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What i did to you перевод на испанский

6,090 параллельный перевод
It was really awful what I did to you.
Lo que te hice fue realmente horrible.
So I wouldn't tell, what I did to you.
Así que no se lo diría, lo que hice para ti.
- I need to know what you did with her.
- Necesito saber lo que hiciste con ella.
What did I tell you about talking to me? Nothing.
Oye, ¿ qué te dije sobre dirigirme la palabra?
I kinda needed to work up the courage to sorta do, you know, what we... did.
Yo un poco necesitaba para reunir el valor a sorta hacer, ya sabes, lo que... hizo.
And I still owe you for what you did to me.
Y aún estás en deuda conmigo por lo que me hiciste.
What did I ever do to you?
¿ Qué te hice?
Well, I did exactly what you told me to do, but he still didn't buy it.
Hice lo que me dijeron, pero no se lo creyó.
I'm doing it for my wife, for Pedro, for you, for lots of people... because what they did to us isn't fair.
Io hago por rni mujer, Io hago por Pedro, Io hago... Io hago por ti, por mucha gente, porque no es justo Io que nos han hecho.
I mean, you did what you had to do.
Hiciste lo que tenías que hacer.
I am sorry. I did not tell you. What happened to your mother?
Siento no haberte dicho lo que le pasó a tu mamá.
I think it is really shitty what you did to her.
Creo que es realmente una mierda lo que le hiciste.
I'm not asking you to forget what I did.
No te pido que olvides lo que hice.
I know what you did to Ben...
Sé lo que le hiciste a Ben.
I can't imagine what it was like to grow up the way you did.
No me puedo imaginar lo que es crecer como lo hiciste.
What the fuck did I do to you?
¿ Qué coño te hice yo a ti?
Do you want to know what I did last week?
¿ Quieres saber lo que hice la semana pasada?
Because I want you to know what you did.
Porque quiero que... sepas... lo que hiciste.
I did understand what she was going through so if you need someone to talk to, do call me all right?
Yo entiendo por lo que estás pasando. Así que, si necesitas a alguien con quién hablar, llámame ¿ de acuerdo?
Which only proves to me that, you're the perverted bastard I always thought you were... what kind of kinky shit did you do to her?
Lo cual sólo demuestra que eres el capullo pervertido que siempre pensé que eras... ¿ Qué clase de cosas sucias le hicieron?
Sir... I did what you asked me to do.
Sir... Hice lo que me pediste que hiciera.
Did you not listen to what I just said?
¿ No escuchaste lo que dije?
And she doesn't want me to call the police, so I won't, but what you did was "unconscible," all right?
No quiere que llame a la policía, y no lo haré... pero lo que hiciste fue "inimisible".
I know. But what did you say to her?
Lo sé. ¿ Pero qué le dijiste?
What did I tell you? I really don't want to go to this tonight.
No quiero ir.
I thank you, Private Buckley... but Barrett is not being hanged for what he did to you. He is being hanged for what he did to the uniform, to the flag, to the king himself.
Gracias, Soldado Buckley... pero Barrett no va a ser ahorcado por lo que te hizo, va a ser ahorcado por lo que le hizo al uniforme, a la bandera y al mismo rey.
You want to walk me through why you did the opposite of what I asked you to do?
¿ Quieres explicarme por qué hiciste lo opuesto de lo que te pedí hacer?
The only way I can forgive you for what you did is to save Sophia.
La única forma de que pueda perdonarte por lo que hiciste es que salves a Sophia.
What I did to Karen's statue is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you if I ever see your fucking lying face again.
Lo que hice a la estatua de Karen no es nada comparado a lo que voy a hacerte si alguna vez veo tu puta cara mentirosa otra vez.
You know, when the Chamber of Commerce asked you to introduce me, I was a little worried you would spend the entire time talking about yourself, which is exactly what you did.
Cuando la Cámara de Comercio te pidió que me presentaras temí que hablarías todo el tiempo de ti que fue exactamente lo que hiciste.
When you two returned and the three of us stood on that beach, what did I say to you?
Cuando vosotros dos volvisteis y nos quedamos los tres en esa playa, ¿ qué os dije?
I mean, I know what Theresa did to you, and that's really messed up, but...
Es decir, sé lo que te hizo Theresa, y es un desperdicio, pero...
I did what you asked me to do.
Hice lo que me pediste.
Did you say that you were going to get one this morning because you thought that's what I wanted to hear?
¿ Dijiste que ibas a comprar una esta mañana porque creías que era lo que quería oír?
Yeah, well, you asked me to apologize, so, you know, that's what I did.
Sí, bueno, me pediste que me disculpara, así que, ya sabes, eso es lo que hice.
I just want to thank you for what you did to my mother.
Solo quiero agradecerte lo que has hecho por mi madre.
I know what you did to me.
Sé lo que me hiciste.
I never dreamt anyone would do what you did to me.
Nunca soñé con que nadie me haría lo que me hiciste.
And, as you can imagine, given my line of work, that side of the column is pretty god damned full, so I'm fairly certain that your friend here did something on his end, let's just say something that he's not terribly proud of to deserve what's happening to him.
Y, como se puede imaginar, dada mi línea de trabajo, ese lado de la columna es dios condenadamente completo, así que estoy bastante seguro de que su amigo aquí tenía algo en su extremo, digamos algo que no es terriblemente orgulloso de
I was too young to understand much of what you were saying, but I did understand it was about race.
Yo era demasiado joven para entender mucho de lo que estaba diciendo, pero yo entiendo era sobre la raza.
What did I do to you?
¿ Qué te hice yo a ti?
What did I ever do to you?
¿ Qué te he hecho yo a ti?
Look, I want to thank you again for what you did at the gym today.
Quería agradecerte por lo que hiciste en el gimnasio hoy.
You think I forgot what you did to me?
¿ Crees que he olvidado lo que me hiciste?
I went up to the Arctic to get away from her, so you could have your life back! And what did I get?
¡ Me fui al Ártico para huir de ella, para que recuperaras tu vida!
I can't tell you what to do if I'm taking a nap. Ah! Did I mention to do it slowly?
No puedo dirigirte si estoy dormida. ¿ Mencioné que lo hicieras lentamente?
- I know what you did to Andy.
- Sé lo que le hiciste a Andy.
I will make you suffer for what you did to Elena.
Te haré sufrir por lo que le hiciste a Elena.
I want to apologize because you were my friend, and what I did was despicable.
Te pido disculpas porque eras mi amigo, y lo que yo hice fue lamentable.
No no but why... why did you allow them to do this to your father... look my father was on death bed doctor said we needed to put him on the ventilator so what cou | d've I done?
No, no, pero ¿ por qué? ¿ por qué les permitiste que le hicieran eso a tu padre? Mira mi padre estaba en el lecho de muerte.
I was only telling you what not to do with me... why did he go?
Pero yo sólo te decía qué no lo hagas conmigo.

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