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It means if you want to prove I chose the right witch, go fix it.
Significa que si quieres probar que escogí a la bruja correcta, ve a solucionarlo.
Because I've been watching you, Emma.
Porque te he estado observando, Emma.
You've changed.
Has cambiado.
You should've done this the easy way.
Deberías haber hecho esto de la manera más fácil.
"No, go, and then when your brothers are hungry, we'll show them a picture of you riding the dolphin."
No, ve. Cuando tus hermanos tengan hambre, les mostraremos una foto tuya arriba de un delfín ".
I've gotta stop you.
Tengo que interrumpirte.
I know you've only been awake for a couple days, but...
Sé que llevas despierto un par de días, pero...
You've been in a tank for ten years.
Has estado en un tanque diez años.
I don't know if you've seen the news, but Reiden has taken children.
No sé si has visto las noticias, pero Reiden se ha llevado a los niños.
Don't you think we've had enough reckless actions in this household to last ten lifetimes?
¿ No crees que ya hemos tenido bastantes acciones imprudentes en este hogar para diez vidas?
You've been conspiring with Detective Trench Coat since he got here.
Has estado conspirando con el detective "Gabardina" desde que llegó aquí.
I know this is hard to believe, but I promise you, the man that you've spent the last three years with, that's who I really am, okay?
Sé que es difícil de creer, pero te prometo, que el hombre con el que has pasado los último tres años, ese es quien realmente soy, ¿ vale?
Dad, I know you've only been awake a couple of days, but... I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
Papá, sé que solo has estado despierto un par de días, pero... solo quería decirte que te quiero.
I mean, I-I know this place, but I've never been here before, and now you're here, and...
Quiero decir, conozco este lugar, pero nunca antes he estado aquí, y ahora estás aquí, y...
Don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up.
No sé lo que hubiera hecho si no hubieras venido.
You should've called by now.
Deberías haber llamado ya.
And if you do get jammed up, what's gonna happen to that beautiful family you've been hiding out in the Valley?
¿ Y si a ti te encerramos, qué pasará con esa bonita familia tuya que has estado ocultando en el Valley?
You've always been a solo act.
Siempre has trabajado solo.
You could've kept that money and gotten out of town.
Podrías haberte quedado el dinero e irte de la ciudad.
You should've joined me.
Deberías haber venido.
They could've used our help, you know.
Les habría venido bien nuestra ayuda, ¿ sabes?
We've helped hundreds of families find their way to safety, so I sleep fine at night, especially knowing you're in bed beside me.
Hemos ayudado a cientos de familias a encontrar su camino a la seguridad, así que duermo bien por la noche, especialmente sabiendo que estás en la cama a mi lado.
- You've seen her?
- ¿ La has visto?
When I got the preliminary results, I just assumed you must've somehow contaminated the sample.
Cuando recibí los resultados preliminares, supuse que de alguna manera debías haber contaminado la muestra.
You've got to be just itching to get back in the game.
Debes estar ansiosa por regresar al ruedo.
Sorry, kiddo, but you're getting the payback for every pinch, goose and butt-slap I've gotten for the last three months.
Lo siento, pequeño, pero sentirás mi venganza por cada pellizco y palmada en el culo que recibí los últimos tres meses.
I've taken trash talk from bigger criminals than you.
Recibí insultos de delincuentes más importantes que tú.
If you've got a better way to keep him under our control, I am all ears.
Si tienes una mejor forma de mantenerlo bajo control, te escucho.
And you've had yours!
¡ Y tú tuviste la tuya!
I've got faith in you, Wesey.
Te tengo fe, Wessie.
Look, you know I've accepted prioritizing your mother over us, but then you go behind my back and make this secret plan for the stitch with Camille instead of coming to me?
Mira, sabes que he aceptado priorizar a tu madre sobre nosotros, pero luego vas detrás de mi espalda y haces este plan secreto para el Stitch con Camille, ¿ en lugar de venir a mí?
You see, I've dealt with your organization in the past.
Verán, he tratado con su organización en el pasado.
You must've hit a nerve.
Debes haberle golpeado un nervio.
You think Abbott could've killed Harrington?
¿ Crees que Abbott podría haber matado a Harrington?
- It's what you've always wanted.
Es lo que siempre has querido.
You've been nothing but kind to him.
No has sido más que amable con él.
Don't you think someone would've found it by now?
¿ No creen que alguien ya lo habría encontrado?
We know you consider yourself an amateur treasure hunter, and that you maintain a private collection of the things that you've found over the years at your home in Riyadh.
Sabemos que se considera un buscador de tesoros aficionado y que tiene una colección privada de las cosas que ha encontrado con los años en su hogar en Riad.
Look, we know you've been trafficking in stolen goods,
Sabemos que ha estado traficando con artículos robados,
If you got to the ship and the treasure was still there, you would've owed your investors ten times whatever it was worth.
Si llegaba al barco y el tesoro seguía allí, le habría debido a sus inversores diez veces más de lo que valía.
Find ten million in gold, for example, and you would've had to give them a hundred million.
Si encontraba diez millones en oro, por ejemplo, habría tenido que darles 100 millones.
You know I've got the light. You know I've got that light. "
Sabes que cambió el semáforo ".
Because I've come to realize, in America, if you got the white man on your side, you can do whatever you like.
Me di cuenta de que, en EE. UU., con un hombre blanco a tu lado, puedes hacer lo que quieras.
I think you've got it.
Creo que ya lo tienes.
You've got it right.
" Ya lo tienes.
You know how I've learned?
¿ Saben cómo lo sé?
I've wanted you all night.
Te estuve deseando toda la noche.
I've never woken you.
Jamás te desperté.
I'm sure you understand, but we've never allowed members of the media into the secured engineering pods.
Seguro que lo entienden pero nunca permitimos a miembros de los medios entrar en la zona de ingeniería.
Belinda Fujita, VP of Public Relations, because you have been, you've been wonderful.
Belinda Fujita, vicepresidenta de Relaciones Públicas porque ha sido, ha sido estupenda.
And you've ruined the surprise.
Y has fastidiado la sorpresa.
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've done it now 22
you've earned it 130
you've done enough 157
you've got a deal 21
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've done it now 22
you've earned it 130
you've done enough 157
you've got a deal 21