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We're going upstairs перевод на испанский

93 параллельный перевод
Don't sit down, we're going upstairs.
No te sientes, Dedée. Vamos a subir.
We'll need a light if we're going upstairs.
Necesitaremos luz para subir.
And if we're going for a walk after supper, you'll want to go upstairs and wash up, I'm sure.
Si vamos a pasear después de cenar, te lavarás primero, ¿ no?
We're going upstairs.
Volveremos arriba.
We're going upstairs to the roof.
Subiremos hasta el tejado.
Come on, Lucius, we're going upstairs.
Venga, Lucius, vamos arriba.
Landlord, we're going upstairs.
Patrón... Nos vamos arriba.
Now we're going upstairs.
Ahora vamos al piso de arriba.
Said he lives upstairs. - We're going in, then?
- Entonces, ¿ entramos?
You see, the way we got rid of that dirty little dish... is the way we're going to put the rest of our house in order... including the upstairs!
Veis como nos hemos librado de esa pequeña suciedad? es la forma en la que vamos a poner el resto de nuestra casa en orden... incluyendo las escaleras!
We're going upstairs to bed very fast now.
¡ A dormir corriendo!
We're going upstairs.
Vamos a subir a la habitación.
No, we're not visitors. Uh, I'm with him. We're going upstairs.
No, estoy con él.
We're going upstairs. - You're not going anywhere.
- No irán a ninguna parte.
- We're going upstairs.
- ¡ Vamos a subir!
We're going upstairs.
Iremos arriba.
We're going upstairs for a minute.
Iremos al segundo piso.
We're just going upstairs to study for our Spanish test.
Solo iremos arriba a estudiar para el examen de español.
We're going upstairs. - Which one?
Esa música.
We're just going upstairs to change.
Subiremos a cambiarnos.
Terry says, " No, no. We're just going upstairs.
Terry dice,''No, vamos arriba.
- we're going upstairs.
Iremos arriba. Gary?
We're going upstairs.
Vamos arriba.
Er, we're just going upstairs for a bit.
Er, sólo vamos arriba un poco.
We're going upstairs.
Nos vamos arriba.
But we're not going upstairs, because you know what we'll do then.
Pero no subiremos arriba, porque ya sabes lo que haríamos.
- Okay, we're going to be upstairs studying if you need anything.
Estaremos arriba estudiando por si me necesitas.
We're going right upstairs to see Dr. Larch.
- Vamos arriba, a ver al doctor Larch.
We're just going upstairs.
Sólo vamos arriba.
- We're going upstairs!
- Vamos a subir. ¿ Subir?
We're going to wait for the guys upstairs.
Nosotros esperaremos arriba.
Well, come on, Cheryl. We're going upstairs.
Estamos organizando la ceremonia de Acción de Gracias.
We're going'upstairs.
Nos vamos arriba.
We're going upstairs!
¡ Vamos p'arriba!
We're going upstairs.
Vamos a ir arriba.
- We're going to go upstairs.
- Iremos arriba.
- We're going upstairs.
- Vamos arriba.
Yup, we're going upstairs.
Te llevaremos arriba.
We're going back online, upstairs.
Volverémos a estar en línea, allá arriba.
Well, make yourself at home, and Molly and I are... Okay, great. Well, we're going to go upstairs and take care of some stuff.
Bueno, acomódate a gusto... que Molly y yo... pues... tenemos que hacer algunas cosas.
Now, as you know, we're, uh, we're going to have to think about moving Mrs. Andersson upstairs fairly soon, I'm afraid.
Como usted sabe, tendremos que pensar en instalar a su esposa arriba muy pronto, lamentablemente.
- Back to the elevator, we're going upstairs.
Vuelvan al ascensor, nos vamos arriba.
We're going upstairs.
- Vamos para arriba.
Next we're going to go upstairs, and you're going to be really, really nice to the boy, not like the little bitch we both know you are.
Ahora subiremos, y te portarás muy bien con el niño, no como la desgraciada que ambos sabemos que eres.
We're going upstairs.
vamos a arriba.
We're going to head upstairs, Dad.
De acuerdo. Vamos a subir, papá.
We're going upstairs.
Nosotros subiremos.
We're going to do this from upstairs, in the press room.
Lo haremos arriba, en el Salón de Prensa.
we're going to go upstairs.
- Vamos a ir arriba.
- We're going upstairs.
Vamos a arriba.
Hey, we're going upstairs.
Vamos a ir arriba...

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