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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ W ] / We'll see you then

We'll see you then перевод на испанский

576 параллельный перевод
Then we'll just see if this woman is crazy, or if you're the one lying.
Supongo que podemos enterarnos de si está loca o si miente juntando los zapatos.
Now then, if we're successful in disposing of these lots, I'll see that you get a nice commission.
Ahora bien, si disponemos exitosamente de estos lotes, le daré una comisión.
- tomorrow you'll see a pity it isn't today then we could eat our fill with good Austrian food will you join me?
Qué pena que no sea ya hoy. ¡ Podríamos obtener buena cocina austriaca! ¡ Ven conmigo!
We'll drop in now and then to see how you're getting along, you know.
Pasaremos de vez en cuando a ver cómo te las arreglas, ya sabes.
Then we'll go on over. We'll see the sheriff, and you can give yourself up.
Luego seguiremos, iremos a ver al sheriff... y te entregarás.
We'll put you at a bench first, see how things are talk to the men, see what they're saying, and then you can let me know.
Vamos a probarlo primero, para ver como marcha, hable a los muchachos, vea lo que dicen y hágamelo saber.
you can't resist your kind heart anyway nonsense she'll accompany us to Leipzig and then we'll see
no puede resistir su corazón amable de todos modos no tiene sentido ella nos acompañará a Leipzig y entonces veremos
You get your business with Cairo over with and then we'll see how we stand.
Arregle sus asuntos con Cairo y entonces veremos dónde estamos.
We can arrange that for you, but have the child first, and then we'll see if you wish to give it up.
Nosotros podemos arreglar eso pero ten el niño primero y luego veremos si quieres entregarlo.
Actually, I don't need any help. But if we don't help each other, between us ex-bersaglieri... hey, I'll give you food and drink, then we'll see what happens.
Realmente no necesito a nadie... pero es un deber a un camarada... que sirvió en los Bersaglieri.
Then we'll put all these there, too, and then we'll board it up... so you'll never have to see it again, never even think of it.
Entonces también llevaremos todo esto allí y lo entablaremos... para que no tengas que volver a verlo ni pensar en ello.
Then we'll see how tough you are.
Entonces veremos qué tan fuerte eres.
- Then we'll see you tomorrow?
- ¿ Entonces lo veremos mañana?
You keep her in bed for a few days, and then we'll get her to the office and really see. No use getting too technical until we really know.
Debe estar en cama unos días... y después veremos qué es en mi consultorio.
But then we'll see you to your train.
- Te acompañaremos al tren.
We'll see you safely to a taxi, then to the British Consulate.
Le acompañaremos en un taxi hasta el Consulado Británico.
Then we'll see how well you can control them.
Ya veremos si logran controlarlos con éxito.
We'll see you soon, then.
Nos veremos pronto, entonces.
Well, off you go now. Then we'll see, won't we?
Váyase ahora, ya veremos.
You go and sleep first, Peter, then we'll see.
Primero descanse, Peter. Luego ya veremos.
Then we'll never see you again?
¿ No volveremos a verlo nunca?
We'll see you later, then.
Entonces nos veremos luego.
We'll be expecting to see you then.
Estaremos esperándolo.
And we'll see you next week then. Good-bye.
Nos vemos la semana que viene.
Then, we'll see how you feel in the morning.
A ver cómo te sientes mañana.
I'll meet you there and then we'll go see about having that drink.
Las encuentro allí y vamos a ver como conseguir esa bebida.
- We'll see you tomorrow then?
- Entonces, ¿ nos vemos mañana?
And then we'll see if we can put a little decency and esprit de corps into you.
Y luego veré si puedo insuflarles algo de decencia y espíritu de cuerpo.
Then we'll see if you feel the same afterwards.
Y veremos si luego dice lo mismo.
You stay back in camp. And when we've got everything fixed up just the way we want it, then we'll bring you back, see how you feel about it.
Quédate en el campamento y cuando todo esté tal y como lo queremos, te traeremos a ver qué te parece.
They've transferred you to the city kennel, then we'll see.
Te han transferido a la Perrera Municipal. - Luego veremos. - ¿ Luego veremos?
We'll be right back and then you'll see.
Volveremos enseguida. Ya lo verás.
And you'll know, and then we'll see.
Y tú lo sabrás y luego veremos.
Well, you better get to bed and get some rest because it is very late, and I'll see you first thing in the morning and then we can discuss your chores.
Bueno, será mejor que te acuestes. Es muy tarde. Nos vemos mañana para hablar de tus tareas.
I hope we'll see you then.
Espero que nos veamos luego.
So what? You're a fool, because since we didn't get enough votes in the free elections instead we'll get sovereignty in our own way, you see? Then I'll cross that line out.
Tú eres tonto porque con las libres elecciones hemos obtenido muy pocos votos, así que la soberanía la obtendremos a nuestra manera.
We'll see you after this trip, then we decide where we go from there.
Lee veremos tras este viaje y luego decidiremos cómo seguimos.
Well, we'll see you then.
Bien, nos veremos entonces.
Los veremos entonces en KTVT.
Then you'll see, on the side, we can both sleep very well.
Además, ya verás como durmiendo de lado hay sitio para los dos.
If we say to him... You'll see what happens, then...
Ya verás lo que pasa entonces...
You see, she's coming home from school in a few days, and then we'll be off together, and you can return to conducting yourself as you consider proper in a bachelor's household.
Vendrá a casa de la universidad en unos días... y luego nos iremos juntas, y usted podrá volver a comportarse... como lo considere apropiado en una casa de solteros.
I'll introduce you to my mother, we'll have a drink you can see the house and then we'll leave. Okay?
Te presento a mi madre, bebemos un trago,... echas un vistazo a la casa y luego nos vamos. ¿ Te parece bien?
All right, we'll see you then.
No, uh, no lo creo.
You'll be hearing from my lawyer. We'll see what happens then!
Te las tendrás que ver con mi abogado y ya veremos cómo terminamos.
You get some rest and then we'll see.
Descansas un poco y luego vemos.
Then we'll have to treat her without telling her, you see.
Entonces tendremos que tratarla sin decirle nada.
Well, then we'll see you at the next confiscation.
Bueno, ya le veremos en la próxima confiscación.
Just let it all out and then we'll see about getting you where you want to be.
Desahógate y veremos adónde quieres ir.
We'll see you then.
Nos veremos mañana.
- Well... then... we'll see you Friday?
- Bueno... pues... ¿ la veremos el viernes?

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