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What did you do to it перевод на испанский

525 параллельный перевод
What did you do to it?
- ¿ Qué le pasa?
- What did you do to it?
- ¿ Qué es lo que hiciste?
- What did you do to it?
- ¿ Qué has hecho?
- No, really, what did you do to it?
- No, en serio, qué le ha hecho?
- What did you do to it? - Nothing.
- ¿ Qué le has hecho?
Charly, what did you do to it?
¡ Eh, Charly! ¿ qué le hiciste?
It's been three years - what did you expect me to do? "
Han sido 3 años... ¿ qué esperabas que hiciera? "
What did you have to do with it?
¿ Has sido tu, Jerry?
What did Joseph Wilson do with it when you gave it to him? He put it on his little finger.
¿ Qué hizo Joe cuando se lo dio?
Why did you do it, John? What else was there to do?
¿ Qué otra cosa podía hacer?
What did you do when it was brought to your attention?
¿ Qué hizo cuando se lo presentaron?
What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight?
¿ Qué hizo con ella? ¿ Se la ha devuelto esta noche?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Aunque cuentes a la poli que estaba contigo ¿ qué me pueden hacer a mí?
I'd afraid of letting my love for you do to me what it did... what it did before, when you were taken away from me, when you were deported.
Io que hizo antes, cuando te alejaron de mí. Cuando te deportaron.
You phone the cops and do'em a favor, where to find a dead cop and the guy that did it, and what happens...
Llama a los polis y hazles un favor, dónde encontrar al poli muerto y al tipo que lo hizo, y qué pasa...
You have no idea what I had to do to get here... and I did it for you!
No sabes lo que me ha costado llegar hasta aquí... ¡ Y lo que he hecho por ti!
I don't know what you're father did or didn't do. I couldn't possibly know. But you've got to realise, even if it's very hard to... that that really doesn't matter.
No sé lo que hizo o no hizo tu padre, pero debes entender que no importa.
What did you have to do to get it?
¿ Qué hicisteis para conseguirla?
You do what you always did. You just add talking to it.
Es una película como cualquier otra, pero con diálogo.
Failed, do you realize what you tried to do was impossible, yet you almost did it?
- Era imposible y casi lo consigues. - ¡ Pero no lo conseguí!
Warden, you know I didn't do it to bust over the walls. I did it just so people would know what it's like in here.
Alcaide, usted sabe que no lo hice para escaparme lo hice para denunciar la miseria de las cárceles.
What you did to Aron tonight, I don't know what it will do to him.
No sé cómo afectará a Aron lo que le has hecho esta noche.
But you did. And what are you going to do about it?
Pero te casaste, ¿ qué harás ahora al respecto?
What did you expect them to do? Give it a fresh coat of paint?
¿ Qué esperabas, que le dieran una manita de pintura?
Hey, Vasquel, if you had it to do over again, would you still do what you did?
¿ Vasquel? Si tuviera que hacerlo otra vez, ¿ haría lo mismo que hizo?
I know what you've done, how you did it and how you expect to do it.
Sé lo que has hecho y cómo lo has hecho.
Jeff, do you know how unbearable it is... not to be able to remember what you did last night, what you said?
Jeff, ¿ sabes lo insoportable que es... no poder recordar lo que hiciste la noche anterior, lo que dijiste?
Say, do you think it's nice what you just did to me?
¿ Te parece bonito?
I did what I wanted to do and I will keep right on to it And I like to see you stop me.
Y no intenten detenerme. Su experimento fue ilegal y ustedes lo sabían.
Spit it out, what did you do to her?
A ver, ¿ qué he hecho?
What do I do to get this, what did you call it, stake?
¿ Qué hago para conseguir ese, cómo dijiste, empujoncito?
What are you trying to do, Ellie? I did it.
- ¿ Qué intentas hacer?
It was your money and you did what you wanted to do with it.
Era tu dinero, e hiciste con él lo que querías.
You did what you had to do and if you didn't like it you liked it anyway.
Hacías lo que tenías que hacer y si no te gustaba te gustaba de cualquier forma.
It's been 3 or 4 months that you smiled at me when I've seen you to tell me that you're ready to do with me what you did with Balestrieri. And that I could count on it. Am I wrong?
Hace tres o cuatro meses que me sonríe, cuando nos vemos,... para darme a entender que quiere hacer conmigo lo que hacía con Balestrieri,... y que podía contar con Vd. ¿ Me equivoco?
You remember what we were talking about, about wanting someone to do something and then wondering what it would be like if he did it?
¿ Recuerdas que hablábamos de querer que alguien hiciera algo y preguntarse cómo sería si lo hiciera?
Well, what did you kids do, try to push it on your hands and knees?
Bueno, ¿ qué hicieron, muchachos trataron de empujarlo con manos y rodillas?
I hope they find the man who did it so they can give him what's coming to him. How do you know it was a man?
Espero que encuentren al hombre que lo hizo para que puedan darle lo que se merece.
It was a little harder to watch what you did than it was for you to do what I was watching.
Fue más difícil mirar lo que hacías que hacer lo que yo estaba viendo.
- What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight?
¿ Qué ha hecho con ella? ¿ Se la ha devuelto a Laura esta noche?
I don't care what you meant to do, it's what you did that I don't like.
No me importa su intenciön. No me gusta lo que hizo.
Listen, May O'Brien did it. What else do you want to know?
Escuche, May O ´ Brien... lo hizo, ¿ qué más quiere usted saber?
Colonel, I've already put myself over my own knee. You don't have to do it. What did you think you were doing?
Bueno, todos, días felices... diagonal, salud.
If it wasn't worth inviting me then why did you do what you did to me last night?
No hacía falta que me invitaras para hacerme lo de anoche. Gracias.
It might be that people around you cornered you in to do what you did.
Puede que la gente alrededor tuyo te acorralase para hacer lo que hiciste.
- It's all right. You did what you had to do.
Hiciste lo que tenías que hacer.
You have reason to be angry us by what we did, but now we promise not to do it again...
Tienes razones para estar enfadada con nosotros por lo que hicimos, pero si ahora prometemos no volverlo a hacer...
It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway, just as you did.
Es tener miedo y hacer lo que tienes que hacer de todos modos, tal como lo hiciste.
You knew what I was going to do before I did it.
Sabía lo que haría antes de que lo hiciera.
Now, I don't know what this Samuels did to you, but do you think he deserves to die for it?
No sé qué le hizo ese Samuels. ¿ Pero cree que merece morir por ello?
What, did he think you had something to do with it?
¿ Qué, cree que tuviste algo que ver en eso?

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