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Yeah. Okay, then let's just assume that maybe somewhere there's gonna be a military strike against the terrorist who bombed the Capitol, and I'll just know more when I know more.
Vale, entonces, supongamos qué quizás vaya a haber en alguna parte un golpe militar contra el terrorista que puso las bombas en el Capitolio y que sabré algo más cuando lo sepa.
That means zilch if we don't know who's downloading it.
Eso no significa nada si no sabemos quién lo ha descargado.
I mean, I think understanding what is going on in the minds of those people who have become radically antisocial or radicalized in the sense that they've gone off to fight with ISIS, that's a $ 64,000 question.
Creo que comprender lo que pasa... ¿ POR QUÉ? En la mente de las personas radicalmente antisociales...
Home is where your family is, and by now, that's pretty much just the woman who's trying to kill me.
Un hogar es donde está la familia y allí está la mujer que quiere matarme.
You know, whether that's being with a sweet, responsible guy who likes books and helping people, or whether that's Bo who's a wannabe rapper, who's saving up for a gold tooth.
Ya sabes, si es estar con un tipo dulce, responsable que le gusta ayudar a la gente o si es Bo que quiere ser un rapero que está ahorrando para un diente de oro.
I mean, not that you can't have a crush on someone who's married, but I mean, you know, yuck.
Digo, no es que no puedas estar enamorado de una persona casada, pero lo que digo, ya sabes, apesta.
Who's saying... like, who specifically... who's saying that?
¿ Quién está diciendo... como, quién específicamente... quién dice eso?
So it's kind of a mess. Who do I call to clean that up?
Es un desastre. ¿ A quién llamo para limpiar?
Who's that?
¿ Quién es ese?
- That's who he is.
- Ese es él.
He is our all-star, knockout boy who deserves everything that we could possibly give him, even if that means sucking up our own feelings about him having birth parents out there somewhere that might fill this void that he's that feeling.
Es nuestro campeón, el chico maravilla que se merece posiblemente todo lo que podamos darle, incluso si eso implica tragarnos nuestros propios sentimientos de que tenga padres biológicos en algún sitio que quizás podrían llenar este vacío que siente.
I think, you know, I think anytime when you have a marriage when you have someone who's staying in the arts and someone who's kind of firmly rooted... in the corporate community, you're always gonna have that battle of imbalance, I think, no matter what the sex.
Creo que en un matrimonio donde uno se dedica al arte y el otro está firmemente enraizado en la comunidad empresarial, siempre habrá esa batalla, ese desequilibrio, independientemente del sexo.
"It's also been said Mr. Malco is a writer who knows how to keep his readers rapt by recounting episodes of his life with such specific immediacy and vivid emotional recall that we experience his distress as our own."
"También se ha dicho que es un escritor que atrapa la atención de sus lectores narrando episodios de su vida con tal inmediatez y frescas impresiones emocionales que experimentamos su malestar como si fuera propio". Un gran cumplido.
We can kind of see if there's any possibility of a story that we might do when the Beard Awards are in the city, with a title like, "Who Cares About the Beard Awards?"
Veamos si es posible escribir una historia relacionada con los Premios Beard cuando se celebren, con un título como : "¿ A quién le interesan los Premios Beard?".
there's a lot of difference of opinion and there's a faction of people who insist that there are different diets for different people.
- Hay demasiadas opiniones diferentes sobre el tema, y hay una facción de personas que dicen que hay diferentes dietas para diferentes personas.
That's the other thing. By cardiologists who say that if you do that you'll increase your HDL cholesterol and here's the problem with that- - by the way.
Cardiólogos que dicen que al hacerlo, incrementarás tus niveles de colesterol HDL, y aquí esta el problema.
Some of the people who are talking about low carb diets are little better than and that's not to take anything away but they cannot- - Don't have the skills to evaluate scientific information.
- Las personas que hablan sobre dietas bajas en carbohidratos son poco más que reporteros de noticias, y no menosprecio sus habilidades de investigar cosas, pero ellos no tienen la habilidad de evaluar información científica.
Hey, who's that Jitpong guy?
¿ Quién es ese tipo de Jitpong?
That's who you bring in here?
¿ Eso es lo que traes aquí?
Well, who's that with him?
¿ Y quién está con él?
You'd find very few U.S. citizens who could pass that kind of scrutiny.
Encontraría muy pocos ciudadanos estadounidenses que pasaran ese tipo de escrutinio.
The stories Reddington's told you about who he is and his connection to you, he knew you were looking for answers, and he took advantage of that to re-enter your life.
Las historias que Reddington te contó sobre quién es y su conexión contigo, él sabía que estabas buscando respuestas y se aprovechó de eso para volver a entrar en tu vida.
That's a young man who could use someone good on his side.
