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We don't know where перевод на испанский

2,584 параллельный перевод
I don't know how we got here... but this is where we are.
No sé cómo llegamos aquí pero aquí estamos.
And just so you know, I will be looking at your arse. - Why are we here? - I don't even know where here is.
- Ni siquiera sé donde estamos.
We just don't know where to find him.
Pero no sabemos dónde encontrarle.
But you don't know where we're going.
Pero no sabes dónde vamos a ir.
You guys are... they don't even know where they are, let alone where we are.
Ustedes son... Ni siquiera saben donde están, mucho menos donde estamos.
We don't even know where he lives.
Ni siquiera sabemos dónde vive.
We don't know where he is, as usual.
no sabemos donde está, como siempre.
Megan, we don't know where your mother is, so I'm just gonna tell you.
Megan, no sabemos dónde está tu madre, por lo que voy a decírtelo.
For as long as I can remember, my mother and I have been at war, and it's gotten to the point where, honestly... I don't even know what we're fighting about anymore, but it's not about Catherine.
Desde que yo recuerdo, mi madre y yo hemos estado en guerra, y ha llegado al punto donde, sinceramente, ya ni siquiera sé por qué estamos peleando, pero no es por Catherine.
We don't know where he is.
No sabemos dónde está.
I don't know where... We're going to go.
No sé a dónde... vamos a ir.
We don't know where she is.
No sabemos dónde está.
'They never checked their guns in and we don't know where they are.'
Nunca entregaron sus armas y no sabemos dónde están.
We don't know where we are.
No sabemos dónde estamos.
We just don't know where she is.
Simplemente no sabemos dónde está.
No, seriously, man. We don't know where we are.
No, en serio, no sabemos dónde estamos.
It's off site, we don't know where.
Está desconectado, no sabemos dónde.
You realise we don't even know where to start looking for G.
- Me parece una hipótesis plausible.
Maybe, um... maybe they don't know where we are.
Tal vez... - Tal vez no saben dónde estamos.
And we don't know where it is.
Y no sabemos donde está.
We just don't know how much information Beverly has gotten, what she plans to do with it, or where she's gone.
Pero no sabemos cuanta información consiguó Beverly, lo que planea hacer con ella, o a dónde se ha ido.
We don't know where he went.
No sabemos donde se fue.
We don't know where they're shooting from.
- No sabemos desde dónde disparan.
We papered that evidence six ways to Sunday, and if you can't make it stick, I don't know where arleen!
Llenamos todo de evidencia. y si no puedes hacer que se sostenga, yo no sé donde... ¡ Arleen!
I don't know where we're going wrong.
No sé a dónde vamos mal.
We don't know where Tim Newhouse is, but here's his opponent, Justin Epstein!
No sabemos donde está Tim Newhouse, pero aquí está su rival, Justin Epstein!
We don't know where Rhino is, whicmeans he's holding all the cards.
No sabemos dónde está Rhino, por lo que tiene todas las de ganar.
But the truth is we still don't know where consciousness comes from or where it goes when we die.
Pero la verdad es que todavía no conocemos de dónde viene la consciencia o a dónde va cuando morimos.
- Look, I'm sorry that she died and she never got married and-and she doesn't know how to move on, but seriously, I mean, the whole point of this house was having one place where monsters aren't, where you don't have to apologize or hide or think about what we are.
Mira, siento que muriera y nunca se casara, y que no sepa como seguir adelante, pero en serio, la finalidad de esta casa, era encontrar un sitio donde no hubiera monstruos, donde no tuvieras que disculaprte o esconderte
No, really, Mister, we don't know where the book is!
¡ No, Señor, en serio, no sabemos dónde está el Libro!
He stuck something in my neck, so I don't know where we are.
Tengo el teléfono de Jess. Me clavó algo en el cuello, así que no sé dónde estamos.
Um... I really don't know where we are.
Realmente no sé donde estamos.
But we don't know where to go.
Pero no sabemos a dónde ir.
We don't know where.
No sabemos dónde.
Look, if you don't know where they are, why don't you just let us pay the ransom and we can bring our kids home.
Mire, si no saben donde están, ¿ por qué no nos dejan pagar el rescate y llevar a nuestros hijos a casa?
We've got to get back to our dimension, and I don't even know where to start!
Tenemos que regresar a nuestra dimension pero no se como
- We don't know where Bjorn is.
No sabemos dónde está Bjorn, si a eso te refieres.
That doesn't matter if we don't know where.
Ya no importa si no sabemos adónde.
Well, the only problem is, we don't know where those boxes were during the attack.
Bueno, el único problema es que no sabemos dónde estaban esas cajas durante el ataque.
We don't know what their power source is or where it's coming from.
No sabemos cuál es la fuente de su poder o de dónde viene.
We don't even know where Doyle is.
Ni siquiera sabemos dónde está Doyle.
We don't know where or under what conditions, 76th 00 : 03 : 27,368 - - 00 : 03 : 31,260 if it's form of a continent, island or atoll, but we will find it.
No sabemos dónde ni en qué consiciones, ni es en forma de continentes, de islas, de atolones, pero la vamos a encontrar.
We don't have him and we don't know where he's going to go next.
No lo hemos pillado y no sabemos hacia donde se dirige ahora.
Alright, we can take it somewhere where they can find it and tie the fucker up and then... I don't know, we leg it and get the hell off the island.
Muy bien, podemos llevarlo a algun lado donde lo puedan encontrar a amarrar el maldito y luego... no se, abandonarlo y marcharnos de la isla.
We don't know where we're going.
No sé a dónde vamos...
I don't know where that is, but we are in the capital, Taira.
No sé dónde queda eso. Ésta es Taira, la capital.
Seriously, you don't know where we're headed with this?
En serio, ¿ no ves lo que intentamos decirte?
We don't yet know where.
Pero no sabemos el lugar exacto.
Yeah, well, we're working late tonight and I don't know exactly where she is.
- Sí, estamos trabajando hasta tarde, y, no sé exactamente dónde está ahora.
I don't know where we would be right now.
De no ser por el entrenador Courtney, no sé dónde estaríamos.
- We don't know where we're going.
- ¡ Entra, Zev! - No sabemos a dónde vamos.

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