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You're gonna get yourself killed перевод на испанский

118 параллельный перевод
Everybody tells me you're gonna get yourself killed today.
Andan diciendo que va a hacer que le maten.
I understand you're gonna get yourself killed!
- ¡ Entiendo que le van a matar!
You're gonna get yourself killed by a fella called Rio.
Vas a hacerte matar por un tipo llamado Río.
You know, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Escucha, te expones a que te maten.
The only way you're gonna get killed is if you operate on yourself.
Sólo se morirá si se opera a sí mismo.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a conseguir que te maten.
You think if you get yourself killed you're gonna be some kind of hero?
¿ Piensas que si te matan vas a ser una especie de héroe?
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a lograr que te maten.
William, you're gonna make yourself sick. Or get yourself killed.
William, enfermarás o acabarás muerto.
Now! - You're gonna get yourself killed! - Killed, man, jeez!
Por poco te matan.
You're gonna get yourself killed!
¡ Es un suicidio!
You're gonna get yourself killed, you fool.
Te vas a matar, estúpido.
You're gonna get yourself killed here.
Harás que te maten aquí.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a terminar matándote. Ahora, por favor.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Te vas a matar.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
- Te van a matar.
You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep going up against them.
Conseguirá que te maten si sigues en contra de ellos.
Damn it, Harper, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Maldita sea, Harper, vas a que te maten.
Dirk, you're gonna get yourself killed.
- cuando murió. - Conseguirás que te maten.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a conseguir que te maten
- You're gonna get yourself killed.
- Va a conseguir que lo maten.
But you're gonna get yourself killed.
Pero te van a matar.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Te matarán.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
- Eres un idiota. Te van a matar.
You keep flashing your business cards... around like that, you ´ re gonna get yourself... fucking killed.
Si ostentas tu tarjetas comerciales, vas a conseguir... que te maten.
Keep shooting your mouth off, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Sigue hablando de más, y vas a acabar muerta.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Te van a matar.
Because you're gonna get yourself killed, that's why.
Porque vas a conseguir que te maten.
You're gonna get yourself killed!
¡ Te vas a matar con eso!
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a hacer que te maten.
And if I leave you, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Si lo dejo acá, lo van a matar.
You're gonna go down there, and you're gonna get yourself killed.
- ¿ Ok, sabes que? ¿ Sabes que pienso?
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Las van a matar.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
¡ Se va a matar!
He said it was to protect you, that you're gonna get yourself killed.
Dijo que era para protegerte, que ibas a hacer que te mataran.
you're gonna get yourself killed. talk to me.
Vas a hacer que te maten.
You're not going by yourself. You're gonna get killed.
Dean, no vas a ir solo, te va a matar.
No, you're gonna get yourself killed!
¡ Vas a acabar muerto!
You're gonna get yourself killed.
- Vas a morir.
You're gonna get yourself killed, man.
Vas a conseguir que te maten, viejo.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a conseguir que te maten. ¿ Sabes?
You're gonna get yourself killed!
¡ Vas a matarte!
Listen, man, you're gonna get yourself killed out here, okay?
Escuche, va a matarse aquí, ¿ sí?
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Harás que te maten.
Well, if you keep treating suspects like patients, you're gonna get yourself or someone else killed.
Bueno, si sigues tratando a los sospechosos como pacientes, vas a conseguir matarte tú o a algún otro.
Well, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Bueno, te matarán.
Ryan, you're gonna get yourself killed.
Ryan, harás que te maten.
Stop it or you're gonna get yourself killed.
Para o te vas a matar.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
Vas a acabar matándote.
And one day, you're gonna get yourself killed!
! Y algún día, vas a hacer que te maten!
You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam.
Vas a que te maten, Sam.

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