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Wanger перевод на испанский

41 параллельный перевод
That's all very well, but a big wanger is no use if you need a zimmer frame to tout it in.
Eso está muy bien, pero de qué vale una polla grande si necesitas un bastón.
Long wanger...
Rabo largo...
We could find nobody to produce it until Walter Wanger, a famous producer of his time, walked into my office and said,
No encontrábamos a nadie hasta que Walter Wanger un famoso productor de entonces, dijo :
Walter Wanger was a dapper veteran of the 1930s and'40s whose prolific career had recently derailed, largely due to marital problems with his wife, actress Joan Bennett.
Wanger era un veterano de los años 30 y 40. Su prolífica carrera se había torcido debido a problemas con su esposa, la actriz Joan Bennett.
Wanger served a four-month term for his crime of passion.
Wanger pasó 4 meses en prisión por este crimen.
But a surprise Oscar-winning hit in 1958, entitled I Want To Live, changed Wanger's luck for the better.
Pero el sorprendente éxito de I Want to Live cambió la suerte de Wanger.
And my special thanks to Mr Walter Wanger, who made this possible.
Y quiero agradecer especialmente a Walter Wanger que ha hecho esto posible.
And Wanger was appalled.
Y Wanger se horrorizó.
Wanger was told to rehabilitate the script and get it into theatres as soon as possible.
Le dijeron que rehiciera el guión. Y que lo pusiera en los cines cuanto antes.
Fox gave Wanger less than $ 2 million, 64 days and the run of the studio's backlot to make the picture.
Fox le dio menos de $ 2 millones, 64 días y los platós del estudio para hacer el filme.
But Wanger protested.
Pero Wanger protestó.
Where Wanger saw beauty and vision, the Fox executives saw the possibility of even bigger profits.
Wanger veía belleza donde los ejecutivos veían mayores beneficios.
But Wanger had another star in mind.
Pero Wanger pensaba en otra estrella :
Walter Wanger ignored all warnings.
Wanger desoyó las advertencias.
The phone rang and it was Walter Wanger, asking her if she'd like to play Cleopatra.
Llamó Walter Wanger para ofrecerle el papel de Cleopatra.
Eddie had taken the call and turned to her, apparently, and said what Wanger wanted and Elizabeth said, "Tell him I'll do it for a million dollars."
Eddie cogió la llamada y le dijo lo que Wanger quería. Liz dijo : "Dile que lo haré por $ 1 millón".
And Wanger said, "OK."
Y Wanger aceptó.
The motion picture casting achievement of the year is about to become a recorded fact, as Producer Walter Wanger introduces
Se va a producir el hecho cinematográfico del año.
Elizabeth Taylor to 20th Century Fox Executive Producer Buddy Adler.
Wanger presenta a Taylor a Buddy Adler, productor ejecutivo de Fox.
While Taylor finished her final MGM film, Butterfield 8, co-starring Laurence Harvey and Eddie Fisher, Wanger and Skouras hired veteran screen-writer Nigel Balchin.
Mientras Taylor acababa su último filme con MGM Butterfield 8, con L. Harvey y E. Fisher Wanger y Skouras contrataron al veterano guionista Nigel Balchin.
Skouras and Wanger turned to their friend, 62-year-old Rouben Mamoulian, a veteran known for his romantic film-making, but not for directing large-scale epics.
Skouras y Wanger pensaron en su amigo Rouben Mamoulian, de 62 años. Conocido por sus filmes románticos no había dirigido grandes filmes épicos.
Eager to avoid the heavy cost of lost production days, Wanger struck a deal with the union -
Para evitar las pérdidas de estar parados Wanger llegó a un acuerdo :
I mean, they'd start to, they'd get everything ready and it would rain just a little.
Lo preparaban todo... HIJA DE WALTER WANGER... y la lluvia lo estropeaba.
Almost immediately, producer Walter Wanger faced yet another labour dispute, when the female extras complained about their overly tight and revealing costumes.
Enseguida, Wanger hubo de afrontar otro conflicto laboral : Las extras se quejaron de sus ceñidos y atrevidos trajes.
Wanger and Mankiewicz suspected Skouras was hiding the escalating cost from Fox shareholders, for fear of being blamed, or perhaps being removed from power.
Wanger y Mankiewicz sospechaban que Skouras ocultaba el coste a los accionistas por miedo a que le echaran.
Wanger and Mankiewicz defended their actions, claiming they were making a ground-breaking motion picture that would bring audiences back into theatres.
Wanger y Mankiewicz se defendieron diciendo que el filme sería un gran éxito de taquilla.
Hunting down corruption fell to Walter Wanger, but the producer wasn't even aware of what was going on, on set, let alone in the ledger books.
Wanger decidió acabar con la corrupción. Pero no sabía ni lo que pasaba en el set. Menos aún con las cuentas.
Wanger became a figurehead, while Mankiewicz, in addition to his other duties, became the de facto producer.
Amén de sus otros deberes Mankiewicz se convirtió en productor de facto.
Studio executives ordered Wanger and Mankiewicz to quickly wrap their costly lead actress.
Los ejecutivos ordenaron acabar rápido con su costosa protagonista.
We were still at Anzio finishing up some sequences there one day when Walter Wanger was given the word that he was no longer on the picture and that his per diem is cut off and so on.
Aún estábamos en Anzio rodando... DIRECTOR DE producción... cuando se comunicó a Walter Wanger su despido y la supresión de sus dietas.
Wanger was crushed and humiliated.
Wanger se sintió humillado.
A second tell-all book, My Life With Cleopatra, was co-authored by producer Walter Wanger, who was still bitter over being cut out of Cleopatra's postproduction process.
Un segundo libro, My Life with Cleopatra fue coescrito por Walter Wanger aún resentido por haber sido echado de la posproducción.
Walter Wanger, the dapper Hollywood veteran of more than 60 films, never worked in Hollywood again.
Walter Wanger, veterano productor de más de 60 filmes no trabajó más en Hollywood.
Walter Wanger made "Blockade", which was self-evidently about the Spanish Civil War, but never mentioned Spain or Franco or the Civil War because it was felt that this would complicate acceptability in many countries.
Walter Wanger hizo una película llamada "Bloqueo", cuyo tema era evidentemente la Guerra Civil española, pero nunca mencionó España o Franco o la Guerra Civil, porque se pensaba que eso complicaría su aceptación... en muchos países.
I had lightning bolts on my wanger.
Tenía rayos pintados en mi instrumento.
¿ Wagner?
- Cock, dick, schiang, wang, wanger- -
Pene, pito, palo, verga, choto, chotito- -
I suddenly have the urge to tweet my wanger.
De repente quiero tuitear mi tranca.
My wanger is way stressed out.
Tengo la polla estresada.
- us and Mr. Wanger.
- el Sr. Wanger y nosotros.
Wanger was also ordered to cast his leading lady from the roster of Fox's affordable contract players.
A Wanger se le dijo que eligiera...

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