We don't care перевод на испанский
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Have I mentioned we don't care?
¿ Te he mencionado que no nos importa?
Well, it's not as entertaining as playing with flowers, but I sort of don't care what you say, because it turns out I'm quite good at it and we might actually win.
Bueno, no es tan divertido como jugar con flores, pero como que no me importa lo que digáis, porque resulta que soy bastante bueno y la verdad es que puede que ganemos.
Don't worry, we'll take care of the cookies.
Hey... no te preocupes. Nos encargaremos de las galletas.
I don't care where we live.
A mí no me importa dónde vivamos.
Okay, I don't care where we are.
De acuerdo, no me importa donde estamos.
Yeah, we don't care about this...
No nos importa esto...
We're in the business of saving lives. Now, I don't care if your friend is lying in a ditch bleeding, he will come in tonight.
Nuestro giro es el de salvar vidas, así que no me importa que tu amigo yace tendido en una zanja sangrando.
Hey, I don't know how things work in your family, But in my family, we take care of each other.
Oye, no sé como funcionan las cosas en tu familia, pero en mi familia, nos cuidamos los unos a los otros.
We take care of each other, too, We just don't fake heart attacks To keep each other from getting laid.
Nosotros también nos cuidamos unos a otros, pero no fingimos falsos ataques al corazón para impedir que nos acostemos con alguien. Y ahí está.
We don't care about your immigration status, okay?
No nos importa su estado migratorio.
Maybe we don't give a damn about what people think... but when those close to us care, we too have to care.
Aunque no nos importe lo que piense la gente, si importa a nuestros seres queridos, entonces sí debe importarnos.
No, we don't care about that.
No, eso no nos importa.
No, we don't, Gordon, but what we care very much about is why you missed your appointment.
No, eso no, Gordon, pero lo que nos interesa mucho es por qué no acudiste a tu cita.
I know we fight a lot, Don, but I still care about you. Why didn't you say something?
Sé que peleamos seguido, Don, pero nos importas. ¿ Por qué no dijiscte nada?
I can't remember who it was... somebody was arguing with me on the radio about how heavy the fire was, and I told them I don't care, get the APOBS up here, we've got to get into the objective.
Era muy fuerte el fuego, y yo les dije que no me importaba, que debiamos obtener los APOBS aquí, que debiamos tenerlos para el objetivo.
Even if we don't use noisy marketing like this, Oska takes care of it with scandals!
¡ Incluso si no usamos mercadotecnia ruidosa como ésta, Oska hace escándalos!
- Julie I love you. I don't care if we get married. I'll stop asking.
Julie si no quieres casarte, dejaré de pedírtelo.
Don't you think we should look for Arthur before we take care of these poor little insects? No, no, no.
¿ No crees que deberíamos buscar a Arthur... antes de liquidar a estos pobres insectos?
Don't worry. We'll take care of your husband.
No se preocupe, lo vamos a cuidar.
Okay, pretend that we don't care that they're there.
Está bien, hagamos de cuenta que no nos importa que están allí.
I don't care - it's not like we haven't gotten used to you being gone.
No me preocupa, no es que no nos hayamos acostumbrado a que te hayas ido
We don't care what's out there.
No nos importa lo que hay allí afuera.
No nos importa.
We both know only fools fill cases with counterfeit money, fools who don't care to see their children again.
Los dos sabemos que sólo los tontos llenar los casos con dinero falso, tontos que no les importa ver sus hijos de nuevo.
Don't worry, we'll take care of it.
No se preocupen, nosotros nos encargaremos.
But don't worry, we're gonna take care of you.
Pero no te preocupes, te vamos a proteger.
rita : I don't really care which dress we get.
No me importa qué vestido elijamos.
We don't care
No nos importa
And immediately, all the boats we don't care about are out of the race.
E inmediatamente, todos los botes que no nos interesan quedan fuera de la carrera.
- You don't care that we -'re family!
- ¡ No te importa que seamos familia!
We don't care about content.
El contenido no nos importa.
Why don't you come back into the office and we'll take care of that interview already?
Vuelva, y nosotros nos encargamos del interrogatorio.
By the way, I don't care how you spin it, how you want to ice the cake, we're only 75 % of the way there, and I'm having trouble breathing now.
Por cierto, no me importa cómo se gira, ¿ cómo desea el pastel, estamos sólo el 75 % de el camino, y estoy teniendo problemas para respirar ahora.
- Doesn't mean we don't care.
No es que no nos interese.
Look, I don't care what happens to this guy once we bring him in. But I won't have his death on my hands, or yours or Ridley's.
Mira, no me importa qué le pase a este hombre una vez que lo entregues, pero no quiero tener su muerte en mis manos.
We don't care.
No nos importa.
Yeah, we won the civil war, so we don't have to care.
Sí, ganamos la guerra civil, así que no nos tiene que importar.
I don't care, but we are not naming our child Staccato Mamba.
No me importa, pero no llamaremos a nuestro hijo Staccato Mamba.
I don't care what you do on your own time, but from now on, unless we are talking about the evidence, I do not want to hear one more honest word in this lab.
No me importa lo que haces en tu tiempo libre, pero de ahora en adelante, a menos que estemos hablando sobre las pruebas, no quiero escuchar ni una sola palabra honesta más en este laboratorio.
So these, we don't care about.
Así que esto no nos interesa.
I don't care if we've dismissed'em before.
- No me importa si ya los hemos descartado.
We don't care what he has to say.
- No nos interesa lo que tenga que decir.
Driver, we don't care about the arrangements. We just...
Chófer, nos da igual los planes que haya hecho, llévenos a...
I don't care if he says we're married.
No me importa que haya dicho que estamos unidos.
We'll take good care of her... you don't understand.
La vamos a cuidar bien... No lo entiendes.
Look, look, at the end of the day, I honestly don't care if we jump the broom or not, Sabrina.
A fin de cuentas no me importa si saltamos la escoba.
We don't know why the Professor keeps you around here, and we don't care.
No sabemos por qué el profesor te mantiene aquí, y no nos importa.
We don't care!
¡ No nos importa!
We don't care which way you like it.
Nos da igual si le da por delante o por detrás.
We don't judge, We don't care.
No juzgamos, nos da igual.
I don't care about the consequences, she's our friend and we lost her.
No importan las consecuencias, en nuetra amiga y la perdimos
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