
Betty vivia en ese barrio residencial de moda - Gas House Gables
He said the lights in his tower were illegal and if I came and lived here it would be all right or something or other.
Dijo que las luces de estas torres eran ilegales, que si yo vivia aquí ya no lo serían o algo así.
Later I found out that Max was the only other person in that grim Sunset castle.
Más tarde descubrí que Max era la única otra persona que vivia en aquel horrible castillo de Sunset.
He lived like a hermit.
Vivia como un ermitaño.
- So this is where he lived.
- Asi que es aqui donde el vivia.
- Where does he live?
-? Donde vivia?
My name is Wasik, I used to live here.
Me llamo Wakik. Vivia aquí.
I couldn't forget the news of the boy who had grown up in the ruins of the Army Hospital.
Oi hablar de un muchacho que vivia alrededor del hospital militar hacia el final de la guerra.
This was granted... by the mouth... of our Savior, Christ Himself... to St. Peter and the bishops of Rome whilst He lived... and was personally present... here on earth.
Esto se confirió... por boca... de nuestro salvador, Jesucristo, a San Pedro y a los obispos de Roma mientras vivia... y estaba en persona... aqui en la tierra.
88 and 8th I used to live.
Yo vivia en la 88, esquina octava.
Ben Buford used to live here. He live here anymore?
Ben Buford vivia aqui. ¿ Vive todavia?
He didn't know why. Did he go there to talk with his mother who lived in the other world now? To cure his heart from the pain?
él no supo por qué. ¿ Pensaba que iba a hablar con su madre que vivia ahora en el otro mundo?
Pardon me, lady, I must have got you mixed up with someone... who used to reside at Missus...
Perdóneme, señora, la debo haber confundido con alguien que vivia en lo de la señora...
She didn't leave impulsively. She talked about it for months.
No vivia impulsivamente Ella hablo de eso por meses.
His place is in the back.
Vivia en la parte de atras.
I didn't know where you lived.
No sabia donde usted vivia.
He had a factory, had millions, was a real count, yet he's dead.
Tenía una fábrica, muchos millones, vivia como rey y se murió.
Remember he lived in that cabin?
Recuerdas que ese tipo vivia en una pequeña cabaña
My folks back home, they were upset when I told them I was living here with Dr. Mason.
Mis padres en casa, se disgustaron cuando le dije que vivia aquí con el Dr. Mason.
¿ Vivia?
¡ Vivia!
Oh, that's Vivia
Ella es Vivia Yo solía cazar con su padre.
The last seal we killed was just after Vivia's father died
Matamos nuestra última foca... justo después de que murió el padre de Vivia.
- Have you got pieces, Vivia?
- ¿ Tienes piezas, Vivia?
They played at the Starlight Bar on Hester Street. Me and the boys used to wait in the alley and watch the dancing girls when the door opened.
La tocaban en la calle donde vivia los chicos y yo soliamos ver desde el callejon como las chicas salian y bailaban a puerta abierta
Yes, I lived in an apartment in Venice, California where a throat cancer patient had died.
Vivia en el apartamento en Venice donde murio un tipo con cancer de garganta.
When he lived in Venice, he wrote it for me to sing.
Cuando vivia en Venice, para que yo la cantara.
Hamlet was tormented by his mother's incestuous relationship with his uncle.
Hamlet vivia atormentado por el incesto entre su madre y su tio.
I did not live here. I lived in the ParioIi area.
No vivia aqui, yo vivia en el area de Parioli.
It was the first time I've ever lived in a village without going away, permanently.
Era la primera vez que vivia en un pueblo Sin irme permanentemente
There was a demon that lived in the air.
En el aire vivia un demonio.
The demon lived at Mach 1 on the meter 750 miles an hour where the air could no longer move out of the way.
El demonio vivia en Mach 1 en el contador, a 1.200 km / h, donde el aire ya no podia apartarse.
He lived behind a barrier through which they said no man could ever pass.
Vivia tras una barrera que, según decian, nadie podria atravesar nunca.
I used to live here with my brother.
yo vivia aca con mi hermano.
I used to live here with my brother.
yo vivia aca con mi hermano. 192 00 : 16 : 09,261 - - 00 : 16 : 10,929 Lucien!
She lived there.
Ella vivia alli.
No, she lived with me.
No, vivia conmigo.
I especially enjoyed the story about your imaginary childhood friend, David, who lived in the oven.
Sobre todo me gustó la historia de tu amigo imaginario de niña, David, que vivia en el horno.
This is my old street.
En esta calle vivia yo
When I was a little kid, the block we lived on was the whole world to me.
Digo... cuando era un chiquillo, la cuadra donde vivia era el mundo entero para mi.
It's just something that Grady said to me... about the girl that used to live here.
Es solo algo que me conto Grady... sobre la chica que vivia aqui.
You didn't know about the murder across the street... and the crazy girl that lived here... that saw the whole thing?
No estas enterado sobre el asesinato en frente de la calle... y la chica loca que vivia aqui... que lo vio todo?
I lived in a retirement home.
Vivia en una residencia.
He lived on fatty foods.
sólo vivia de comidas grasas.
I thought her aunt lived in Fort Lauderdale.
Creia que su tia vivia en Fort Lauderdale.
You see, all the indications were that Quinn was still alive on Friday evening,
Todo indicaba que Quinn vivia el viernes a la tarde pero no vivía, como Ud. sabe.
I remember when I was a little girl back in St Olaf...
Recuerdo que, cuando era pequeña y vivia en St. Olaf...
There was this old lady who lived up the street.
Habia una señora mayor que vivia en la misma calle.
She had trouble enough while alive.
Ella tenía bastantes problemas mientras vivia.
I used to live there.
Vivia allí.

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