Whiting перевод на испанский
215 параллельный перевод
Just now I'm employed by Whiting-Small, a mail-order house.
Ahora trabajo para Whiting-Small, una compañía de venta por correo.
Mrs. Whiting and that Dalrimple girl... and the Ferguson woman, Dolly, and....
La Sra. Whiting y esa chica Dalrimple... y la mujer Ferguson, Dolly, y...
Good morning, Mrs. Whiting.
Buenas, Sra. Whiting.
Whatever did Dean Whiting say to you?
¿ Qué te ha dicho la decana Whiting?
Dean Whiting said..
La decana Whiting dijo...
Dean Whiting, the devil, automatically takes over after midnight.
Para la decana Whiting, el diablo hace de las suyas siempre a medianoche.
As long as Dean Whiting isn't around.
Ya que la decana Whiting no está delante...
Get me some whiting.
Muy bien. Tráeme una pescadilla.
I love whiting.
Me encanta.
I couldn't find any whiting.
- No había pescadilla.
And try to find me some whiting.
Y procurar encontrar una pescadilla.
You and your whiting.
¡ Otra vez con la pescadilla!
Surely between the two of you, you can find me a whiting!
¡ Si ninguna de las dos es capaz de encontrarme pescadilla!
Take George to Mr Whiting, please.
Llévelo al despacho del Sr. Whiting, por favor.
As a kid, we used to buy whiting.
De niños solíamos comprar pescadilla.
Kindest regards, Evanston Whiting. "
Afectuosos saludos, Evanston Whiting ".
Do you know an Evanston Whiting?
¿ Conoces algún Evanston Whiting?
That's Colonel Whiting... president of the board of trustees... of the New YorkAvenue Church, Washington, D.C.
Es el coronel Whiting. El presidente de la junta directiva... de la iglesia de la avenida Nueva York, de Washington, D.C.
Oh, hello, Colonel Whiting.
Hola, coronel Whiting.
It's just a friendly evening... - at Colonel Whiting's little farm in the country.
Es sólo una velada íntima... en la granja del coronel Whiting.
Colonel Whiting.
Coronel Whiting.
Whiting, sir.
Recibido, señor.
Cookie has gone over the state line. Whiting Indiana. Heard on the grapevine.
Cookie está en Whiting, Indiana, el Harbor Grill.
Whitey, the Harbor Grill.
Whiting. Harbor Grill.
"La Motte and four companions shot to death in a Whiting Indiana saloon."
La Motte y cuatro de sus compinches has sido asesinados en Whiting.
Pretty Boy lived just enough to tell us that you were in Whiting.
Sabemos que estaba en Whiting.
Farrell was in Whiting last night. They know that.
Saben que Farrell estuvo en Whiting.
And I'm going to eat you as if you were fried whiting!
¡ Y os voy a comer como si fueseis pescadillas fritas!
My whiting's no good for frying.
Mi pescadilla no se puede freir.
"Oh dear, my whiting's no good for frying."
"¡ Oh, cariño, mi pescadilla no se puede freir."
- Eva Mary Whiting.
- Eva Mary Whiting.
"Will you walk a little faster?" Said a whiting to a snail
"¿ Caminarás un poco más rápido?" Le dijo un pescadito al caracol.
And now, ladies and gentlemen is coming to the pilots the formation lap approaching the great bleachers, the Vapor Trail the boat number 96 Fred Whiting is and right back at Bad Boy, Number 13 is Lucky Hugues then comes James Jamison, Lady in Scarlet, numéro D3 this boat is that we should be eye, ladies and gentlemen... he won the last...
Los conductores pasan para hacer su vuelta de presentación. Fred Whiting se acerca a la tribuna principal... en Estela de Vapor, número 96. Y justo detrás en Niño Malo, número 13, está Lucky Hughes.
Cobra wide in front George is Gergo right behind him and Fred Whiting, in 1996, will pasted on his back... are in the first round and Cobra maintains its leadership...
Ahí va Sam DeCobin adelante. Johnny Cara lo sigue y Fred Whiting, número 96, está justo detrás. Al entrar en la primera curva, DeCobin sigue adelante.
And now the third... and is coming close to Whiting and beyond
Ahora tercera... y está alcanzando a Whiting. ¡ Y lo pasa!
You float through the and now out of the turn he cuts the right and tries to overcome Whiting and there it goes!
Se le adelanta a Mitchell. Ahora sale de la curva y se pone adentro, intentando adelantarse a Whiting. Y ahí va.
There's grilled sardines, fillet of sole, fried whiting, brown-buttered skate, pike quenelles in Nantua sauce, blue trout...
Hay sardinas a la plancha, filete de lenguado, pescadilla frita, pez espada al caramelo, merluza en salsa de Nantua, trucha azul...
Ralph, I got Mr. and Mrs. Furman here, and Charles Whiting, their campaign manager.
Ralph, tengo aquí a los Furman y a Charles Whiting, su director de campaña.
~ Whiting!
- ¡ Pescadilla!
You showed to me the whiting, and the snook and now I'm going to have no trouble...
Me mostraste la pescadilla, y el róbalo, y ahora no tendré problema...
Mr. Plunkett, what is this whiting in a glaze?
Sr. Plunkett, ¿ qué es esta merluza glaseada?
Oh, that would be a lovely whiting with bread crumbs.
Es una hermosa merluza con migas de pan...
And the whiting au nature?
¿ Y la merluza "au nature"?
Boiled whiting.
Merluza hervida.
So, what's the whiting vapor stuff?
¿ Entonces qué es la merluza con humo?
That, my dear young one, would be whiting, steamed.
Eso querido, es merluza al vapor.
Whiting bordeaux?
¿ Merluza bordeaux?
Whiting bisque, madame?
¿ Sopa de merluza, señora?
The whiting bisque?
¿ Sopa de merluza?
She couldn't take the whiting, either?
¿ Tampoco pudo con la merluza?
What? Sue Whiting is dead.
Que la decana Whiting ha muerto.