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Windham перевод на испанский

106 параллельный перевод
See Lady Windham. I insist.
Verá a Lady Windham.
Shall we give him a pillow for luck?
¿ Le ponemos una almohada, Lady Windham?
It's a little bit different for you, Lady Windham.
Es algo diferente para usted, Lady Windham, si no le importa que lo diga así.
- I'm sorry.
Oh, Lady Windham, lo siento.
Lady Windham, how could I have been so thoughtless?
Lo siento, Lady Windham, ¿ cómo he podido ser tan desconsiderado? Por favor, perdóneme.
- Can I get you some water?
¿ Puedo ofrecerle agua, Lady Windham?
Lady Windham, what's the matter?
Lady Windham, ¿ qué pasa?
Here we are, Lady Windham. Dear me...
Aquí tiene, Lady Windham.
Lady Windham says the driver must keep out of the sun.
Lady Windham dice que el maquinista debe resguardarse del sol. ¿ Lo ve? Ya se lo dije.
Because you won't touch alcohol and this morning you were unwilling to give Lady Windham her case.
Porque no prueba el alcohol y esta mañana usted era el menos dispuesto a dar la maleta a Lady Windham
Thank you.
Gracias, Lady Windham, es usted muy amable.
- Thank you, Lady Windham.
Gracias, gracias, Lady Windham
And I'd like to have you meet my friend, Sophie Windham.
Y quiero presentarte a mi amiga Sophie Windham.
( Ford ) Windham Worther's Trough.
Depresión Windham Worther.
- I gotta call Windham.
Debo llamar a Windham.
- Hurry! Windham!
¡ Apúrate!
Here's the Windham file.
Aqui esta el expediente de Windhame.
We're defending Brooke Windham... whose very wealthy husband was found shot to death... in their Beacon Hill mansion.
Estamos defendiendo a Brooke Windham... Donde se encontro a su esposo millonario muerto con un disparo... en su mansion en Beacon Hill.
Mrs. Windham Vandermark is on line two for you.
Mrs. Windham Vandermark esta en la linea 2 para usted.
Mrs. Windham Vandermark?
Mrs. Windham Vandermark?
We're here today covering the trial of Brooke Windham.
Estamos aqui para ver el caso de Brooke Windham.
She's charged with the murder of her husband... Boston millionaire Heyworth Windham.
quien esta acusada del asesinato de su esposo... el millonario de Boston Heyworth Windham.
Mrs. Windham asked you to wear while cleaning her pool?
Windham le pedia que usara mientras limpiaba la piscina?
Are you having an affair with Brooke Windham?
Tiene un amorio con Brooke Windham?
Have you and Mrs. Windham had sexual relations?
Ha tenido relaciones sexuales con Ms. Windham?
Mr. Salvatore, do you have any proof... that you and Mrs. Windham were having an affair?
Mr. Salvatore, tiene alguna prueba... de que usted y Mrs. Windham tenian una aventura?
Did you ever take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Alguna vez llevo a Mrs. Windham a una cita?
How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham?
Cuanto tiempo ha estado durmiendo con Mrs. Windham?
Mrs. Windham, you do realize what you're doing?
Mrs. Windham, Se da usted cuenta de lo que esta haciendo?
Miss Windham... when you arrived back at the house... was your father there?
Miss Windham... Cuando regreso a su casa... Estaba su padre ahi?
But Mrs. Windham didn't have a gun?
Pero Mrs. Windham no tenia un arma?
Miss Windham, did you hear a shot fired?
Miss Windham, Escucho algun disparo?
Miss Windham... what had you done earlier that day?
Miss Windham... Que hizo antes ese dia?
Miss Windham, had you ever gotten a perm before?
Miss Windham, alguna vez se ha hecho permanentes antes?
Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun... before you got downstairs... which would mean you would have had to have found...
Brooke Windham no hubiera tenido tiempo de esconder la pistola... antes de que bajaras las escaleras... Lo que significa que hubieras encontrado a...
Mrs. Windham with a gun in her hand... to make your story plausible.
Windham con la pistola en la mano... para hacer tu historia creible.
Bailiff, take the witness into custody... where she will be charged for the murder of Heyworth Windham.
Guardia, Ponga al testigo bajo custodia... en donde sera acusada del asesinato de Heyworth Windham.
In the matter of The State vs. Brooke Windham... this case is dismissed.
Con respecto al caso El estado vs. Brooke Windham... Este caso esta cerrado.
Mrs. Windham, you are free to go.
Mrs. Windham, es usted libre de irse.
I'm told that, after I left Camden, she got really drunk and went wandering through Windham House and did the whole football team.
Me dijeron más tarde, cuando dejé Camdem, se emborrachó y que estuvo deambulando por la casa Windham y acabó haciendolo con todo el equipo de fútbol.
Doug Windham?
¿ Doug Windham?
Doug Windham's phone dump had a bunch of calls back and forth with McGinty before the burglary.
El teléfono de Doug Windham tuvo un montón de llamadas de entre ambos lados con McGinty antes del robo.
Windham calling you and telling you we were getting close.
Windham llamandote y diciendote que nos acercábamos.
Fact - you sent him to Windham to get the tools.
Hecho - le envias a Windham para conseguir las herramientas.
Go talk to Windham.
Ve a hablar con Windham.
I paid Doug Windham, 50 Gs for the damn thing.
Le pagué a Doug Windham, 50 grandes por la maldita cosa.
All I know is Windham's too greedy to help some kid set up a score and settle for short money.
Todo lo que sé es que Windham fué demasiado codicioso para ayudar a cierto niño a dar un golpe y conformarlo con poco dinero.
I'm thinking maybe Allen shows up looking for for his payoff, has some kind of beef with Windham and wins.
Estoy pensando que quizá Allen salga a la luz buscando su pago, tiene un tipo de trato con Windham y gana.
And I was still on schedule until you guys tipped to Windham.
Y aun lo estaba planeando hasta que ustedes le dieron el tip a Windham.
- Lady Windham has.
Bueno, Lady Windham lo tiene.
Excuse me.
Perdone, Lady Windham.

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