Por supuesto. Es un joven al que le vendría bien alguien bueno a su lado.
- Who's that?
- ¿ Quién es él?
Anyone who's navigated a West Side bride through a wedding for 1,000 can find her way in the dark and smell a flower that's clashing with a moisturizer.
Alguien que ha organizado una boda para 1.000 invitados en el West Side puede saber dónde está con los ojos cerrados y oler un perfume que no pega nada con la crema hidratante.
Who's idea is that?
¿ Idea de quién?
The one that's like a Golf, but for people who have stovepipe hats.
El que es como un Golf, Pero para las personas que tienen sombreros stovepipe.
Yeah, and, actually, speaking of tracks, it's now time to hand the M4 over to a man who thinks that sparkling water is basically communist.
Sí y hablando de pistas, es hora de poner el M4 en las manos de un hombre que piensa que el agua con gas es de comunistas.
You're the first person tonight who's actually gotten that.
Eres la primera persona esta noche que lo ha entendido.
Who's saying that?
¿ Quién está diciendo eso?
That's incredible. Do they know who?
Es increíble. ¿ Saben con quién?
Who's to say that torturing him will gain us anything?
¿ Quién puede decir que la tortura de él nos ganará algo?
And that's who they are.
Y así son.
I contend that the real killer was Levi Young, the man who would have benefited professionally from my client's conviction.
Afirmé que el verdadero asesino era Levi Young, el hombre que se habría beneficiado profesionalmente de la condena de mi cliente.
Look, I know that this is crazy, but I am the only person who cares about this child, and he's not even mine.
Mire, sé que esto es una locura, pero soy la única persona a quien le importa este niño y ni siquiera es mío.
And that's when we start yelling at each other - about who really did it.
Y ahí es cuando empezamos a gritarnos sobre quién lo hizo realmente.
And what worries me is, if I'm doing stupid shit when I'm drunk, what hope do the sheep who I lead have... if that's my example?
Y lo que me preocupa es que si yo hago estupideces, ¿ qué esperanza tiene el rebaño que lidero... si ese es mi ejemplo?
Have you ever dated someone who is... so pretty... but so stupid? Who's looking at that?
¿ Quién mira eso?
No man has ever seen a woman who's sitting there nibbling on her nubs with, like, a gill... and walked up and been like, "Excuse me, you're hideous, but you look like you might enjoy Tom Clancy, light nipple play and barbecue. Is that true?"
No vio a una mujer mordisqueándose las protuberancias con una branquia... y se acercó y dijo : "Discúlpame, eres horrenda, pero me parece que podría gustarte Tom Clancy, un toqueteo de pezón y la parrillada".
She's the one that thinks of things, who keeps track of things.
Ella es quien piensa en las cosas, quien recuerda las cosas.
Soon enough, she'll realize, as she always does, that's not who you really are.
Pronto se dará cuenta, como siempre lo hace... que no eres así.
But now that we have it, maybe we can finally find who's responsible.
Pero ahora que la tenemos, quizás podamos hallar al responsable.
Do you think you could get that really cute, uh, that theater casting director, the one who liked me. What's...
¿ Crees poder contactar a esa linda directora de elenco, a la que le gusté. ¿ Cuál era...?
my son, who I raised, is gonna put everything he has into trying to save you, because that's who he is.
mi hijo, a quien crié, va a poner todo lo que tiene para tratar de salvarte, porque ese es quien es.
For those who are close to him, I don't know if he's that good.
Esto por los que lo tenemos muy cerca, no sé si es tan bueno, ¿ eh?
In the cynical philosophy, there's no difference between the image that we have and who we really are.
En la filosofía cínica, No hay diferencia entre la imagen que proyectamos y quienes somos realmente
He didn't agree that a woman had no other duty other than giving birth to the children who would inherit the father's money.
Él no estaba de acuerdo en que una mujer no tuviera otra función Que la de parir los hijos que heredarían el dinero del padre
Or else, ask Ivan's mother, who was delighted with me. All the girls that I fuck are delighted with me, even those of 40 years of age.
Si no, pregúntaselo a la madre de Iván, que estaba encantada conmigo es que las tías que me follo están encantadas conmigo, incluso las de 40 años
A doctor school dropout, that's who.
Uno al que no le va bien en la escuela de Medicina.
Well, who's that?
Bueno, ¿ y quién fue?
You should know... 50K's a lot of money, but to men in here... men... who have screwed up in every way with their families... that 50K represents a chance at redemption.
Deberías saber que... 50.000 es mucho dinero pero para los hombres de aquí... hombres... que la han cagado de todas las formas posibles con sus familias... esos 50.000 representan una cierta forma de redención.
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that from 19
who's that for 26
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that all started with a big bang 89
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that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
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that's for sure 889
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20