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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ W ] / We leave at dawn

We leave at dawn перевод на испанский

71 параллельный перевод
We leave at dawn.
Partimos al amanecer.
We leave at dawn, if we get a signal or not.
Saldremos pronto aun sin señal.
And we leave at dawn.
Partiremos al amanecer.
Shall we leave at dawn?
¿ Partimos al alba?
We leave at dawn.
Partimos al alba
We leave at dawn with the girl.
Saldremos abajo, con la chica.
We leave at dawn.
Salimos al amanecer.
We leave at dawn.
Saldremos al amanecer.
We leave at dawn.
Partiremos de madrugada.
We leave at dawn, back before lunch.
Salimos al alba, volvemos al mediodía.
We leave at dawn and arrive at dusk.
Nos vamos al amanecer, llegamos al atardecer.
We leave at dawn.
Partiremos al amanecer.
And we leave at dawn.
Y nos iremos al amanecer.
We leave in sleep those who do not know And we leave at dawn
# Dejamos a aquellos que o saben que nos vamos al amanecer. #
We leave at dawn.
Nos marchamos al amanecer.
Tell them we leave at dawn.
Diles que partimos al amanecer.
We leave at dawn.
Nos vamos al amanecer.
If you change your mind. Tomorrow we leave at dawn.
Si cambia de opinión, nos vamos mañana al amanecer.
We leave at dawn.
Salimos en la madrugada.
We leave at dawn.
Partimos al amanecer. - ¿ Hacia dónde?
We leave for Luxor at dawn.
Saldremos hacia Luxor al amanecer.
We had to leave by the next morning at dawn.
Tuvimos que irnos a la madrugada siguiente.
Take this bread loaf and go with God. We must rest. We leave for the Holy Land at dawn.
Toma ese pan y ve con Dios que nosotros vamos a descansar porque mañana al alba, partiremos para Tierra Santa.
We will leave at dawn.
Nos vamos al amanecer.
We'll leave at the crack of dawn and get back when it's dark.
Nos iremos al despuntar el amanecer, y regresaremos cuando oscurezca.
We'll leave at dawn.
Nos iremos al amanecer.
We leave at dawn tomorrow,
Saldremos mañana.
We shall leave at dawn- - Not you, Polidori.
Saldremos temprano.
We'll sleep there and leave for Montevideo at dawn.
Vamos a dormir allí y dejar a Montevideo en la madrugada.
Do we leave at dawn?
¿ Partimos al alba?
Nos vamos al amanecer, cuando todos duerman.
We'll leave at dawn.
Salimos al amanecer.
We'd leave at dawn, and spend all day by the river.
Salíamos al amanecer,... y pasábamos todo el día junto al río.
We wish to leave at dawn.
Quisiéramos marcharnos al amanecer.
¿ Te parece?
We'll leave at dawn.
Nos marcharemos al amanecer.
We leave tomorrow at dawn, while it's still cool.
Partimos mañana al amanecer, mientras está fresco.
We'll leave at dawn,... from here, as soon as you get your men arranged.
Partiremos al amanecer, desde aquí, en cuanto organicen a sus hombres.
We can leave at dawn.
Podemos partir al amanecer.
The pilot says we'll leave at dawn.
El piloto dice que salimos al amanecer.
We ought to leave at dawn.
Debemos irnos al amanecer
We're gonna leave at dawn.
- Nos iremos al amanecer.
The king is letting us go see Mother. We leave tomorrow at dawn.
El rey nos deja ir a ver a madre, nos vamos mañana al amanecer.
We leave these woods at dawn.
Dejaremos el bosque al amanecer.
We'll leave at dawn.
Saldremos al amanecer.
Anyone who is going, we're going to leave at dawn with the commity.
Cualquier persona que se va, vamos a salir en la madrugada con el commity.
We'll leave at dawn.
Nos vamos al amanecer.
All we have to do is survive the night... leave at the crack of dawn... and let this place disappear in our rearview.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es sobrevivir a la noche, salir a primera hora de la mañana y dejar que desaparezca este lugar en nuestro retrovisor.
And we'll leave at dawn.
Y zarpamos al alba.
We'll leave at dawn. I have to check My foster son, Georgie.
Tengo que buscar a Georgie
We can't leave the city until the workers leave at dawn, alright?
Nos iremos cuando los trabajadores se marchen al amanecer.

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