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You're alone перевод на испанский

6,252 параллельный перевод
You're dining alone?
¿ Estás cenando solo?
I see you're finally alone.
Finalmente te veo solo.
I can do this alone if you're not willing to commit.
Puedo hacer esto sola si tú no estás dispuesto.
What you're doing here all alone?
¿ Y tú qué haces solo?
When she's alone. If you're right about her... It changes everything.
Si tienes razón sobre ella... eso lo cambia todo.
Eli, my point is you're not alone.
Eli, lo que quiero decir es que no estás solo.
Okay, hey, you're not gonna be alone, okay?
Vale, oye, no vas a estar solo, ¿ vale?
Reid, I'll talk to you more about that when we're alone, all right?
Reid, hablaré contigo más cuando estemos a solas, ¿ de acuerdo?
Oh, so, you're not alone?
Ah, ¿ así que no estás sola?
You're not alone.
No estás sola.
You're not alone!
¡ No estáis solos!
You're not going alone.
No irás solo.
But you're not safe being alone.
Pero no estás a salvo estando solo.
You're not alone now.
No estás solo ahora.
You keep living in the past, you're gonna wind up alone.
Si sigues viviendo en el pasado vas a acabar solo.
You're not alone, I can help.
No está sola, puedo ayudarle.
And I want you to know you're not alone.
Y quiero que sepas que no estás solo.
You're not alone, Leo.
No estás solo, Leo.
No bullshit, you're alone?
No hay mentira, estás solo?
I know you're used to acting alone
Sé que usted está acostumbrado a actuar solo.
- You're not alone.
- No estás solo.
( Holt ) You're going to leave my precinct and my task force alone.
Vas a dejar en paz a mi comisaria y a mi unidad especial.
So, you're just gonna walk into a ballroom alone?
¿ Entonces irás al baile solo?
It's like they're having their period, am I right? Are you just laughing so I'll leave you alone? Good one.
Es como si estuvieran por tener la menstruación. ¿ O no? ¿ Te estás riendo para que te deje en paz? Qué buen chiste.
But do you let him stay here because you're kind or just because you're terrified of being alone?
¿ Pero le dejas quedarse aquí porque eres bueno o sólo porque temes quedarte solo?
Maybe Todd's worse off today, but you're worse off in the long run, because you're gonna die alone and unloved, you pompous, affected asshole!
Quizás Todd la haya cagado hoy, pero tú la has cagado a largo plazo, porque vas a morir solo, sin ser amado, ¡ pomposo gilipollas!
Thanks, Laura. ♪ When you're walking alone ♪ ♪ Because Jellicles are ♪ ♪ And Jellicles do ♪
Gracias, Laura. BoJack, aquí tu agente favorito.
♪ When you're walking alone ♪
? When you're walking alone?
♪ When you're walking alone ♪
Es el día tres de la gran sacudida de...
Why you're getting drunk in a bar alone. Ah. ( softly ) :
Por qué te estás emborrachando sola en un bar.
You're not alone in your grief, Stefan.
No estás solo con tu dolor, Stefan.
You're alone.
Estás solo.
Wait till you're alone, then you hit that register jockey hard.
Espera hasta que estés sola, entonces pegas con fuerza al de la caja.
'Cause you got all dressed up in your finest tank top with your puka-shell necklace, but here you are drunk and alone and frustrated, and now you're gonna be walking home with one sandal.
Porque te has vestido con tu mejor camiseta y tu collar de conchas de puka, pero aquí estás borracha y sola y frustrada, y ahora irás a casa con una sandalia.
You're afraid of being alone in the dark, and that goes away when you realize something.
Tienes miedo a estar solo en la oscuridad y eso se va cuando te das cuenta de algo.
You're never really alone.
Nunca estás realmente solo.
And you're not doing this alone.
Y tú no vas a hacer esto sola.
The important thing to remember is... you're not alone.
Lo importante es recordar que... no estás sola.
- Korra, I know you feel alone right now, But you're not the first avatar Who's had to overcome great suffering.
Korra, comprendo que ahora mismo te sientes sola, pero no eres la primera Avatar que ha tenido que superar un gran sufrimiento.
Am I going to eat you alive if we're alone? Do you dislike me that much?
Un poco.
I mean, you're alone with your thoughts, so...
Quiero decir, estás solo con tus pensamientos...
But you're not safe being alone.
Pero no estás a salvo estando sola.
But you're not alone.
Pero no estás sola.
I want you to know that you're not alone in any of this.
Quiero que sepas que no estás sola en nada de esto.
No, Belle, y-you're not going in there alone.
No Bella, no vas a ir sola.
Ellen, I know you're not used to being alone.
Ellen, sé que no estás acostumbrada a estar sola.
Is the emotion more for your sister that she's out, For your sister that she's out, or for you that you're alone?
¿ La emoción es porque tu hermana se ha ido o porque estás sola?
Or for you that you're alone? it just really hurts because it just really hurts because you know there is people here You know there is people here that have been together you know
Duele de verdad, porque sabes hay gente que ha estado junta por 5 o 6 años.
If you find yourself alone with an attacker, unfortunately if we're being realistic, we're not as strong as they are.
Si se encuentran solas con un atacante, lamentablemente siendo realistas, no somos tan fuertes como ellos.
If you're really sorry, you'll leave me alone for good, and if you don't, I will use every resource in my power to have you locked up.
Si de verdad lo sientes, me dejarás en paz para siempre, y si no, utilizaré todos los recursos en mi poder para que te encierren.
Now, while we're here, while we're alone, just let me kiss you.
Ahora, mientras estamos aquí, mientras estamos solos, déjame besarte.

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