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We're going again перевод на испанский

708 параллельный перевод
But we're going back again in a couple of weeks.
Pero volveremos en un par de semanas,
Now we're going to begin at the beginning again.
Ya estamos volviendo a empezar desde el principio.
Vamos a empezar todo de nuevo.
Gosh, to think that we're going to have real jobs again, earn money.
Sólo pensar que vamos a volver a trabajar y a ganar dinero...
Oh, no. We're not going to have that all over again.
¡ Oh, no, no vamos a volver a empezar de nuevo con eso!
And Wednesday afternoon we're going to meet again... he said... but before that, he'll phone... or he'll write.
Y el miércoles por la tarde nos volveremos a ver. Eso dijo. Pero antes llamará, o escribirá.
Now, we're not going to start That marriage business over again.
No por favor, no comencemos ahora con ese asunto del matrimonio otra vez.
Well, if we're going to work together again, I'm quite ready to forget what happened.
Si volvemos a trabajar juntos estoy dispuesto a olvidar el pasado.
We're going to stage Rhadini's act again.
Vamos a representar el número de Rhadini otra vez.
You tell that bunch of hoodlums that i said... if they come over here again, we're going to fight... clear down to our boots and up to our necks in blood.
Dígales a esos matones que si vuelven a venir... pelearemos hasta que la sangre nos cubra de pies a cabeza.
We're going now, and I was afraid I wouldn't see you again.
Nos vamos. Tenía miedo de no volver a verte más.
Well, brothers and sisters, once again we're going to have a little entertainment.
Hermanos y hermanas hoy toca espectáculo, otra vez.
And once again, brothers and sisters, we're going to share our pleasure with some neighbours less fortunate than ourselves.
Una vez más compartiremos nuestro placer con unos vecinos más desafortunados que nosotros.
We're not going into that again.
Por favor, Tim, no empecemos con eso.
We're all going to be rich again.
Y seremos ricos otra vez.
Well, we're going out that way again.
Iremos allí otra vez.
I expect we're bound to meet again one day, but until we do... I'm going to enjoy myself as I've never enjoyed myself before.
Supongo que estamos destinados a volver a encontrarnos, pero... hasta que llegue ese día... voy a divertirme yo solo, como jamás me he divertido.
We're finally going to see our famillies again!
Por fin volverá a ver a su chica. La guerra ha terminado.
And we're never going to let you get lost again. You're crying?
Estás a salvo, y no permitiremos que te vuelva a ocurrir nada.
Okay, Marty, but you'll be seeing her again... because we're going to find her and don't think for a minute we won't.
Está bien, Marty, pero vas a verla de nuevo... porque vamos a encontrarla y no pienses que no vamos a encontrarla.
I'm afraid we're going to have to postpone it again.
Me temo que vamos a tener que aplazarlo otra vez.
We ´ re going to travel again.
Vamos a viajar otra vez.
Tha  s your father again. And we're not going to answer.
Es tu padre otra vez y no le vamos a abrir.
- It's true. We're going now, and I was afraid I wouldn't see you again.
Temía no volver a verlo.
Yes, and if you've finished stuffing yourself, I can say it again because we're going back to the rehearsal.
Sí, y si has acabado de darte el atracón, lo repetiré, porque volvemos a los ensayos.
Yes, we're not going to get involved with girls again.
Sí, no vamos a complicarnos de nuevo con chicas.
- Is she going out again? - Yeah, we're going to that Legion party.
- ¿ Se va a ir otra vez?
Not again. We're going back!
- ¿ Otra vez pensabas escapar?
We're going to blow such a hole in Tirpitz, she'll never move again.
Haremos tal agujero en el Tirpitz, que no volverá a moverse.
I'm all finished. Oh, well, that means that we're not going to see you again until next spring.
Eso significa que no nos veremos hasta la próxima primavera.
But one day, in a week, a month, a year on that day when, God willing, we all return to our homes again you're going to feel very proud of what you have achieved here in the face of great adversity.
Pero un día, en una semana, un mes, un año o cuando Dios quiera que volvamos a casa nos sentiremos orgullosos de la tarea realizada aquí superando grandes adversidades.
We're not going to start that again!
¡ No empecemos de nuevo!
Callers have complained they couldn't hear all of the Vince Everett record... because of the commercial, so we're going to play it again.
Muchos se han quejado de que no pudieron oír el disco de ince Everett... debido al comercial, así que Io volveremos a poner.
We're going down again.
Bajamos de nuevo.
This summer we're going south again for his holiday.
Este verano volveremos a pasar las vacaciones en el sur.
Everything's going to be all right now. - We're all together again.
Todo cambiará ahora, estamos juntas otra vez.
We're going to be together again, isn't that so?
Vamos a trabajar juntos otra vez, ¿ verdad?
Glory be to God, we're going to bust out again like we used to.
Alabado sea Dios, vamos a desmadrarnos como antes.
We're going to start again with the mambo.
Empezaremos de nuevo con el mambo.
But, baby, we're going to be among people again.
Pero, hija, vamos a volver a estar entre personas.
We're going to take you to Baltimore for an operation so you can walk again.
Iremos a Baltimore para una operación... Para que puedas caminar.
You mean we're going to have to make camp again? When there's a town in plain sight?
¿ Vamos a tener que acampar otra vez teniendo un pueblo a la vista?
I think we're going to make it. We're picking it up again.
Comandante, creo que no llegamos!
We're not going to dig up the family skeleton again, are we?
No vamos a volver a sacar los trapos sucios de la familia, ¿ verdad?
Don't imagine for a moment we're going to be taken by surprise again.
No creerá que van a cogernos por sorpresa otra vez.
And we're going to sing that song again.
Y vamos a cantar esa canción de nuevo.
We're going to do your dressing again, and you'll be quite comfortable.
Vamos a vendarla de nuevo y así estará más cómoda.
If we're going to start all over again, how can it hurt to have a little money?
Si vamos a empezar de nuevo, ¿ qué hay de malo en tener un dinerillo?
Let's go! You try that again, friend, and we're going to war.
Vuelve a hacer eso, amigo, y habrá guerra.
You try to run again, we're going to kill you.
Si vuelves a intentar escaparte, te mataremos.
We're thinking of going there again.
Queremos volver.

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