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Warned перевод на испанский

8,042 параллельный перевод
Hell, I warned you.
Demonios, te lo advertí.
I often warned...
Muchas veces advertí...
You know, the fella before me warned me about that boiler.
Mire, el tipo que había antes que yo me advirtió sobre aquella caldera.
You might at least have warned me, Misia.
Pudiste habérmelo dicho al menos, Misia.
The deputy minister. He's been warned.
El Viceministro ha sido advertido.
Indrid is my friend. He warned me about you.
Indrid es mi amigo y me lo contó todo.
You could've warned me beforehand.
Podías haberme avisado de antemano.
- I bloody warned you!
¡ Te lo advertí!
They have neither warned me, nor promised me anything.
No me advirtieron ni me prometieron nada.
I warned all of you.
Se los advertí a todos.
As far as you and I, I was warned about you.
En cuanto a ti y a mí, ya me lo habían advertido.
Warned you would betray me.
Me advirtieron que me traicionarías.
"Hey, who's the person who warned you about him " in not just one, not just two, "but five emails, one of which had an emoticon of a wagging finger?"
Oye, ¿ quién te advirtió sobre él no una vez, ni dos, sino con cinco emails, uno de los cuales tenía un emoticono de dedo acusador?
Hey, I warned you.
Oye, te avisé.
I warned you the press was going to spin it this way.
Te advertí el de prensa iba a girar de esta manera.
I warned you.. Sir, I've brought him along.
Te dije que no vinieras si no era con el león..
He warned us that one day, there would be a day of reckoning.
Él nos advirtió que un día, no sería un día de ajuste de cuentas.
How come we weren't warned?
¿ Cómo es que no nos avisaron?
I warned you that revealing the truth would be the death of Wayward Pines.
Te advertí que la revelación de la verdad sería la muerte de Wayward Pines.
Well, ultimately, he'll blame you, love, because we know Ryan warned you of the danger.
Al final te culpará a ti, porque sabemos que Ryan te advirtió del peligro.
Someone must have warned them.
Alguien debió haberles advertido.
I warned them.
Yo se los dije.
I fucking warned you, Pepper.
Te lo advertí, Pepper.
- I warned you try to.
- Te advertí, intente hacerlo.
Ah! You know, you could've warned me.
Podrías haberme advertido.
I warned you... but you shouted at me now see for yourself you respect him so much but for him we are nobody... huh...
Te lo advertí pero me gritaste. Ahora ve por ti mismo. Lo respeto mucho, pero para él no somos nadie.
She warned me.
Me avisó.
I warned you guys- - when I fear for my life, I kick and scream and yell and I tell people exactly what I think about them.
Les advertí chicos cuando temo por mi vida, pateo y grito y chillo y digo a la gente exactamente lo pienso en ellos.
Mother warned me Dahlia would kill us all to acquire another firstborn Mikaelson, and me, I'm in no mood to die.
Madre me avisó de que Dahlia nos mataría a todos para adquirir otro primogénito Mikaelson, y por lo que a mí respecta, no estoy de humor para morir.
All right, ladies, you were warned.
Señoritas, estaban advertidas.
I'm the one that warned you to pack your belongings and flee.
Te advertí de que cogieras tus cosas y huyeras.
Were you warned about testifying in this case?
¿ Se le advirtió acerca de testificar en este caso?
You warned her.
Se lo advertiste.
The CPS have warned me that we don't have enough to charge him with the murder of Dale Barge.
Los CPS me advirtieron que no tenemos suficiente, para acusarlo del asesinato de Dale Barge.
Who warned Adams we were coming?
¿ Quién avisó a Adams que vendríamos?
I warned you our losses would be severe.
Le advertí de que nuestras pérdidas serían graves.
India has warned that if we don't cooperate they will launch a surgical strike...
La India advirtió que si no cooperamos lanzarán un ataque quirúrgico- -
Sir, our ex-officer Jamal, warned me that this year there is going to be lot of fireworks.
Señor, nuestro ex oficial Jamal, me advirtió que este año habrían muchos fuegos artificiales.
No, but at least you could have warned me when one of your mistakes - is gonna become my problem.
No, pero al menos pudiste haberme advertido... cuando uno de tus errores se convertirá mi problema.
He broke a window in my house after I warned him, so I took it off him as payment.
Rompió una ventana de la casa después de que le gritara, así que se lo quité como pago.
I warned you about a threat from within.
Te avisé sobre una amenaza interna.
I warned you this was personal.
Te advertí que esto era personal.
You could have at least warned him about the furniture.
Al menos pudiste haberle advertido sobre los muebles.
What if the man they arrested s the one we were warned about?
¿ Y si al que han detenido es al hombre del que nos advirtieron?
Warned? Warned how?
¿ Que os avisaron?
Somebody warned them.
Alguien les avisó.
Hey, if somebody warned the Kettlemans, it was probably somebody who was worried about those kids.
Si alguien avisó a los Kettleman, sería alguien que estaría preocupado por esos niños.
Now, and whoever the somebody is who may have warned the Kettlemans got them out of there before you did anything even more stupid.
Ahora, y quienquiera que fuese el que pudo avisar a los Kettleman los sacó de allí antes de que hicieras algo más estúpido.
OK, I warned you!
¡ De acuerdo, se lo advertí!
But be warned, it does get physical.
Pero te aviso, las cosas se pueden calentar.
I warned you
Se lo advertí.
warner 112

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