You didn't get it перевод на испанский
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If he didn't tell you his name, you won't get it from me.
Si él no te dijo su nombre, yo no te lo diré.
Yes, through hell, because, unfortunately, he doesn't deserve better, and you know it perfectly well, yet you aver that man is noble but he didn't get enough goods and happiness as he sees it,
Pero insiste en que el hombre es un ser noble. Pero no tiene suficiente felicidad, así lo ve o eso cree.
I get it. You didn't ask for this job.
Ya entiendo Tu no me preguntaste por este trabajo
What do you mean they didn't get it?
¿ Cómo que no les gustó?
The-The first one didn't bother me. It was just the 400th... that started to, you know, get under my skin.
El primero no me molestó, fue el número 400 el que empezó, ya sabes, a sacarme de quicio.
But you didn't get it from me.
Pero no digas que yo te dije.
You're gonna have to go inside, and come out and jump for joy all over again, because we didn't get it on camera.
Entre y vuelva a salir, y salte de alegría otra vez, porque no lo hemos filmado.
- Didn't you get it? Later, ok!
- He dicho que luego lo arreglaré ¿ vale?
Why didn't you get rid of it?
¿ Por qué no se deshizo de él?
You're the only one who didn't get it!
Sólo tú no lo pillaste.
You didn't get it.
No lo conseguiste.
You didn't get my message? - See the post-it?
Lo era. ¿ No recibiste mi mensaje?
Was it creative differences or was it you just didn't get enough credit?
¿ Fue por diferencias artísticas o por celos profesionales?
You knew this morning that you didn't get it.
Esta mañana sabía que no la conseguiría.
And you left the murder weapon there because you didn't think it was as valuable as the green paint cans of ecstasy that you were going to get.
Y la dejaste allí porque pensaste que no era tan importante como las latas llenas de éxtasis que habías ido a buscar.
I'm new here. I know how you British are always murdering each other but I didn't expect to get caught up in it.
Sé cómo los británicos están siempre asesinándose entre ustedes... pero no esperaba quedar atrapado dentro de ello.
Shit, you didn't get it, did you?
Mierda, no lo encontraste, ¿ verdad?
And at first, I know you wanted to get rid of it, and I wanted to get rid of it, too. And then I didn't want you to, and now I'm really glad you're keeping it.
al principio, se que querías deshacerte de él, y yo también, entonces yo no quería que hicieras, y ahora realmente me alegro de que lo vayas a tener...
Did you notice how she didn't even get excited when she saw this original ZX-IT 1?
¿ Te fijaste en que ni siquiera se emocionó... cuando vio este ZX81 original?
Yeah, too bad the Flash busted you and you didn't get the chance to spend a dime of it.
- ¡ Sí! Lástima que Flash te atrapó y no tuviste la oportunidad de gastar ni diez centavos.
I guess you didn't get it, though.
Supongo que no lo recibistes.
I'm the one that didn't love. Matthew, what are you doing telling strangers personal things about my life if you're not gonna get it right?
Yo soy quien no lo amaba Matthew, ¿ qué haces contándole a extraños cosas de mi vida personal?
But you didn't get it from me.
De acuerdo...
He said you didn't get it until you were 18.
Dijo que la tuviste hasta los 18.
You didn't get it from me.
Ésto no te lo he dado yo.
You thought that she'd figure it out when she didn't get the invitation?
¿ Pensaste que ella lo asumiría al no recibir la invitación?
You didn't think you could pull a confession out of Inman, did you? I don't get it.
No creen que puedan conseguir una confesión de Inman, ¿ no?
- Well, I almost didn't come, but I figured it was the only way to get you to stop calling my house.
- Bueno, casi no vengo pero supuse que era la única forma de que dejaras de llamarme.
If he didn't come to you, then either he's okay with it, which is also a problem, or he's letting it go, trying give Burrell enough rope for you to get angry and fire the man for insubordination.
Si no vino a Ud., o él está de acuerdo, lo que también es un problema o lo deja pasar, al tratar de darle suficiente soga a Burrell para que se enoje y lo despida por insubordinación.
No, didn't you get it?
No, ¿ no lo has conseguido todavía?
- I can't believe it. You spend a lifetime worrying that you're dying, and you just don't know it. Then you find out that not only are you not dying, but your whole miserable existence didn't have to be miserable if only you weren't so afraid to peel back the onion and maybe get a checkup every once in a while!
