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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ W ] / Wellman

Wellman перевод на испанский

137 параллельный перевод
Wellman is a Buffalo, isn't he?
Wellman es un Búfalo, ¿ no?
" Wellman, Wendell, White, Whitner, Wilkins...
" Wellman, Wendell, White, Whitner, Wilkins...
Major Wellman, the executive officer.
El Comdte. Wellman, oficial en jefe.
Little Ziltch, a new kid, the commander's orderly.
Ziltch, asistente del comandante Wellman..
You know, Wellman, this uniform is the only thing that's ever really meant anything to me, except Jean.
Este uniforme ha sido lo más importante de mi vida... con excepción de Jean.
Tell Major Wellman to form up the battalion. We're moving out.
Diga al comandante que vamos a partir.
We're in a war, Wellman.
Estamos en guerra, Wellman.
- Get Major Wellman.
- Llame a Wellman.
Get to the command post and tell Wellman he's got himself a battalion.
Regrese y dígale al Comandante Wellman que asuma el mando.
This move is the brainchild of Jack Wellman, acknowledged head of the syndicate in the United States.
Este movimiento es la creación de Jack Wellman, reconocido cabecilla de la mafia en los EE. UU.
Your mission, Dan, should you choose to accept it, is to stop Wellman.
Su misión, Dan, si decide aceptarla, es detener a Wellman.
Jack Wellman?
¿ Jack Wellman?
Tomorrow night Jack Wellman will meet at his home with his partners.
Mañana por la noche Jack Wellman se reunirá con sus socios en su casa.
Then they'll divide the money that Wellman keeps in a vault in his wine cellar.
Después dividirán el dinero... que Wellman guarda en una cámara que hay en su bodega.
That's the money that Wellman is going to steal.
Ése es el dinero que Wellman robará.
To Jack Wellman there's only one place in town where you can get a really good meal, from Tino's.
Para Jack Wellman sólo hay un lugar... donde se pueda cenar bien, el restaurante de Tino.
I've catered a lot of Wellman's affairs, but he'll never call me for anything this private.
He trabajado en muchos eventos de Wellman, pero nunca me llamará para algo tan privado.
- Mr Wellman.
- Sr. Wellman.
It's no trouble, Mr Wellman.
No es ningún problema, Sr. Wellman.
Oh, absolutely, Mr Wellman, absolutely.
Por supuesto, Sr. Wellman, por supuesto.
- Oh, Mr Wellman.
- Oh, Sr. Wellman.
Mr Wellman, is everything all right?
Sr. Wellman, ¿ va todo bien?
- Mr Wellman, I told you he was deaf.
- Sr. Wellman, le dije que era sordo.
No, wait a minute, Mr Wellman.
Un momento, Sr. Wellman.
Mr Wellman.
Sr. Wellman.
Oh, he's all right, Mr Wellman.
Es de confianza, Sr. Wellman.
- Yes, Mr Wellman.
- Sí, Sr. Wellman.
- I guarantee it, Mr Wellman.
- Se lo garantizo, Sr. Wellman.
I'm terribly sorry, Mr Wellman...
Lo siento mucho, Sr. Wellman...
Thank you, Mr Wellman.
Gracias, Sr. Wellman.
- Is anything wrong, Mr Wellman?
- ¿ Algún problema, Sr. Wellman?
Mr Wellman, we have to clean up.
Sr. Wellman, tenemos que limpiarlo todo.
- Well, thank you, Mr Wellman.
- Gracias, Sr. Wellman.
Whatever they do won't help Wellman.
Sea lo que sea, no será bueno para Wellman.
That's a William Wellman we're doing next week. I better give it a look.
Es un William Wellman, lo haremos la semana próxima.
- He's Thornton Wellman.
- Es Thornton Wellman.
- The Thornton Wellman?
- ¿ Thornton Wellman?
Yesterday, Wellman came out of his office :
Ayer Wellman salió del despacho :
" No, Mr. Wellman.
" No, señor Wellman.
What if you didn't tell Wellman yet?
¿ Y si no se lo contara aún a Wellman?
- What if you didn't tell Wellman and he didn't tell LaSalle, and we looked for the Rolodex?
- ¿ Y si no se lo contara a Wellman y él no se lo contara a LaSalle y buscáramos la agenda?
And I wouldn't mind solving a case for Thornton Wellman.
Y no me importaría resolver un caso para Thornton Wellman.
And now you are proposing that I dig through acres of garbage and waste and filth, just so I can keep my job answering Wellman's phone?
¿ Y me propone escarbar en montones de basura, desperdicios y porquería para conservar mi empleo cogiendo las llamadas de Wellman?
I need to be introduced to Wellman.
Tengo que conocer a Wellman.
Wellman knows all those guys.
Wellman conoce a todos esos.
Wellman talks to the Vatican twice a week.
Wellman llama al Vaticano dos veces por semana.
You know, Wellman's gonna be grateful to get this Rolodex back, isn't he?
Wellman agradecerá que hayamos recuperado su agenda.
Wellman is a very lucky man. He's lucky to have you working for him.
Wellman tiene mucha suerte por tenerle a usted trabajando para él.
Tomorrow morning, old Thornton Wellman is gonna be one grateful tycoon.
Por la mañana el viejo Thornton Wellman será un magnate agradecido.
I solved a case for Thornton Wellman.
He resuelto un caso para Thornton Wellman.
Thank you, Mr Wellman.

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