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We can't stop them перевод на испанский

124 параллельный перевод
We can't ever stop them.
Pero no podemos detenerlos
And, Miggleori, if we happen to run across any Burmese dancing girls... we can't stop and talk to them.
Y, Miggleori, si nos topamos con alguna bailarina birmana, no podemos pararnos a charlar.
If we can't stop them, the men at the church will came at the first shot.
Los hombres de la iglesia vendrán cuando oigan los disparos.
We can't stop everything just for them both.
No podemos detenernos por ellas
We can't stop them with our bare hands!
¡ No podemos pararlos | con las manos vacías!
- Can't we stop them at all?
- ¿ No podemos hacer nada contra ellos?
They don't think we can stop them.
No creen que podamos detenerles.
Oh can't we stop them?
Oh, no podemos detenerlos?
We can't stop them, we only have twenty men.
No podemos detenerles, tenemos sólo 20 hombres.
- I know we can't stop them but it might hold them up for a bit.
- Sé que no podemos detenerlos... pero podemos retrasarlos un poco más.
- Then we can't stop them.
- Entonces no podemos detenerlos.
Is it possible, at moments we can't imagine, a horse can add its sufferings together... the non-stop jerks and jabs that are its daily life... and tum them... into grief?
¿ Es posible que, en ciertos momentos, un caballo pueda sumar todo su dolor, los tirones y sacudidas que forman su vida diaria, y convertirlos en profunda pena?
We can't stop them. There is no time.
- No podemos pararles, no hay tiempo.
They're keeping the name. We can't stop them, apparently.
Conservarán el nombre por lo visto, no podemos impedirlo.
We can't stop them, there are too many.
No podremos detenerlos, son demasiados.
Can't we stop them?
¿ Nada podemos hacer?
Can't we stop them?
¿ No podemos detenerlos?
Stand here, beating our meat till the corpses bust in? We can't stop them.
No podemos detenerlos.
We can't stop them if they rush us!
¡ No podremos pararlos si vienen a nosotros!
We can't hurry things... any more than we can stop them.
No podemos apurarlas... ni tampoco detenerlas.
If the rebs come up that hill any stronger, we can't stop them.
Si los rebeldes logran llegar a la colina no podremos pararlos.
How can we stop the crime and the gangs... if we act like we don't see them?
¿ Cómo podemos detener la delincuencia y las bandas... si actuamos como si no los viéramos?
We can't stop now, what about them after us?
No podemos parar. ¿ Y si nos cogen?
We can't stop them!
Es imposible pararlos.
Why don't we just tell them all to stop, and they can just take a picture or something.
¿ Por qué no les dices que mejor se paren a tomarte una foto?
Can you get them to stop, we can't hear the telly.
Podeis hacer que pare, no oimos la tele.
They think that we can make them do things and they can't stop us.
Creen que podemos obligarles a hacer cosas y no pueden detenernos.
We can't stop them from killing the hostages if things go wrong.
No podemos impedir que maten a los rehenes si las cosas fallan.
Can't we do anything to stop them?
¿ No podemos hacer algo para detenerlos?
We can't stop them.
No puedo pararles
Without Enberg, we can't stop them.
No tenemos chance sin Enberg. ¡ Maldita sea!
- We can't stop them.
- No podemos con ellos.
Maybe we can't locate the missiles but that doesn't mean we can't stop them.
Quizá no los encontremos, pero eso no significa que no podamos detenerlos.
- We can't stop them. They're locking on!
¡ Nos tienen en la mira!
If you shut this programme down, we can't stop them before they get here.
Si nos cierra, nos robará la única oportunidad que tenemos de detenerlos.
And if we can't stop them while the Athenians are moving up, then Athens is going to fall.
Y si no podemos detenerlos mientras los atenienses avanzan Atenas caerá.
We can't stop them!
No los podemos detener.
We can't stop them.
No se puede evitar.
We can't stop them. If it looks like they're going to gain control of the ship... I'm authorizing self-destruct.
Si no lo evitamos, o pareciera que tendrán el control de la nave... autorizo la autodestrucción.
The point is they're meeting under our noses and we can't stop them.
Se están viendo bajo nuestras narices y no logramos detenerlos.
If we can't find a way to stop them they'll tear the ship apart.
Si no podemos encontrar un modo de detenerlo, romperá la nave en pedazos.
We can't stop them now.
No podremos detenerlos.
- Can't we stop them from multiplying?
- ¿ No podemos parar la reproducción?
We can't stop them getting in.
No podemos pararlos, métanse dentro.
If we can't stop them the tragedy of losing the war and the atomic bomb will be repeated
Si no podemos detenerlos la tragedia de perder la guerra... y la bomba atà ³ mica se repetirà ¡ n.
You know, we can't force them to join, we can't stop them if they want to leave.
No los obligamos a aceptarlo ni tampoco impedimos que lo dejen.
We can't stop them any longer
Ya no podemos detenerlos más.
Jesus Christ, can't we stop them?
Dios santo, ¿ no podemos detenerlos?
Can't we stop them?
¿ No podemos pararles?
That doesn't mean we can stop them.
No significa que los podamos parar.
If I can't get her to cooperate by the time they're ready, send them in, but it's simple- - we either find Marwan or we will not be able to stop what he's planning next.
Pero es simple, o encontramos a Marwan o no podremos detener lo próximo que planee.

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