You did it перевод на испанский
55,657 параллельный перевод
You did it, man.
Lo lograste, viejo.
The question is which of you did it?
La pregunta es, ¿ quién lo mató?
- You did it.
- ¡ Lo lograste!
Well, congratulations, you did it.
Bien, enhorabuena, lo has hecho.
You won't sleep with me, but you did it with that guy?
No te acuestas conmigo, ¿ pero sí con ese tipo?
You did it with only a hat to cover your heart.
Lo hiciste con sólo un sombrero para cubrirte el corazón.
They're saying you did it... all of it... even Sam.
Están diciendo que tú lo hiciste... todo... Incluso lo de Sam.
I feel it's incumbent upon me to promise never again to betray you like I did.
Siento que es de obligada mención prometer nunca más traicionarte como lo hice.
'Right, I did say that.' - Then, how can you postpone it?
= ='Bien, lo he dicho.'Entonces, ¿ cómo puede posponerlo?
And you think I did it?
¿ Y crees que lo hice?
Ninety-seven... that is a... big one, and, um, you really did it.
Noventa y siete... es... algo grande, y lo has conseguido.
Did you just say why can't I just let it go?
¿ Acabas de decir que me olvide del tema?
But even if you weren't planning on it, your baby is gonna grow up to wonder, like, "Where is my father and why did he leave us?"
Pero incluso aunque no lo planearas, tu bebé va a crecer y se va a preguntar, "¿ Dónde está mi padre y por qué nos abandonó?"
- Did you watch it?
- ¿ Lo has visto?
Everything that we did together happened, whether you want to believe it or not.
Todo lo que hemos hecho juntas sucedió, lo quieras creer o no.
I-I don't know what kind of sick fuck digs his mother's body out of a grave and moves it around, okay, and I don't want to know about it or what you did to it.
No sé qué clase de puto enfermo desentierra a su madre de la tumba y se la lleva por ahí, y no quiero saber nada del tema ni de lo que hiciste.
Did you do it?
¿ Lo has hecho?
I think I did it to try to forget you, and so you'd forget me.
Creo que lo hice para tratar de olvidarte. Y que me olvidaras.
Did The Chairman write it for you?
¿ Te lo escribió el Presidente?
No, Zack, what you did... it was genius... it worked.
No, Zack, lo que hiciste... fue una genialidad... funcionó.
I mean, all of the evidence points to Zack, even he can't deny it, but now you don't think that he did it.
, toda la evidencia apunta a Zack, ni siquiera él puede negarla, pero ahora crees que no lo hizo.
- Did you find it? - Yeah.
- ¿ La encontraste?
It's simply that I never imagined you would ever achieve this honor, let alone before I did.
Es simplemente que nunca imaginé lo que nunca lograr este honor, por no hablar antes que yo.
Yeah, well, it's too late,'cause I'm gonna find out who did this to him. Of course you are.
Por supuesto que lo harás.
Booth, did you find it?
Booth, ¿ lo encontraste?
Well, your dad did a lot for the two of you when you were babies but it was always basically assumed that you were my territory.
Bueno, tu padre hizo mucho por los dos cuando erais bebés... pero siempre se suponía, básicamente, que era mi territorio.
But you made it very clear during the generals that you did not want my help.
Pero dejaste muy claro durante las generales que no querías mi ayuda.
Where did you find it in the house? The letter.
¿ En qué parte de tu casa la encontraste?
I still can't explain what I did but as big as a mistake as it was and, Spencer, it was huge, I know that. I don't regret what happened because we ended up with you.
Todavía no puedo explicar lo que hice, pero por muy grande que fuera mi error, y, Spencer, fue enorme, lo sé, no me arrepiento de lo que pasó porque terminamos teniéndote a ti.
Well, did you hide it?
Bien, ¿ lo has escondido?
"Did you do it?" It's from a blocked number.
"¿ Lo has hecho?". Es de un número bloqueado.
- Did you do it?
- ¿ Lo has hecho?
Do you think they did it?
¿ Cree que ellas lo hicieron?
- Did it make you feel powerful?
- ¿ Te hacía sentir poderoso?
- Did you get it?
- ¿ Lo has recogido?
Did you find it?
¿ La has encontrado?
"Later, if you faced the death of bombs and bullets..." you did not do it with a banner.
Más tarde, si enfrentaste la muerte de bombas y balas, no lo hiciste con un estandarte.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you though it was there.
No acariciaste la debilidad dentro de ti, aunque estaba ahí.
Well, how about you tell me exactly what I did wrong, Ortiz, and I'll fix it.
Vale, ¿ qué pasa si me dices exactamente lo que he hecho mal, Ortiz, y lo arreglo?
You lose it like he did, I'll do the same thing to you.
Si a ti se te va la pinza como a él, te haré exactamente lo mismo.
Did you already do it?
¿ Ya lo hiciste?
Did you give it a name yet, ghetto?
¿ Ya le has dado un nombre, Ghetto?
I just... I really wish you'd told me about these plans of yours before you went out and did it.
Me hubiera gustado que me contaras estos planes antes de que fueras y lo hicieras.
And it didn't matter if you were Ramon Cadena when we did the Colombian break, or, you know Asaf...
Y no importaba si eras Ramon Cadena cuando hicimos la fuga de Colombia o Asaf...
You told Bonnie you thought she did it.
Le dijiste a Bonnie que creías que lo hizo.
Because you think she did it?
¿ Porque crees que lo hizo?
Do you think he did it?
¿ Crees que lo hizo?
I guess I just wanted to look you in the eye finally'cause I haven't wanted to believe that it's true that you did... that you did that to Wes.
Supongo que al final solo quería mirarte a los ojos porque no había querido creer que es verdad que tú... Que tú le hiciste eso a Wes.
You keep saying that Annalise did this, even though all the evidence points to the fact that it was the Mahoneys.
Sigues diciendo que Annalise hizo esto, a pesar de que todas las pruebas apuntan al hecho de que fueron los Mahoney.
Because he was afraid of this, that you would think he did it, when the truth is he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Porque tenía miedo de esto, de que pensarais que lo hizo, cuando la verdad es que estaba en el lugar y momento equivocados.
I really, really wish I did know so that I could honestly say it or not say it, but what I don't think is fair is for me to say it just because you want me to or because you said it first.
De verdad desearía saber para poder decirlo sinceramente, o no decirlo, pero lo que no creo que sea justo para mí es decirlo solo porque tú quieres que lo haga o porque tú lo dijiste primero.
you did it again 78
you did it on purpose 44
you did it in 29
you did it for me 21
you did 4907
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you did it on purpose 44
you did it in 29
you did it for me 21
you did 4907
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92