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What i did was wrong перевод на испанский

391 параллельный перевод
If what I did was wrong, I take full responsibility.
Si he hecho mal, acepto mi culpa y mi responsabilidad.
Martha, what I did was wrong.
Martha, hice algo que estaba mal.
Grandma what I did was wrong.
Abuela lo que hice estuvo mal.
But how many guys can make the reality, and say, " what I did was wrong...
Pero ¿ cuántos pueden ver la realidad y decir : " Lo que hice estuvo mal...
look, i realize what i did was wrong.
Mira, me doy cuenta que lo que hice estuvo mal.
What i did was wrong.
Lo que hice estuvo mal.
What I did was wrong.
Lo que hice estuvo mal.
What I did was wrong, terribly wrong, and I apologize.
Lo que hice no está bien y te pido disculpas.
What I did was wrong, I admit it.
Hacen cosas que están mal. Lo que yo hice estuvo mal.
"I know what I did was wrong..."
"Sé lo que Que hice estuvo mal..."
Dad, I think what I did was wrong.
Papá, creo que lo que hice estuvo mal.
What I did was wrong.
Obré muy mal.
What I did was wrong, OK?
Lo que hice estuvo mal, ¿ de acuerdo?
Are you saying that what I did was wrong?
¿ Está usted diciendo que lo que hice fue un error?
I know what I did was wrong.
Sé que hice mal.
It was wrong to write what I did, but.. Is it wrong to love him?
Hice mal en escribir lo que escribí... pero ¿ está mal amarlo?
I was wrong. I shouldn't have said what I did.
No debí haber dicho lo que dije.
Maybe he was wrong to do what he did, I don't know.
Quizá se equivocó en hacer lo que hizo, no lo sé.
It doesn't matter now whether I was right or wrong in what I did, it's too late.
Ya no importa si me equivoqué o no con lo que hice. Es demasiado tarde.
Well, what did I say that was wrong?
Bueno, ¿ qué fue lo que dije de malo?
That's what I did! Was I wrong?
Así reaccioné. ¿ Hice mal?
I can't figure what we did that was wrong.
No logro entender qué hemos hecho mal.
What you did was wrong, Eddie, and I'm ashamed of you.
Lo que hiciste estuvo mal y deberías avergonzarte.
I never did get to know exactly what she done that was so wrong?
Nunca llegué a saber qué hizo que estaba tan mal.
What did I say that was wrong?
¿ Qué fue lo que dije mal?
- Was I wrong for doing what I did?
¿ Estaba yo equivocado al hacer lo que hice?
I can't say what I did was right or wrong.
No puedo decir que lo que hice estuviera bien o mal.
In the mad rush ol lile, I got the time to sit and think,... what was wrong in what I said, did and believed in.
En la loca carrera de la vida, no tengo tiempo para sentare y pensar lo que estaba mal en lo que he dicho, lo hizo y creyó.
I lound the time to sit and think,... what was wrong in what I said, did and believed in.
No tengo tiempo para sentare y pensar lo que estaba mal en lo que he dicho, lo hizo y creyó.
What did I do that was so wrong?
¿ Qué hice que estuvo tan mal?
What I did at Sander's birthday was all wrong.
Lo que hice en el cumpleaños de Sander estuvo mal.
What you did was very wrong, Rocío, and I don't want it to happen again.
Lo que hicieron está muy mal, Rocío, y no quiero que vuelva a suceder.
Asking what I did was my only way of staying, and it was wrong.
La única forma de quedarme era pedirte eso, me equivoqué.
I don't know what it was I did wrong.
No sé qué fue lo que hice mal.
What did I do that was so wrong?
¡ Qué hice que fue tan malo!
Even though i kept dating him, I always felt that what he did was wrong.
Y aunque seguí saliendo con él, siempre sentí que lo que hizo estaba mal.
What you did was wrong. And all I did was call you on it.
Cometiste un error y yo sólo te visité.
I still don't know what I did that was so wrong.
¿ Qué he hecho de malo?
What I did was 100 % wrong.
Lo que hice estuvo 100 % mal.
But you see everything only as black and white, right or wrong. But what I did in Danzel's class was not a black-and-white issue.
¿ Así lo llamas cuando te humillas delante de toda la escuela?
Estaba equivocado.
What he did was terribly wrong, I know that now but I'm still proud to have served with him.
Ha cometido un grave error, lo reconozco, pero es un honor haberle servido.
If a court decides what we did was wrong, I'll accept my punishment.
Si lo que hicimos está mal, entonces aceptaré mi castigo.
What did I do that was so wrong?
Que es lo que hice que estuvo tan mal?
- What did I do that was so wrong?
- No, en serio. ¿ Qué hice de malo?
"Son, what you did was wrong," and then, "Attaboy." I don't want to see that.
"Hijo, lo que hiciste estuvo mal", y luego, "Eso es." No quiero ver eso.
What you did was wrong, and I was wrong to support you but I was too young and too stupid to realize it.
Lo que hizo estuvo mal, pero yo era demasiado estúpido para verlo.
Look, I know you know what you did was wrong... or else you wouldn't be calling.
Sé que sabes que está mal lo que has hecho sino, no habrías llamado.
Tom. Now... I think what you did was wrong.
Tom, escuche... creo que lo que hizo fue algo equivocado.
Did I say there was anything wrong with what you had on?
¿ Dije que había algo malo con lo que tenías puesto?
I... come to think of it, what I did was just as wrong.
yo... pensándolo bien, lo que yo hice fue incorrecto.

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