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You didn't answer the question перевод на испанский

106 параллельный перевод
You didn't answer the question!
¡ No has contestado a la pregunta!
It is on the road you didn't answer my question did you stop in Mecca?
- Está de camino. - No respondió a mi pregunta. ¿ Pararon en Meca?
You didn't answer the question.
No respondiste a la pregunta.
You didn't answer my question. Are you gonna do the stunt?
No contestaste a mi pregunta ¿ Lo harás?
You didn't answer the question.
No respondiste la pregunta.
You didn't answer the question.
No respondió la pregunta.
Ma'am, you didn't answer the question I was going to ask.
Señora, no respondió a la pregunta que yo le iba a hacer.
You just said that we didn't answer the question that what was...
Sólo has dicho que no hemos respondido a la pregunta por lo que...
- You didn't answer the question.
- No respondiste.
You didn't answer the question. What about Joker?
- Buena pregunta. ¿ Qué hay del Joker?
The answer to the question you're really asking is : No, Section didn't kill him.
La respuesta a la pregunta que estás haciéndome es... no, la sección no lo mató.
You didn't answer in the form of a question!
No respondiste en forma de pregunta.
You didn't answer the question.
No respondió a mi pregunta, señor.
You didn't answer the question.
Leo, no contestaste.
Because I didn't really get a chance to know you all that well and to get the dynamics of what went on, I really can't answer that question.
Como en realidad no pude conocerlos muy bien o la dinámica que tenían no puedo responder esa pregunta.
Yes, but you didn't answer my question The Muganis need those computers Beka, okay?
Sí, pero tú no has respondido a mi pregunta. Beka los Muganis necesitan los ordenadores, ¿ de acuerdo?
The answer to your first question, how can I sit and order like nothing happened, is twofold. A, from my perspective, not much really did happen. And B, I'm hungry. lt didn't even occur to me it had anything to do with you.
La respuesta a tu primera pregunta tiene dos partes primero, desde mi perspectiva, no ha pasado nada y segundo, me muero de hambre.
You didn't answer the Commander's question.
Usted no ha contestado a la pregunta del Comandante.
You wanna get on that? Hey, Marshall, you didn't answer the question.
Marshall, no respondió la pregunta.
You didn't answer the question. Jules', hey,
- No contestas mi pregunta.
You didn't answer the question.
- No respondiste a la pregunta.
I think you didn't answer the question.
Creo que no ha respondido a la pregunta.
You didn't answer the question.
No has contestado a la pregunta.
- You didn't answer the question.
- No contestó la pregunta.
It's funny, you didn't answer the question.
Es curioso, no respondiste la pregunta.
- You didn't answer the question. Are you still pro-nuclear?
Siento todo este lío, Sr. Santos.
But you didn't answer the question - - is she in danger?
Pero no me has contestado a la pregunta... ¿ está en peligro?
No, you didn't answer the question. Yeah, that's right.
No te ha preguntado eso... y me hizo eso a mí.
- You didn't answer the question.
- Y no respondió la pregunta.
Perhaps you didn't hear the answer to your previous question, DI Tyler :
A lo mejor no oíste la respuesta a tu anterior pregunta Tyler :
If you if they held as people of 13, 14 or 15 years they would answer to the question in one minute and if he / she didn't speak more in this.
Si se comportaran como personas de 13, 14 o 15 años responderían las preguntas en 1 minuto, y no se hablaba más de eso.
Unless you and anais nin were pals, u didn't answer the question.
A menos que tú y Anais Nin fueran amigas, no respondió la pregunta.
"No" is the answer to the question you didn't ask.
"No" es la respuesta a la pregunta que hice.
J.D. : Or a question you wish you didn't know the answer to.
O una pregunta para la que quisieras no tener respuesta.
- Since when? You didn't answer the question.
- No respondiste.
The thing is... you didn't answer my question.
La cuestión es, Cook... no respondiste mi pregunta.
- You didn't answer the question.
No contestaste la pregunta
But you didn't answer the sergeant's question.
Pero no contestó la pregunta del Sargento.
You didn't answer the question.
No has respondido a mi pregunta.
You didn't answer the question, ma'am.
No contestó a la pregunta señora.
You didn't answer the question. ( CHUCKLES )
No has respondido a la pregunta.
I ended it. You didn't answer the question.
Yo lo terminé. - No respondiste mi pregunta.
Prep an O.R. I have to reduce the pregnancy load. You didn't answer my question.
Prepara un quirófano, tengo que reducir la carga del embarazo.
You--you didn't answer the question.
- No contestaste a la pregunta.
But you still didn't answer the question.
Pero todavía no lo hizo responder a la pregunta.
Okay, thanks for the clarification, Professor, but you still didn't answer my question.
Bien, gracias por la aclaración, profesor, pero no respondió a mi pregunta.
There probably will be now since you didn't really answer the question.
Probablemente lo haya ahora desde que no contestaste esa pregunta.
You didn't answer the question.
No has respondido a la pregunta.
Well, the fact that you didn't directly answer my question means that you know where he is.
Bueno, el hecho de que no respondieras directamente a mi pregunta significa que sabes donde está.
You'd ask him a question and he didn't want to answer it, he'd turn the tables, tell me I was the one with the problem.
Le preguntabas algo y no quería contestar, le daba la vuelta, y me decía que yo era el problema.
You didn't answer the question about my father.
No has respondido a la pregunta acerca de mi padre.

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