You're my husband перевод на испанский
801 параллельный перевод
You're waiting for my husband.
Están esperando a mi marido.
- Well, you see, you're just a man and not my husband.
Pues porque usted no es más que un hombre, no es mi marido.
But, my dear, you're doing all you can here, and your husband is there.
Pero, querida mía, hace lo que puede aquí y su marido está allí.
You're my brother, and Marc's my husband.
Eres mi hermano, y Marc es mi esposo.
Nicolo, you're my husband.
Nicolo, eres mi esposo.
If you're not interested, I warn you to change the subject quickly, because my husband talks horses quite as well as he rides them.
Si no está interesado, le advierto que cambie rápido de tema... porque mi marido habla de caballos tan bien como los monta.
Skipper, will you tell my husband we're here?
Capitán. ¿ Quiere despertar a mi marido?
Why should I want to divorce you? You're my husband.
¿ Por qué iba a querer?
Don't forget you're my husband... and I'm telling that to Miss Allenbury tonight.
No olvides que eres mi marido... y voy a decírselo a la Srta. Allenbury esta noche.
As my Knowledge You're my true and lawful husband.
Le reconozco como mi amante y legal esposo.
You're a fine detective - letting one man be murdered right under your eyes... and then setting the stage so they could try to kill my husband!
¡ Qué detective! Deja que asesinen a un hombre delante de sus propias narices... y luego crea el marco para que asesinen a mi esposo.
Mi último marido está pudriéndose en la cárcel, allí es donde iras tú, a pudrirte junto a él.
Now, you're my husband, Humphrey.
Usted es mi marido, Humphrey.
Downstairs, you're my husband.
Abajo, es mi esposo.
For one thing, I hear you're going to marry my husband.
Una cosa, escuché que se va a casar con mi marido.
- You're not my husband.
Ya no soy tu esposa.
Mr. Corday, you're supposed to be my husband.
Sr. Corday, se supone que es mi marido.
You're my husband, and I'm your wife.
Eres mi esposo y yo soy tu mujer.
You're my husband.
Eres mi esposo.
I told him you're my husband.
Le dije que era mi marido.
I didn't have to tell him you're my husband.
No debí haberle dicho que era mi marido.
You're not very complimentary to your husband, my dear.
No estás siendo muy educada con tu marido, querida.
You're my husband... my very own.
Eres mi esposo... mi esposo.
I have a piece of paper in my possession that proves you're my husband.
Tengo un pedazo de papel en mi poder que prueba que eres mi marido.
Because you're my husband. Because I love you. 50?
Porque eres un gran artista, mi marido y el hombre al que amo.
My husband tells me you're a great believer in luck.
Mi esposo me ha dicho que Ud. cree mucho en la suerte.
You're trying to make people think that André Latour killed my husband.
Quiere que haga pensar a Ia gente... que André LaTour mató a mi marido.
You're not my husband.
No eres mi marido.
No, you're not going, not as long as you're my husband.
No, tú no te irás, mientras seas mi marido.
This is my house and you're not my husband any longer, hurray, so I'll make all the remarks I choose.
Ésta es mi casa y tú ya no eres mí marido, aleluya, así que haré todos los comentarios que quiera.
- You're right... Bill's alive. But my husband's just gone off in his car...
- Tenía razón, Bill está vivo, pero mi marido ha ido a matarle.
Darling, you're my husband.
Cariño, eres mi marido.
You're going to get a great shock when my husband shows up.
Te vas a llevar una buena impresión cuando mi marido aparezca.
My husband thinks you're Caroline's lover.
Mi marido te cree el amante de Caroline. - ¡ Vaya, vaya!
Excuse me - you're probably not my husband, then.
Perdone, es probable que no sea mi marido. ¡ Buenos días, señora!
You're my wife and I'm your husband.
Eres mi esposa y yo tu esposo.
You're my husband, Will.
Eres mi marido, Will.
You're welcome to wait if you like... but I assure you my husband will be in conference until dinnertime.
Puede esperarlo aquí si quiere, pero... le aseguro que mi esposo no regresará hasta la hora de cenar.
You're not my husband yet.
Aún no eres mi marido.
You're not my husband, you know.
No eres mi marido.
Okay, now I'm the husband, you're the lover and this is my wife.
Bien, yo soy el marido, tú el amante y ella es mi mujer.
I'll just tell my husband you're here.
Le diré a mi marido que llegó.
You're lucky that my dumb husband is obsessed with luck,.. but you're kidding if you expect me to open the door!
Da gracias a que mi marido está obsesionado con la fortuna, porque si esperas a que vaya a abrir yo, ¡ estás apañada!
You think you're smart. You're more a kid than my husband.
- Tú te crees muy listo, y en cambio eres más crío que mi marido.
What you're asking me to do is to get my husband's support for you.
Lo que me pedís hacer es que ponga a mi marido a favor vuestro.
You're mine, my husband now.
Eres mío, eres mi marido.
You're still my husband.
Todavía eres mi marido.
- That's my husband's shirt you're wearing.
Esta camisa es de mi marido.
You're my husband.
Eres mi marido.
You're welcome to have turkey with my husband and me.
Puede venir a comer el pavo con mi esposo y conmigo.
Whatever you're going to tell me it won't change my life with my husband.
Sea lo que sea que vaya a decirme, no cambiará mi vida.
you're my rock 22
you're my best friend 278
you're my hero 133
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76
you're my best friend 278
you're my hero 133
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my brother 182
you're my mom 23
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76