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You could have killed me перевод на испанский

170 параллельный перевод
You could have killed me with that.
¿ Sabes que has podido matarme con eso?
You could have killed me!
¡ Podría haberme matado!
You could have killed me as I lay there.
Me podrías haber matado allí estirado.
You could have killed me.
Pudiste haberme matado.
You could have killed me, but you were injured instead.
Pudo haberme matado, pero se dejó herir de todos modos.
You're such a fool. You could have killed me!
¡ Eres un inconsciente, podías haberme matado!
You could have killed me
¡ Habrías podido matarme!
You could have killed me.
Me podria haber matado.
You could have killed me!
¡ Me pudiste matar!
You could have killed me!
¡ Podrías haberme matado!
You could have killed me, and you didn't!
Pudiste haberme matado y no lo hiciste.
You could have killed me!
¡ Pudiste haberme matado!
- You could have killed me!
- Podías haberme matado, lo sabes?
You could have killed me!
¡ Podías haberme matado!
Well, you could have killed me.
usted podría haberme matado. ¡ Oh, no.
Motherfucker, you could have killed me!
¡ Qué mierda! Podrías haberme matado.
Sucker, you could have killed me.
Podías haberme matado, animal.
You could have killed me! Oh, that's right.
- ¡ Por poco me matas!
You could have killed me with one shot.
Pudiste haberme matado con un solo disparo.
We go, less stories you have to belong to my father, tree... I give you a blow and you throw me above an entire crop you could have killed me
Vamos, menos cuentos tienes que pertenecer a mi padre, árbol... te doy un golpe y me arrojas encima una cosecha entera
You could have killed me.
¡ Pudo haberme matado!
- You could have killed me if you wanted.
- Pudiste matarme si lo quisieras.
You could have killed me.
Podías haberme matado.
Hercules... You could have killed me.
Hércules, pudiste haberme matado.
When I walked in on you in the holodeck, you could have killed me, knocked me unconscious.
- Me podría haber matado. - Necesitaba un rehén.
You could have killed me, you know?
Me podrías haber matado, ¿ sabes?
You could have killed me.
Podrías haberme matado.
You could have killed me, Brenna.
Podías haberme matado, Brenna.
Twelve years ago, you killed my father. Separated me from my brother and took everything outta my life that a kid could have.
Hace doce años mataste a mi padre, me separaste de mi hermano y me robaste toda la infancia
You could have insulted me, struck me, killed me, or simply kicked me out.
Me podrías haber insultado, golpeado, asesinado, o simplemente echado a patadas.
I could have you killed if that would serve my purpose.
Podría haberla hecho matar si me hubiera sido útil.
He could have killed me, like I can kill you!
Hubiera podido matarme como yo puedo matarte.
From now on we have an account to settle, you and I. Next time, remember that. I could have killed you, I didn't.
Tú me debes la vida.
Then you know better than me that Mario could have killed.
Entonces... sabes mejor que yo que Mario puede haber matado.
You could simply have me killed.
Usted podría simplemente hacer que me mataran.
You could have killed me...
Pudiste haberme matado.
You could have sold me, bartered me, killed me, without having said a word.
Tú podrías haberme vendido,... trocado,... matado,... sin que nadie dijera una palabra.
When you heard me say "poison," you knew instantly... your husband could have only been killed one way.
Cuando me oíste decir "envenenamiento", enseguida supiste cómo habían asesinado a tu esposo.
You know, I could have been killed last night, Dez!
¿ Sabes? Me pudieron haber matado anoche, Dez.
Philsey, do you realize I could have been killed up there?
Philsey, ¿ te das cuenta de que me podría haber matado allí arriba?
You could have killed him the moment he wanted to be alone with me, for the first time.
Podías haberlo matado... cuando quiso estar conmigo a solas, por primera vez.
You could have wrecked the car and killed me and yourself
Podrías haber estrellado el coche y habernos matado los dos.
You could say that, since he tried to have me killed,..... and conspired to strip Worf of his good name.
Es decir poco considerando que quiso matarme y conspiró para ensuciar la reputación de Worf.
Do you think I could have killed that girl?
- ¿ Sólo por eso me llamaste? Ay, basta, en serio. - Gracias.
Me and Jane could have gotten killed. You never thought that, did you?
Jane y yo podríamos haber muerto. ¿ No se te ocurrió?
"You? I could have killed me!"
Eso es lo que os enseñabais.
You could have gotten off just being killed like good boys, you didn't have to meet with such a painful fate!
Si me hubieras permitido matarlos a todos antes, ¡ No estarían tratándo ahora con ese dolor!
You could have fucking killed me!
¡ Podría haberme matado!
You could have put my damn eye out or killed me.
Podrías haberme sacado un ojo o matarme.
I know, you don't have much time, but, do you remember something, anything that could tell me who killed her?
Sé que no tienes mucho tiempo, pero ¿ recuerdas algo cualquier cosa que pudiera decirme quién la mató?
You killed Borias, the man who could have changed everything for me if only I had let him.
Tú mataste a Borías, el hombre que pudo haber cambiado todo si yo sólo se lo hubiera permitido.

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