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What is this really about перевод на испанский

517 параллельный перевод
What is this really about?
¿ De qué se trata realmente?
What is this really about?
¿ Qué es todo esto?
Marjorie, I really don't know what this is all about.
Marjorie, yo realmente no sabe lo que esto se trata.
But, Dad, this is really what I wanted to talk to you about.
Pero papá, quería hablar contigo de otra cosa.
What really bothers me about all this is that I will be forced to take him hunting. Well, isn't it natural?
Lo que más me molesta es que tendré que invitarle a cazar.
And one thing more, Macarena... and this is what I really came to see you about.
Yuna cosa más, Macarena y es por eso que realmente vine a verte
How many of those men out there know what this fight is really about?
¿ Cuántos de sus hombres saben por qué están luchando?
Really, this is what it was all about for me.
En serio, siempre he querido hacerlo.
The problem with this panther, is that I really don't know what you're talking about.
El problema con esta pantera, es que no tengo ni idea de lo que está hablando.
Well, I really don't know what all this fuss is about.
Bueno, no se realmente a qué viene tanto alboroto.
Now, perhaps you'll tell me just what this is really all about.
Ahora, tal vez usted me diga qué es realmente todo esto.
I really don't know what this situation is about.
Les aseguro que no tengo ni idea de lo que va esto.
And this is really what Zen is all about.
Y de esto es que trata realmente el Zen.
Your reasoning is what interests me. Really, when i see this photo that was made in Portugal by someone, I'd like that person to speak about the moment the picture was taken, and why this picture and not another.
Sí, por eso te digo que estoy de acuerdo... que comprendo parte de tu razonamiento... pero que lo que me interesa cuando veo esta foto... y sé que se ha hecho en Portugal, por alguien que estaba allí... es que hable del momento en que la hizo... de por qué ha hecho esta foto y no otra.
That's what this is really about, it about Pitt.
¡ realmente se trataba de eso! ¡ Es por Pitt!
Unless perhaps you're just being cunning, and this story about space in the truck is a cover for what you really want to do :
A menos que, tal vez, están involucrados... y el " espacio en la furgoneta'es un excusa para hacer lo que quieran...
I would really like to know what this is all about.
Me gustaría saber de qué va todo esto.
But I suppose that this is really the story of my father, and that strange, leaf-whispery autumn, when his heart was suddenly too old and tired and too full of yearning and regrets, and he didn't know what to do about it.
Pero yo supongo que ésta es más bien la historia de mi padre, en ese extraño y crujiente otoño, cuando su corazón estaba de repente muy viejo y cansado y repleto de añoranzas y resabios, tantos, que Él no sabía que hacer con ellos.
That's what this is really about, isn't it?
¿ Es eso lo que le molesta?
I guess what's really bothering me here about Steve is that, not only are we not talking, but this is the first time in our relationship I've kept secrets from him.
Creo que lo que realmente me molesta aquí... acerca de Steve es que no solo no estamos hablando, si no que esta es la primera vez en nuestra relación... que le estoy ocultando secretos.
had this great idea that they all get together, and, well, I don't really know what it was about, but the important thing is they were all together, and they did it as a family.
Bueno, pensándolo mejor, no te podría entrenar. A los chicos no les importa si estoy vivo o muerto, asi que... creo que solo queda Buck.
Is that really what this is all about?
¿ En verdad de eso se trata todo esto?
I mean, that's what this is really all about isn't it, Joe?
En realidad ése es el problema, ¿ o no, Joe?
I know what this scene is about. Really?
- Ya sé cómo es la escena.
But despise the tactics the police used to snare Brian Nevins because we mustn " t lose sight of what this trial is really about :
Y detesten los métodos usados para atrapar a Nevins no se debe perder de vista de lo que trata este juicio :
But when we talk about nuclear energy, we really mean this. But what exactly is nuclear energy?
Pero cuando nosotros hablamos de energía nuclear... nos referimos a esto.
And what I'm calling about is, see, there's this guy that goes to my school, and I really like him a lot and he says he likes me.
Y estoy llamando porque hay un chico que va a mi escuela y él me gusta mucho y dice que le gusto.
What this is really all about.
De lo que es esto realmente.
That's what this is really about, isn't it?
De eso se trata, ¿ no? Del teniente Worf.
I don't wanna alarm you... but check out what this movie is really about.
No quiero alarmarlos pero piensen de que se trata esta pelicula.
Let's talk about what this case is really about :
Hablemos de lo que trata realmente.
That's what this is really about, isn't it?
De eso se trata todo esto, ¿ verdad?
- Is this what you really want to talk about for five bucks a dance, Thomas?
¿ Quieres que hablemos de eso por 5 dólares?
Can anybody tell me what this song is really about?
Puede alguien decirme de queNse trata esta canción?
What this is really all about...
¿ De qué se trata todo esto de verdad?
"Let him see what this family is really about."
"Deja que vea lo que esta familia es en realidad".
Why can't you tell us what this mission is really about?
¿ Por qué no puede decirnos de qué se trata la misión?
What really fucks me about this is that I can't tell anyone.
Lo que me jode de todo esto es no poder contárselo a nadie.
This really gets my goat now the Mexican government is complaining about all the Americans who are moving across the border illegally to live in Mexico. What?
Esto realmente logra enojarme ahora el gobierno Mejicano se está quejando....... sobre todos los americanos que están yendo a través de la frontera ilegalmente para vivir en México.
You know what, Mick? If you really think about it all this is entirely your fault.
Si lo piensas detenidamente todo esto es tu culpa.
What this is really all about is...
Así que estas hablando de...
So they can tell you what this is about. What it's really all about.
Para que ellos mismos te expliquen de qué se trata todo esto.
Now, why don't you tell me what this is really about?
Ahora, ¿ por qué no me dices de que se trata esto realmente?
Is that what this so-called contest is really about?
¿ De eso se trata este concurso en realidad?
Lowell, you've got... five seconds to tell me... what the fuck this is really all about.
Tienes... cinco segundos parta decirme... a qué coño viene todo este rollo.
You know, if you really think about it, this is what it all comes down to.
Si lo piensas bien, de eso se trata.
And that's what this is really about, isn't it?
Y ésa es la clave de ésto ¿ verdad?
What I'm trying to say is.... Is that if you want to talk to somebody about this, I mean really talk even though I know we've never done that before I'd really like to be that person.
Lo que intento decirte es que si quieres hablar con alguien de esto, hablar en serio aunque no lo hayamos hecho nunca,.
Why don't you tell me what this is really about?
Dime que pasa en realidad.
I say "your civilization" because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization which is, of course, what this is all about.
Y digo "vuestra civilización" porque cuando empezamos a pensar por vosotros, se hizo la nuestra porque de eso se trata.
What's really interesting about this, though, is that you can't see that rose tattoo...
Aunque lo realmente interesante acerca de esto, es que no puedes ver el tatuaje de la rosa

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