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You don't have to ask перевод на испанский

716 параллельный перевод
You won't answer anyone's questions at all, but you'll ask me questions, huh? If you don't want to answer me, then you don't have to. Just like me.
pero sí me las harás... no tienes que hacerlo.
Then that would mean that you don't have the right to ask me why nor do I have any responsibility to you to answer that question, would it?
Entonces, eso significaría que no tienes derecho a preguntarme por qué... no tengo ninguna responsabilidad de responder esa pregunta, ¿ verdad?
You don't even have to ask... he's got nothing to say on the matter.
No es necesario preguntárselo, él no tiene derecho a opinar.
I don't think that I have to ask you.
No creo que tenga que pedírtelo.
You don't have to ask me.
No tiene que pedírmelo.
You don't have to ask the sup about that.
No hay necesidad de mencionárselo al supervisor.
You don't have to ask me that, Fitz.
No tienes que pedírmelo, Fitz.
You don't ask anything but you have a way of talking that sounds as if you want to know.
No preguntas nada de eso Pero tienes una manera de hablar... Que suena como si quisieras saber. Me obligas a hablar claro
You don't have to be afraid. Just ask.
No hay que dudar.
Don't ask. You have to dance with me. Right now.
No pregunte, tiene que bailar conmigo. ¡ Ya!
I don't have to ask you if you did this?
¿ Es inútil preguntarte si eres el responsable de esto?
But we don't sell them, so you'd have to ask around.
Pero nosotros no los fabricamos, así que tendrás que ir a otro sitio.
Well, what I want to ask is... don't you ever have a good time - fun, I mean?
Lo que te quiero preguntar es... si nunca lo pasas bien, si nunca te diviertes.
You don't have to ask me that.
No tienes que preguntarme eso.
That gets him kind of sore and he says : " I don't ask you to be fair to me, but please remember we have a child...
Eso lo molestó un poco y le dijo " No te pido que seas justa conmigo, pero recuerda que tenemos una hija...
you don't have to ask my forgiveness
No tienes que pedirme perdón...
I don't know whether you noticed, but, uh... If you have no objections, it was... It was my intention to, uh, ask Miss Harrington...
No sé si se ha dado cuenta, pero si no se opone, era era mi intención pedirle a la señorita Harrington, quiero decir a su hija, que se case conmigo.
Mind you, I don't say it runs in the family... but it's my job to check every angle... and satisfy myself that Professor Gleason didn't die in this house... or I'll have to ask the police to step in.
Aunque no digo que venga de familia... es mi trabajo ver todo enfoque... y quedar satisfecho de que Gleason no murió en esta casa... o le pediré a la policía que intervenga.
You don't have to ask questions to understand that, do you?
No tienes que hacer preguntas para entenderlo, ¿ no?
You don't have to ask me that.
No tienes ni que preguntármelo.
There's one good thing in being a widow, isn't there? You don't have to ask your husband for money.
Una de las ventajas de ser viuda es no tener que pedirle dinero al marido.
I don't like to be photographed. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you for the film.
No me gustan las fotos, quiero la película.
We don't know yet, you'll have to ask the doctors.
No se sabe. Pregunte al médico.
I don't have anything special to ask you but it seems as if everything is such fun over here.
No tengo nada especial que pedirle, pero parece como si todo por aquí fuera alegre.
So you don't have to ask me any more questions.
Así que no tiene que hacerme más preguntas.
Why don't you ask him if you have to diet?
¿ Por qué no le pregunta si tiene que estar a dieta?
Well, now that you seem to have made up your mind why don't you go in and ask?
Ya que te has decido, entra y pregunta.
If you don't mind, Mr. Van Ryn... I'll have to ask you to come along with us.
Si no le importa, Sr. Van Ryn, le pido que venga con nosotros.
Why don't you go to the riffraff you love so much and ask them to let you have $ 8,000?
¿ Por qué no corres a ver a esa chusma que tanto quieres y les pides 8.000 dólares?
Quit clowning. Look, you don't think I'd ask you to give up... the stage and dancing and just have you come out here and settle down?
No bromees. ¿ No creerás que te pedí que dejaras los escenarios para venir y quedarte aquí?
I don't have to ask you how it feels to be a free woman again, Mrs. Brent.
No tengo que preguntarle qué se siente ser libre de nuevo, señora Brent.
I don't know if you have the legal right to ask such questions.
No sé si tiene derecho a hacer ese tipo de preguntas.
You have something to ask me, don't you?
¿ Tienes que pedirme algo?
You don't have to ask me I won't waste your time
No me preguntes No te haré perder el tiempo
Ross, I don't want to ask you what you've done or why, but if you have made a mistake, wouldn't it be better to...
Ross, no quiero preguntarte qué has hecho o por qué, pero si has cometido un error, no sería mejor...
Oh, Mother, you don't have to ask us.
Mamá, no tienes que preguntarnos.
We have a date at 9. Why don't you ask him to dinner? We can talk before dinner.
Bien, invítale a cenar aquí y hablaremos antes de la cena.
Don't. I don't want to know where you are because Dix will ask and I'll have to tell him.
No quiero saber dónde estás, porque Dix lo preguntará y tendré que decírselo.
I don't want to ask you any questions. You'll have to speak for yourself about what you have done.
No quiero hacerte ahora ninguna pregunta... tendrás que hablar por ti misma de lo que has hecho.
You don ´ t have to ask me twice.
No me lo dirá dos veces.
I don't have to account to you for anything. If you want to know where I've been, you'll have to ask me nice.
Si quieres saber dónde he estado, pregúntamelo bien.
I don't have to ask you why.
No necesito preguntarte por qué.
I don't have to ask you to leave me alone, but do it.
No tengo que pedirle que me deje sola, pero hágalo.
I don't have to ask you.
No tengo que preguntarle.
You don't have to ask twice!
No me haré de rogar.
I don't have any real right to ask you, I guess.
Supongo que no tengo ningún derecho a pedírtelo.
I... also wanted to ask you, if I am killed and I have a son, don't let him be taken away from you.
Yo... quería pedirle otra cosa. Si muero en la batalla y tengo un hijo, no dejen que lo aparten de ti.
You don't have to ask that.
No tienes que preguntarlo.
Of course I want Mark to prosper. I want him to be happy, I want him to get the job but if you should ask me if it's love, I'd simply have to say I just don't know.
Claro que quiero que Mark prospere, que sea feliz y consiga el puesto, pero si me preguntas si es amor debo decir que aún no lo sé.
You don't have to ask me.
- ¿ Por qué preguntas?
You'll have to ask himself that. I don't speak the language. [donkey braying]
Pregúnteselo a él, yo no hablo su idioma.

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