You're injured перевод на испанский
251 параллельный перевод
If you're not injured, it doesn't take you... 11 hours to get home!
¿ En qué parte del cuerpo? Si no estás herida, no tardas ¡ once horas en llegar a casa!
You're injured?
¿ Estás herido?
- I do hope you're not injured.
Espero que no te hayas lastimado.
He couldn't go on nor could you. You're injured man. Let us take you into the house.
No puede seguir, usted tampoco, está herido.
You're being hunted, injured, your forces dwindle... you see an open window... you climb up, you appear before me.
Es perseguido, herido, sus fuerzas debilitadas, ve una ventana abierta, asciende, se presenta ante mí- -
You're someone I've injured by being blind.
Eres alguien al que he lastimado por estar tan ciego.
While you're injured you descend.
Aunque estés herida te bajaremos.
If you're injured, if you can't talk, make an effort.
¡ Si estás herido y no puedes hablar, haz un esfuerzo!
I say the person you're protecting won't be injured.
Digo que la persona que proteje no será lastimada.
You're injured.
Estás herido.
- you're daughter has been in a car accident - is she injured?
- Su hija ha tenido un accidente de coche. - ¿ Está herida?
- Posey, remember, you're injured.
- Posey, recuerda, estás herido.
I'll let you go since you're injured
Ya que estás herido te dejaré marchar.
But you're injured.
Pero estás herido.
You're injured more.
Tú estás más perjudicado.
Miss Masson, you've just killed a man and seriously injured another as it happens, one of the Portuguese you say you're protecting.
Señorita Masson,... ha matado a un hombre y herido a otro. Precisamente, a uno de esos portugueses, que Vd. pretende defender.
But you're injured. This is an order! Obey it!
Nos encontrarán si nos quedamos juntos.
We've got a lot of injured to move and you're gonna move them in this. And I'm gonna stay here.
Tenemos que desplazar a muchos heridos, y lo vas a hacer tú.
And if you're injured... we'll take the blame for it
Y si eres lastimado... recibiremos el castigo por eso.
¤ Now I ask on behalf of injured people... ¤ that you protect the poor, when they beg you, you pay attention... ¤ because you're the chosen among women... ¤ to bring forth from your belly the great revolution.
# En este momento pido a nombre del pueblo herido # que protejas a los pobres, que implorándote recepciones, # pues eres tú la elegida entre todas las mujeres # para llevar en el vientre a la gran revolución.
- You're injured.
- Estas lastimado.
You're injured, materialistic and slaves of your desires.
Son heridos, materialistas y esclavos de sus deseos.
You're injured.
Te han ofendido.
I hope you're not badly injured.
Espero que no esté malherido.
Unless you're seriously injured, could you please go to other campus buildings?
A menos que estén seriamente heridos, Podrían ir al otro edificio del campus?
You're injured.
Estás herida.
Unfortunately, I'm injured, so you're going to have to do most of the work.
Lamentablemente, estoy lesionado, por lo que está va a tener que hacer la mayor parte de la obra.
You played two games great. lf you're injured, you didn't look it.
Jugaste dos partidos y saliste muy bien. Si estabas lesionado, no parecía.
Wait a minute, you're still on injured reserve.
Oye, tú estás en recuperación. No lo olvides.
You're still injured. Why are you here?
Aún estás herido. ¿ Qué haces aquí?
If we can show that you're severely injured, we can sue the ball club and the ballpark for a lot of money.
Si podemos demostrar que usted está seriamente lesionado, podemos demandar al club de pelota y el estadio de béisbol para un montón de dinero.
I hope you're not injured.
Espero que no estés herido.
I think you're confusing the injured parties here.
Creo que estás confundiendo la parte herida.
You're using the desperation of an injured man as an excuse to try a procedure that you couldn't normally do.
Está sirviéndose de la desesperación de un hombre discapacitado para probar algo que no podría hacer en circunstancias normales.
You're injured.
Está herida.
If you're injured, you can't.
Si estás lesionado, no puedes.
You were injured, but I think you're going to be alright.
Le hirieron, pero creo que se pondrá bien.
You're off injured reserve and you're starting today.
Dejarás la banca y empezarás hoy.
You're not injured, you're just a big kid.
No estás lastimado, solo eres un niño grande.
You're going to tell this trail of cat sick that I was badly injured and not to question me.
Dile a este vómito de gato que no me discuta.
Good, you're not injured.
Bien, no estás herido.
You're lucky Goth wasn't injured in your clumsy ambush!
Tienes suerte de que Goth no salió herido en tu torpe emboscada.
You're injured.
Está herido.
You're gravely injured, Colonel.
Está Ud. gravemente herido, Coronel.
You're just a big brick! Let's delay the game, and my lip would tremble, and i see we have an injured quarterback.
"Suspendamos el juego." Me temblaron los labios, y dije :
- You're injured.
- Estás herida.
You were unconscious, but I don't think you're injured.
¿ Estás bien? Estabas inconsciente, - pero no creo que estés lastimado
Get up! If you're injured, you forfeit!
Si se lesiona, pierden.
We're currently tracking the Suliban vessel that left Rigel shortly after you were injured.
Estamos siguiendo a la nave Suliban que dejó Rigel poco después de que usted fuera herido.
We're currently tracking the Suliban vessel that left Rigel shortly after you were injured.
En estos momentos estamos rastreando la nave Suliban. que dejó Rigel después de que Ud. fuera herido.
- Colonel, you're injured.
- Coronel, Está herido.
injured 73
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're something else 41
you're so mean 39
you're my rock 22
you're so cool 35
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're doing great 645
you're fired 1000
you're something else 41
you're so mean 39
you're my rock 22
you're so cool 35