You'd know that перевод на испанский
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- What in the hell are we doing having two campaign hacks from the D-triple-C and the RNC on our air debating America's longest war when you know as well as I know that they know exactly as much as what's printed in their talking points?
- ¿ Qué demonios estamos haciendo al invitar a dos estrategas de poca monta del Comité Demócrata y del Comité Republicano a nuestro programa para debatir sobre de la guerra más larga de América cuando sabes tan bien como yo que saben exáctamente lo que está impreso en sus notas?
You know, that's exactly the kind of question he'd have asked.
Sabes, es exactamente el tipo de pregunta que él habría hecho.
You know, that was the first baby picture of myself I'd ever seen.
Sabes, es la primera foto de yo de bebé que he visto jamás.
You know, I always thought that you'd have a great, big, fucking gold ring in your nose.
Sabes, siempre imaginé que llevarías un anillo gordo de oro en la nariz.
You don't regret it... we both know that you'd do it again.
No lo lamentas... ambos sabemos que lo harías de nuevo.
Okay, I know that I promised I'd stay away from him, but I wasn't thinking clearly, and I thought he'd know where you were, so I just...
Vale, sé que prometí que me alejaría de él, pero no estaba pensando con claridad, y pensé que él sabría dónde estabas, así que solo...
♪ I know you're already a wealthy-ish guy ♪ ♪ But think of what that condo money could buy ♪ ♪ And I'd open up Bob's Beach Burgers and Fries... ♪
â ™ ª Ya sé que tú eres un tío ejemplar â ™ ª â ™ ª piensa en el dinero que el proyecto nos dará â ™ ª â ™ ª Podremos abrir un Bob's Burger especial â ™ ª
You know who'd be really pissed off if Johnny actually threw that fight?
¿ Sabes quién estaría realmente molesto... si Johnny se dejó perder ese combate?
How'd you know about that room?
¿ Cómo te enteraste de que existía esa habitación?
How'd you know that?
¿ Cómo sabéis eso?
Especially given the lack of skin damage that you'd associate with, uh, you know, wayward stabs. Mm-hmm.
Especialmente dada la falta de daños en la piel que se asociarían con punzadas aleatorias.
I know you'd pick Ditte and that's okay, she's always had loads of men.
Sé que escogerías a Ditte, está bien, siempre tiene hombres.
Yeah, but you know what I love about this one is that it's so modern, and I'd love to see you in something modern for a change.
Sí, pero ¿ sabes? lo que me gusta de este es que es tan moderno, que me encantaría verte en algo actual para variar.
That's great,'cause, you know, if they gave us pillows, you'd be set.
Es genial, porque, sabes, si ellos nos dan almohadas, tú estarás listo.
I mean, I know the censors have to be vigilant, but if you took even a cursory glance, you'd see that nothing in my subject matter is classified.
Quiero decir, sabía que los censores estarían al tanto, pero si le echase el mínimo vistazo, vería que nada de lo que se trata en mi estudio está clasificado.
You can't. Because then you'd say it's a wig and then he'd know that we know.
Porque dirías que es una peluca y sabría que lo sabemos.
Did you know that you were entering this crazy party atmosphere, that you'd be?
¿ Sabías que te metías en ese ambiente de fiesta loca?
I bet you'd be surprised to know that he invented the fly striker fishing lure.
Apuesto que te sorprenderá saber que él inventó el señuelo de la pesca con mosca.
You know, as far as I'm concerned, they can have whatever they want because they got him out of the D.E.A., and now that Tony might be having some stability in his life, maybe he'll start thinking about marriage or maybe starting his own family.
En lo que a mí respecta, pueden tener lo que quieran porque lo sacaron de la DEA, y ahora que parece que la vida de Tony podría adquirir cierta estabilidad, quizá empiece a pensar en casarse o en crear su propia familia.
You know, I thought now that he left the D.E.A., he'd make being here a priority.
Ya sabes, pensaba que ahora que había dejado la DEA, haría que estar aquí fuera una prioridad.
- How'd you know all that?
- ¿ Cómo sabes todo eso?
- That's right. How'd you know?
- Correcto. ¿ Cómo lo sabías?
You know, I really thought that if I, you know, dazzled you tonight with this speech, that you'd let me back into money law, but well, that was a stupid plan, right?
Ya sabes, realmente pensé que si yo, te conozco, te deslumbró esta noche con este discurso, que me dejarías atrás en ley el dinero, pero bueno, eso era un estúpido plan, ¿ no?
Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. How'd you know about that?
¿ Cómo sabes esto?
You know, there was a time when I thought that maybe I'd be the one wearing Aiden's ring.
Sabes, había un tiempo en que pensaba que tal vez sería yo quien llevara el anillo de Aiden.
How'd you know that would work?
¿ Cómo sabías que iba a funcionar?
You know, Ted and I, whenever we would hear that your agency was involved, we'd always be so intimidated.
¿ Sabes? , Ted y yo, cuando escuchábamos que tu agencia estaba involucrada, siempre nos sentíamos muy intimidados.
I fed a horse. D'you know why you've got to do it like that?
He alimentado uno. ¿ Sabes por qué hay que hacerlo así?
Oh, just that I'm sorry I missed everything and that... I'd be home soon, you know.
Sólo era que sentía habérmelo perdido y todo eso... quería estar temprano en casa, ya sabes.
Not that it's any of my business, but if you suddenly started dating a guy who'd only ever dated other guys, you know, I'd be worried he wasn't serious about you.
No es que me importe, pero si de repente empiezas a salir con un tío que solo ha salido con otros tíos, ya sabes, me preocuparía que no se lo tomara en serio contigo.
So there's a lot more, Matty, that you don't know, and I'm sure they're dying to tell you, so I'd rather you hear it from me first.
Hay mucho más, Matty, que no sabes, y estoy segura de que se están muriendo por contártelo, así que prefiero que lo oigas de mí primero. Esto será interesante.
You know, that'd actually be really nice.
Ya sabes, eso sería realmente ser muy agradable.
You know, if I were to somehow find out that you helped Simmo, that'd be very bad for you.
Si me enterara de algún modo de que ayudaste a Simmo, eso sería muy malo para ti.
I know I'd help you with the rent and that still stands.
Sé que usted le ayudaría con el alquiler y que sigue en pie.
She'd ground me till I'm dead if she knew. Does your mom know that you're here?
¿ Sabe tu madre que estás aquí?
Vic, if you'd rather go to work than spend a weekend with me, I'm not gonna... that is not what I mean, and you know it, Sean.
Vic, si prefieres ir a trabajar que pasar un fin de semana conmigo, no voy a... No me refería a eso, y lo sabes, Sean.
Evan, you know that Hank RSVP'd "maybe."
Evan, tú sabes que Hank RSVP'd "tal vez".
You said, "I like your bag." How'd you know that?
- Dijiste : "Me gusta tu bolso". - ¿ Cómo lo has sabido?
I told you to clean yourself up, that if you were clean, no one would know what you are or what you'd done.
Te dije que te limpiaras, que si estabas limpio, nadie sabría lo que eres o lo que habías hecho.
Sometimes I'd see him in the elevator, and, you know, I hate to say it, but I'm not totally surprised that it happened.
Alguna veces me cruzaba con él en el ascensor, y, odio decirlo... pero no me sorprende para nada lo que sucedió.
If you had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that I'm a different person now.
Si hubieras venido con nosotras como te pedimos, sabrías que ahora soy una persona distinta.
If you knew who I was, then you'd know that's all it ever can be.
Si supieras quien soy, sabrías que eso es todo lo que puede haber.
You know, Lloyd said that he'd never seen Allison before, that she wasn't a customer.
Lloyd dijo que nunca antes había visto a Allison, que no era cliente.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you did that on purpose.
Si no te conociera, creería que lo has hecho adrede.
My name is Aaron Harvey, and I'd really like to know what you have in that bag and what you intend to do with it.
Me llamo Aaron Harvey, y me gustaría saber qué hay en esa bolsa y qué pretendes hacer con ella.
I know you said earlier that you didn't exchange names but was there a name he'd used on his profile?
Sé que dijo antes que no se intercambiaron los nombres. ¿ Pero había un nombre que él usara en su perfil?
If you knew me that well, you'd know I'm not in the mood.
Si me conocieses tan bien, sabrías que no estoy de humor.
How'd you know that?
¿ Cómo sabías eso?
Even if that was a real thing and you did know it, you'd have used it already.
Aunque fuera cierto y supieras, ya tendrías que haberlo usado.
Please, you know I'd never support that.
Por favor, sabes que nunca apoyaría eso.
I-I guess you know that d-danni and I were... Romantically involved.
Supongo que saben que Danni y yo manteníamos... una relación romántica.
you'd know 93
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
know that 57
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19