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You're my father перевод на испанский

1,280 параллельный перевод
Oh, you have to say that because you're my father.
Oh, lo dices porque eres mi padre.
- But you're not my father.
- Tú no eres mi papá.
You know, you're starting to sound like my father.
¿ Sabes? Empiezas a hablar como mi padre.
The problem with being my age is... everybody thinks you're a father figure... but you're really just the same asshole you always were.
El problema con llegar a mi edad es... que la gente te cree sabio, pero sigues siendo un boludo.
I'm King, now that you're my father.
Y no reina desde que Coligny es mi padre.
My father gave me a handful of cherry bombs and M-80s... and said, "You're gonna train this dog to be a protector."
Mi padre me dio un punado de Cherry Bombs y M-80s... Y dijo, " "Tú vas a entrenar a este perro para ser un protector." "
Sometimes I forget you're my father.
A veces olvido que eres mi padre.
You're angry with me... because you think I married your father for my own convenience.
Estás enojada conmigo porque crees que me casé con tu padre para mi propio beneficio.
No, you're thinking of my father.
Me confundes con mi papá.
Look, you're the father of my child.
Eres el padre de mi hijo.
You're supposed to say, "I'll help you catch the man who killed my father."
Se supone que debes decir : "Le ayudaré a atrapar al hombre que mató a mi padre."
OK. " I didn't understand my father till this very moment, and you won't understand me till you're a father, which won't be for a very long time!
Yo no entendía a mi padre hasta este mismo momento, y no me entenderás hasta que seas un padre,
You're just like my father.
Eres como tu padre
I think what my father's saying is you're like a member of the family now.
Creo que lo que dice mi padre es que eres como un miembro de la familia ahora.
In that case, you won't mind my saying that I hope you're not my father.
Entonces, no se moleste si le digo que espero que no sea mi padre.
You're still my son and like it or not, I'm your father.
Sigues siendo mi hijo. Y te guste o no, yo soy tu padre.
You're just like my father.
Eres igual que mi padre.
You're my real father!
¡ Díselo! ¡ Eres mi verdadero padre!
Well, while you're "taking tea" with my mother and talking about whatever it is that you talk to my father about, just don't get too comfortable.
Mientras esté "tomando el té" con mi madre y hablando sobre lo que sea que habla con mi padre, no se acomode demasiado.
And you're not my father.
Y tu no eres mi padre.
- You're older than my father.
- Es más viejo que mi padre.
My father's Roger Callaway and when he finds out what you're doing here he's going to buy this whole town and kick you out of it.
Mi padre es Roger Callaway y cuando descubra lo que hacen aquí... ¿ Roger Callaway?
But my father told me you should always face what you're afraid of.
Mi padre me dijo : "Afronta lo que te asuste".
Everyone knows you're the guy my father was complaining about.
Todos saben que Ud. es el tipo del que mi papá se estaba quejando.
You're not my father.
No eres mi papá.
"You're my father."
"Eres mi padre".
You're not my father!
¡ No eres mi padre!
You're the only one I want to be the father of my children, whether it's now or later.
Eres el único quien quiero que sea el padre de mis hijos, ya sea ahora o después.
You're right. But you know, no matter how bad it gets with him, I have to remind myself that he's not my real father anyway.
Tienes razón, pero no importa qué tan mal estén las cosas con él debo recordar que de cualquier manera él no es mi verdadero padre.
You're not my father anyway!
- Tú no eres mi padre.
You're not my father!
Tú no eres mi padre.
Mac, you're not my father.
- Mac, - no eres mi padre.
You're my father?
¿ Tú eres mi padre?
You're not my father.
Usted no es mi padre.
You're saying you're not sure if you're my father?
¿ Estás diciendo que no estás seguro de ser mi padre?
You're from the same neighborhood I'm from, that my father's from.
Tú eres del barrio. De donde es mi padre.
My father says from the day you're born you start from scratch.
Mi padre dice que en el momento que naces empiezas desde cero.
- You're not my real father!
- Tú no eres mi padre.
You're my father, I'm your son and I need them.
Porque eres mi padre, porque soy tu hijo y porque las necesito.
- You're not my father.
- No eres mi padre. - Bueno...
Lay your hand upon my father's breast if you're innocent of his blood.
Coloque la mano sobre el pecho de mi padre, si es inocente.
You're not my father.
No eres mi padre.
Dad, you're my father.
Pa, eres mi padre.
Excuse me, Father, you're sitting on my cardigan.
Perdone, Padre, está sentado sobre mi cárdigan.
I don't know who you are... but you're not my father.
No sé quién eres... pero no eres mi padre.
You're not my father.
Tú no eres mi padre.
It seems like you're always with my father.
Trabajas con mi padre.
You're my father.
Eres mi papá.
You're nothing like my father.
Ud. no se parece en nada a mi padre.
You're my father. Fathers aren't men.
- Eres mi padre y los padres no son hombres.
If you're not my father you still act the part.
Es que actúas como un padre, aunque no lo seas.

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