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Westley перевод на испанский

152 параллельный перевод
Get it through your head, King Westley and I are married!
¡ Métete en la cabeza que estoy casada con King Westley!
I've always been curious to know what kind of a girl would marry a front-page aviator like King Westley.
Siempre he querido saber... qué clase de chica se casaría con un piloto famoso como King Westley.
You, King Westley, your father.
Usted, King Westley, su padre.
You want to get to King Westley, don't you?
Usted quiere reunirse con King Westley, ¿ no?
You behave yourself, I'll see you get to King Westley.
Si se comporta bien, la ayudaré a reunirse con Westley.
King Westley was in it.
King Westley.
- You sure she isn't with King Westley?
- ¿ Seguro que no está con King Westley?
What is this strange power this man Westley has over you women?
¿ Qué extraño poder tiene ese Westley sobre las mujeres?
I haven't changed my mind, Westley.
No he cambiado de idea, Westley.
I brought you back to King Westley.
La he devuelto a King Westley.
Westley's in it.
Es de Westley.
He's getting a police escort and Westley's going along.
Va escoltado por la policía, y Westley lo acompaña.
When she found out her father and Westley made up, she phoned.
Cuando supo que habían hecho las paces, llamó.
Ellen Andrews is going to marry that Westley guy again.
Ellen Andrews se va a casar con Westley de nuevo.
Mr. Westley's on his way up.
El Sr. Westley está subiendo.
She picked herself a perfect running mate, King Westley.
Ha elegido al compañero perfecto, King Westley.
King Westley has arrived.
Ha llegado King Westley.
You don't want to be married to a mug like Westley.
No querrás casarte con un primo como Westley.
But it's King Westley on the phone.
Pero King Westley está al teléfono.
That's the smartest thing you ever did, Westley, not to contest that annulment.
Westley, no impugnar la anulación es la cosa más inteligente que has hecho.
Mr. Austin, Austin, Austin, Miss Westley.
La Srta. WestIey.
I wish to inquire if you're engaged at present, Miss Westley.
Quisiera preguntarle si tiene un empleo en estos momentos, Srta. Westley.
- Thank you, Miss Westley.
- Gracias, Srta. Westley.
- Westley.
- Westley.
Westley Airport.
- AI aeropuerto WestIey.
Westley Airport.
Aeropuerto WestIey.
Soy Bob Westley, el mejor vendedor de San Luis.
Convertirte en la señora Westley. HOMBRE SOBREVIVE A EXPLOSIÓN DE PLUTONIO
¿ Ese es Westley? ¿ Cómo es que se parece tanto a su novio?
Oh, Beckum, you're going to do to me what they did to John Wesley Hardin.
Beckum, vas a hacer conmigo lo mismo que hicieron con John Westley.
"His name was Westley, but she never called him that."
"El se llamaba Westley, pero ella nunca lo llamó así".
"Nothing gave Buttercup as much pleasure... as ordering Westley around."
"Nada le gustaba más a Buttercup... " que mandonearlo de acá para allá ".
" Westley had no money for marriage...
" Westley no tenía dinero para casarse.
Westley didn't reach his destination.
Westley no llegó a su meta.
When Buttercup got the news that Westley was murdered...
Cuando Buttercup escuchó que a Westley lo habían asesinado...
Westley and Buttercup raced along the ravine floor.
Westley y Buttercup corrieron por el fondo de la barranca.
He said, " All right, Westley, I've never had a valet.
Dijo, " Está bien, Westley, nunca he tenido asistente personal.
" Good night, Westley, good work.
" Buenas noches, Westley, buen trabajo.
You see, no one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley.
Verás, nadie se rendiría al Terrible Pirata Westley.
Westley, what about the R.O.U.S. S?
Westley, ¿ y los R.O.T.E. S?
She doesn't marry Humperdinck. She marries Westley.
No se casa con Humperdinck sino con Westley.
After all that Westley did for her... if she didn't marry him, it wouldn't be fair.
Después de lo que Westley hizo, si no se casara con él, no sería justo.
They would have killed Westley if I hadn't done it.
Hubieran matado a Westley si no.
It comes to this. I love Westley. I always have.
En resumen... amo a Westley, siempre lo he amado.
You returned this... Westley to his ship?
¿ Devolvió a ese tal Westley a su barco?
My Westley will always come for me.
Mi Westley volverá para buscarme.
If Westley wants you, bless you both.
Si Westley quiere tenerla, buena suerte a ambos.
Westley's got his strength back.
Westley ha recuperado sus fuerzas.
Westley Airport.
- Aeropuerto WestIey.
¿ No ha pasado el Sr. Westley a verle?
My sweet Westley.
Ah, mi dulce Westley.

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