¿ Te pasas la vida preocupándote de que te estás muriendo y no sabes de qué y entonces, descubres que no sólo no te estás muriendo, sino que tu miserable existencia no tenía por qué ser miserable si simplemente hubieras pelado la cebolla?
See, this is the part where you get indignant start to deny everything, maybe you're going to start crying, try to convince us you didn't do it.
Esta es la parte donde se indigna, Empieza a negarlo todo, Y tal vez rompa a llorar para convencernos de que no es culpable.
You didn't get it from me.
No lo obtuviste de mi.
I get it. You're insulted he didn't make a pass.
A claro, no te los ha echado y estas triste.
Elliot, if he didn't get your message, that means he called you for sex and you went over and gave it to him.
Elliot, si él no recibió tu mensaje quiere decir que él te llamó por sexo, tú fuiste a verlo y se lo diste.
Must've gotten that from your mother. You didn't get it from me.
Debes haber heredado eso de tu madre, no lo has heredado de mí.
Wayne, I didn't get him- - if you got a shot, take it!
Wayne, no le alcance. Si tienes oportunidad, dispara tú.
Because you're mine... but karma didn't want me to get rid of it.
Pero el karma no quería que me deshiciera de ella.
- A time Kriste it was fed up with everything your you know you don't drug, non amusement he / she wanted to make the things well and he / she wanted to bring to their daughter but he / she didn't have a lot money for that for what had to pay more so it got three works and it was working and working and he / she made it because her he / she wanted manternerse awake because he / she didn't go to be able to to get up for the day of their wedding.
- Un tiempo Kriste estaba harta de todo tu sabes no drogas, no diversión quería hacer las cosas bien y quería traer a su hija pero no tenía mucho dinero para eso por lo que tenía que pagar más así que consiguió tres trabajos y estaba trabajando y trabajando y lo hacía porque ella quería manternerse despierta porque no iba poder levantarse para el día de su boda.
But I didn't do it. According to your neighbors, Mr. Stansfield, you and your wife didn't get along.
De acuerdo con sus vecinos, Sr. Stansfield, ustedes no se llevaban bien.
I take it you didn't get along.
Por lo que veo, no se llevaban bien.
I've seen a lot of horrible things... but when it's your friend... someone you serve with... been in the guard for years-didn't think I'd ever get called up again.
He visto cosas terribles... Pero cuando es tu amigo, alguien con quien compartes... He estado en la guardia por años y no pensé que me llamarían de nuevo, tengo 45 años,
You were the one who said we shouldn't be together because you were worried about getting hurt, and I didn't get it.
Sabes, es curioso. Tu eres quien deberías decir que no podemos estar juntos porque no querías hacerte daño y al final me lo haces a mi.
But I don't get it. If this was so important, why didn't you get up and stand on line like the rest of these guys?
Si esto era tan importante, ¿ por qué no te levantaste temprano e hiciste la fila como el resto de la gente?
I didn't want them disturbing you, you hardly get any peace and quiet to write as it is.
No lo hice. No quería que te distrajeran,
Needless to say, me and Mr. Can I Get You Some More Hot Towels? we didn't exactly hit it off.
Huelga decir que don "¿ Le traigo más toallas calientes?" y yo no congeniamos exactamente.
Maybe they didn't have time to get to it, you know, before the human-form Replicators that you reprogrammed attacked. Yes.
Bueno, quizás no tuvieron tiempo para hacerlo ya sabes, antes de que la forma humana de Replicantes que tú reprogramaste, atacara.
I thought you said names that stink, I didn't get it.
Había entendido "nombres que apestan". - No lo entendía.
I didn't do it to get you and Matt back, and the Christian right isn't why I'm in trouble today.
No lo hice para traerte a ti y a Matt de regreso. Y el squetch de los cristianos no es el motivo de mis problemas hoy.
And you're sure you don't want to stash it away somewhere and then I find it - - accidentally, of course - - months from now, and I get all weird and insecure about why you didn't show it to me sooner?
Y estés seguro que no quieres esconderlo en algún sitio y entonces lo encuentro, accidentalmente, por supuesto, meses después, y me siento rara e insegura sobre porqué no me lo enseñaste antes?
[Charlie] I had a sense that this thing was gonna get hot, I didn't realize that, as you say, it was gonna go'supernova'.
[Charlie] Tuve la sensación de que ésto iba a volverse caliente, pero no me había dado cuenta de que iba a estallar.
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you didn't call me 25