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What have i told you перевод на испанский

945 параллельный перевод
What have I told you about wandering off?
Qué te he dicho acerca de andar por ahí?
What things I have told you.
¡ Qué cosas acabo de contarle!
I've never told you what I think of you, have I?
¿ te he dicho ya lo que pienso de ti?
So,...... you just have to do what I've told you.
Vaya... haga Ud. lo que le he dicho.
Mrs. Lynton, I wouldn't want to force you to go before a judge and a jury and have you tell them what you just told me.
Sra. Lynton, no quisiera obligarla a comparecer ante un juez y un jurado y tener que contarles lo que Ud. me acaba de contar.
But when I told Him about you And what was Going to happen, You couldn't Have kept him
Pero cuando le hablé sobre tí y de lo que iba a pasar, no podrías mantenerlo lejos de aquí ni con un ejército.
"From what I've told you, you can see." "The organization has never been in such splendid shape as I have it now."
" Puede constatar que la organización nunca ha sido tan perfecta.
I have told you what Dr. Chambers said.
- Te he dicho lo que dijo el Dr. Chambers.
Have you made up your mind about what I told you last night?
¿ Ha tenido tiempo de pensar en lo que le dije anoche?
I told you to be careful with your arrests, and what have you done?
Les digo que traten de no arrestar gente, ¿ y qué hacen?
Have I ever told my mother about what you do?
¿ Alguna vez le he contado a mi madre lo que hacéis?
Have you thought about what I told you yesterday?
¿ Has pensado sobre lo que te dije ayer?
As I told you, I don't know enough yet to say what effect the violent surcharge of poison and antidote will have upon the brain.
Como te dije, aún no sé lo suficiente para predecir... el efecto que la carga repentina de veneno y el antídoto tendrán en el cerebro.
Well.. what have you told him? ─ I haven't told him anything.
- ¿ Qué le has dicho?
Oh, forgive me if I seem overwrought, but what you have just told me proves the theory on which my work has been based for the past two years.
Oh, me perdone si me parece sobre excitada, pero lo que usted acaba de me demuestra la teoría de que mi trabajo se ha basado durante los últimos dos años.
You're to blame and will have to deal with me! I'd told what I would do.
- ¿ Quién es el señor "Allí"?
I have told you what has befallen, trusting in your generosity to reward me.
Confiaba en tu generosidad para recompensarme.
I can assure you that contrary to what is supposed and to what he may himself have told you, that young man is certainly not one of his country's enemies.
Puedo asegurarle, en contra de lo que suponen y de lo que haya podido contarles, que ese joven no es un enemigo de este país.
I have nothing to add to what I've already told you.
No tengo nada que añadir a lo que ya dije.
I could have told you exactly what he would say.
Yo le podría haber dicho su respuesta.
On my way home i'm stopping off in england. May i quote what you have just told me?
Al volver, paro en Inglaterra ¿ Puedo citar sus palabras?
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
I say a coward because I postponed until now what I should have told you a year ago when I was discharged from the Marine Corps for medical unfitness.
Digo cobarde porque pospuse hasta ahora... lo que debí haberles dicho hace un año... cuando fui dado de baja del Cuerpo de Marines por incapacidad física.
Two weeks ago, if somebody had told me I ´ d be dancing... with a girl like you, know what I ´ d have said?
Hace dos semanas, si alguien hubiera dicho que estaría bailando... con alguien como tú, ¿ sabes qué habría dicho?
I'm afraid I couldn't have told you what the sermon was about.
No podría deciros sobre qué trataba el sermón. Ella también te vio.
Told you I shouldn't have had that last drink. I tell you what I think I'll do.
Te dije que no debí beber ese último trago.
Not I know what you have told him / her to Janeway but you have it in the pocket.
No sé lo que le has dicho a Janeway pero lo tienes en el bolsillo.
What have I always told you?
¿ Qué te tengo dicho?
Tell me, Arthur, do you despise me for what I have just told you?
Dime, Arthur, ¿ me desprecias por Io que te he contado?
Have you done what I told you to do, Master Phillipe?
¿ Has hecho lo que te dije que hicieras, Señorito Phillipe?
Phillipe, now what have I just told you?
Phillipe, ¿ qué acabo de decirte?
It helps, Katrin, what I have told you?
¿ Te ayudará lo que te dije?
Madeleine couldn't have added anything to what I've already told you.
Madeleine no ha podido añadir nada a lo que te conté.
But I'm a proletarian like you, and like him : Amilcare Cipriani. And I tell you that what you'll be hearing from me today the others have never told you because I'm speaking in the name of a new doctrine :
Pero yo soy un proletario como vosotros, y como él, Amilcare Cipriani, y os aseguro que lo que me oiréis decir hoy, no os lo ha dicho nadie jamás, porque yo os hablo de una nueva doctrina, el socialismo.
I don't mind being taken for a free ride, but if you had just warned me, if you'd just told me these things when I asked you to, I'd have known what to expect.
No me importa que me tomen por lo que no soy, pero si me hubieras prevenido, si me lo hubieras dicho cuando te pregunté, sabría qué ocurriría.
I know exactly what Lou must have told you.
Sé exactamente lo que Lou debe haberle dicho.
You know I have to do what I'm told. It's orders, Harry.
Sabes que tengo que hacerlo, son órdenes, Harry.
- The reason I told Papa I'd do this... was to have a chance to tell you what I think of you.
- Le dije a Papa que haría esto para tener la oportunidad de decirte lo que pienso de ti.
And those years were the happiest of my life because i was old enough to then to know my father, to understand it. And have him tell me what I have told you.
Aquellos fueron los años más felices de mi vida porque tenía edad para conocer a mi padre, entenderlo y hacer que me relatara lo que les he contado.
You have told me what I wanted to know.
Me has dicho lo que quería saber.
I wouldn't have known what to do if you hadn't told me.
No hubiera sabido qué hacer si no me lo dices.
If I'd known that you would react, I wouln't have told you what I said -
Si he sabido que te ibas a mandar de ese modo, no te digo lo que te dije.
If you do what I told you, you'll have nothing to fear.
- ¿ Seguro que es discreta? - Sì. - ¿ Si tuviera que hablar?
Have you thought about what I've told you?
¿ Has pensado en eso que te dije?
I'm gonna do what I was told, like to have you do the same thing.
Hago lo que me mandan, más te vale hacer lo mismo.
Listen, I don't know what rubbish that "thing" told you,.. .. but I have to warn you because I love you.
Oye, yo no sé qué mentiras te habrá contado "esto" pero debo avisarte por lo mucho que te quiero.
If you did what I told you to do, you'd have legs like mine.
Si hicieras lo que te digo, tendrías las piernas como las mías.
And what else have i told you?
¿ Y qué más te he dicho?
I can't imagine what this gentleman could have told you to convince you to come here.
No sé cómo lo convenció de que hiciese esto.
Would you have any respect for me... if I told you what you wanted to know about the Russian Air Force?
¿ Acaso me respetaría... si le dijera lo que quiere saber sobre la fuerza aérea rusa?
I see what you mean, sir, but I just told you, Cargill didn't have any close friends.
Sé a donde va a parar pero ya se lo he dicho, Cargill no tenía amigos íntimos.

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