You didn't hear that перевод на испанский
651 параллельный перевод
Are you saying that you saw nobody, didn't hear any noise from a car, didn't see any lights and saw no movements?
¿ Estás diciendo que no viste a nadie, no escuchaste ningún ruido de coche, no viste ninguna luz ni movimientos?
Just so that you don't feel too embarrassed... I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see or hear anything.
Para que no te sientas muy avergonzada... voy a fingir que no vi ni escuché nada.
Didn't you hear her calling? No, no, no. That was me.
No he admitido nada y no me gustan esos trucos.
Didn't you hear my promise that I would follow him?
¿ No oíste que le prometí que lo seguiría?
Didn't you hear that?
¿ No lo has escuchado?
- I forgot, you didn't hear about that.
- Me olvidé, no sabía nada de eso.
Didn't you hear me say that I wanted to have a private word with my niece?
¿ No me ha oído decir que quería hablar en privado con mi sobrina?
I reckon you're lucky he didn't hear you say that.
Tienes suerte de que él no te haya oído.
Remember, you said it was funny that I didn't hear any sounds of a struggle?
¿ Recuerda haber dicho que era raro que no hubiéramos oído la lucha?
What's that? Didn't you hear what the witnesses said?
Pero, ¿ no ha oído usted las declaraciones de los testigos?
Una muñeca siempre es mayor que la otra.
You didn't see that, do you hear? Unless you want me to give it to you, too.
No has visto nada, ¿ o prefieres que te pase lo mismo?
Didn't I hear you call him that yesterday?
¿ No le llamó así ayer?
That's why you didn't hear it.
Por eso no lo oíste.
You didn't hear that scream, but it'll ring in your brain through all eternity.
No oyó ese grito, pero retumbará en su cabeza eternamente.
Profesor, ¿ ha oído la campana?
Get up in the attic. Didn't you hear? That's the new tenant!
Sube a la buhardilla. ¿ No has oído que es el nuevo inquilino?
- Didn't you hear that siren?
- ¿ No ha oído la sirena?
You must have thought that I didn't hear myself speak.
Debiste pensar que no me oí hablar.
What? You think I didn't hear that?
¿ Crees que no lo he oído?
- You didn't hear about that, did you?
- No sabía nada de eso, ¿ verdad?
However, it was fortunate that you didn't hear it.
Salió bien. Suerte que usted no me oyese.
But you didn't hear the shot that killed him?
- ¿ Y no oyó el disparo que le mató?
Didn't I hear that you were going to masquerade ball?
¿ No oí que iban a un baile de disfraces? Sí.
I guess you didn't hear what I said about stayin'away from that girl.
Supongo que no me oíste cuando dije que no se acercaran a esa muchacha.
You didn't, by any chance hear... that it's kind of cold and a little on the wet side, did you?
No habrás oído, por casualidad... que es fría y mojada, ¿ verdad?
Good thing she didn't hear you say that.
Qué bueno que no la oyó decir eso.
Miss Peterson, didn't you hear that buzzer?
Srta. Peterson, ¿ no ha oído el timbre?
Didn't you hear that woman last night on her deathbed?
Ya oíste a esa chica anoche.
Didn't you hear him say that these things are mine?
¿ No le oíste decir que todas estas cosas eran mías?
Didn't you hear her say that we'd hear bells?
No entendiste lo que dijo ella : "Escucharán sonar las campanas" Las campanas, ¿ cuáles campanas?
I've saved it for this special occasion. But then, of course, I know that you two fellas didn't travel all the way just to hear me talk.
nuestro éxito y la justificación de nuestra existencia.
Didn't you hear that we've surrendered?
¿ No te has enterado de que nos hemos rendido?
Tim and that girl. Didn't you hear him?
Tim y esa chica.
Didn't you hear that catty person?
¿ Pero no oíste a esa víbora?
Didn't you hear that?
¿ No oíste?
He may have said just that but you didn't hear him.
También pudo darse que dijera esta frase y usted no lo oyese.
I didn't hear you tell Mr Ramsey that he was mistaken.
No le dijiste a Ramsey que estaba equivocado.
If I hear that you didn't lick the tar out of them... well, you just fight.
Si me entero de que no les machacas... En fin, tú pelea, ¿ me entiendes?
Had a shot in that direction myself. She half said yes, too. Didn't you hear?
Yo también se Io propuse, y casi aceptó. ¿ No Io sabía?
Now, in case you didn't hear, I run the Double S Ranch now and my first order of business is for you to get that fence down.
En el caso de que no sepa que yo dirijo ahora el rancho Doble S mi primera orden es para usted, para que derribe esa cerca.
- Didn't you hear what that boy said?
- ¿ No has oído lo que decía ese joven?
Didn't you hear that lecture about military courtesy?
¿ No escuchaste la clase sobre saludos militares?
It might be the noise of that old ocean, but it seems to me I didn't hear thank you.
No lo habré oído por el ruido del mar pero creo que no me habéis dado las gracias.
- Didn't you hear me say that...
- No me oyó decir que...
Didn't you hear the boss say that I was sober?
¿ No ha oído que su jefe decía que estoy sereno?
How is it that I didn't hear you come in?
¿ Cómo es que no te oí llegar?
Oh, now don't tell me you didn't hear that.
No me diga que no escuchó eso. Los hombres honestos son malos mentirosos.
You're going to have to forgive me because I didn't hear all that was said tonight.
Me van a tener que disculpar ya que no oí todo Io que se dijo esta noche.
Didn't you hear that?
- ¿ No oyeron nada?
I want my respect Didn't you ever hear of that?
¿ Nunca te han hablado de eso?
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't call 40
you didn't have to do this 57
you didn't tell him 69
you didn't hear 96
you didn't tell her 55
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't call 40
you didn't have to do this 57
you didn't tell him 69
you didn't hear 96
you didn't tell her 55