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You don't have to be here перевод на испанский

388 параллельный перевод
Don't tell him I was here, you have to meet him by yourself and tell him that everything's going to be alright.
No hable de mí, debe ir allí sola y decirle que todo está arreglado.
Don't you think it would be nice to have a quiet dinner here And then perhaps a little game of cribbage?
¿ No creéis que sería agradable tener una cena tranquila aquí y luego tal vez una partidita de naipes?
I know, Doctor, that in addition to all this, I'm supposed to be supervisor here... but I don't have to tell you how many patients we have here and nurses to take care of them.
Lo sé, pero además de todo esto debo ser la supervisora y ya sabe cuántas pacientes tenemos y cuántas enfermeras.
As long as I seem to be the boss around here, don't you think I ought to have a title to go with it?
Mientras parece que soy el jefe por aquí... ¿ No creéis que debería tener un título que me fuera bien?
You don't have to be frightened here.
Aquí no tiene que tener miedo.
Because we don't have any 5pm train that stops here Mister, except today and that happens to be a special, you don't know about.
Porque no hay ningún tren que se pare aquí a las 17 : 00, salvo hoy, y eso es porque es especial, y usted no debería saberlo.
Don't you think it'd be wise... to have one of your relatives in England come over here to help you.
¿ Cree que sería bueno que uno de sus parientes venga a ayudarla de Inglaterra?
Be the life of the next party you go to... but we don't have opportunity night here.
Alegra la próxima fiesta... pero no tenemos oportunidades aquí.
You don't have to be guilty to be here. But in order to be released it's not always enough to be innocent.
Para ser prisionero, no es absolutamente necesario ser culpable, por otro lado, para ser liberado no siempre es necesario ser inocente.
You see... here in Illinois, when you plead "guilty," you don't have to have a jury... and that means that I'll be talking just to the judge.
Mire... en Illinois, cuando alguien se declara culpable, no es necesario un jurado. Eso significa que sólo le hablaré al juez.
You don't have to be here.
No deberías estar aquí.
You don't have to be here, and you'll be safe.
No me importa que huyas y te pongas a salvo.
If they don't, then you will have to stay here, and you'll be in my power forever. Look.
Si no lo hacen, entonces tu tendrás que quedarte, y estarás bajo mi poder para siempre.
- I'd love to, Max, but if reinforcements don't get here soon I don't think either you or I will be going home to have dinner with 99.
Me encantaría, pero si los refuerzos no llegan pronto no creo que ninguno llegue a casa para la cena.
Miss Littlejohn, you don't have to be out here either.
Usted tampoco tiene que estar aquí fuera.
Here you don't have to be afraid of other people looking.
Aquí no hay miradas que temer.
Have a seat. You don't need to be gallant in here.
Toma asiento, No hace falta ser caballeroso aquí..
You don't have to be ashamed, we're alone here.
No sientas vergüenza. Estamos solos.
Don't be so happy, polkovnik, before you leave you'll have to stay here to defend His Majesty.
No esté tan feliz, Polkovnik. Antes de partir tendrá que quedarse aquí a defender a Su Majestad...
Mira tío, te dije lo de tener un neumático de repuesto y no estar tirados aquí en mitad de ninguna parte.
You don't have to be here when they get here.
No debes de estar aquí cuando ellos lleguen.
If I don't finish these tests soon, I'll be so fat, you'll have to roll me outta here!
Si no acabo las pruebas pronto, acabaré hecha una bola.
I'm Stevie Wayne and if you don't have anything to do right now, I'll be here, playing music, all through the witching hour.
Soy Stevie Wayne y, si no tenéis nada que hacer ahora mismo, aquí estaré, poniendo música, durante toda la hora bruja.
I don't have to be quiet? Look, I know why you're here.
No tengo por qué, si ha venido a desalojarme.
When you would ask me, uh... to have a prostitute in my, uh - on my shooting location in the United States or in Germany, it would be ridiculous... but here, uh... it is standard expectation and standard behavior... and somehow the - I don't know.
si se me hubiese pedido... tener prostitutas... en el lugar de filmación en USA o en Alemania, hubiera sido ridículo... pero aquí... es una expectativa normal y una conducta normal... y de algún modo... la selva.
I want you all to know, I could have 25 agents here in 15 minutes, to march in here, snatch your bond and you'd be out of business, if you don't cooperate.
Quiero que sepáis algo : podría tener a 25 agentes aquí en 15 minutos. Entrarían, cogerían esta área y os dejarían sin trabajo, si no cooperáis. ¿ Entendido?
You don't have to be afraid here.
Aquí no hay nada que temer.
You don't have to be here.
No tienes que estar aquí.
i shouldn't have invited you to watch it be... why don't we just... forget we ever came here, all right?
No debi haberte invitado para que vieras lo que fuimos... ¿ Por qué no solo olvidamos que venimos aquí, de acuerdo?
It's awfully rude of Clive to have been here so little, but he's working so hard. And I do think it'll be a good idea for the poor if he does get in, don't you?
Es decortés que Clive no haya estado aquí, pero él trabaja tanto y pienso que será bueno para los pobres si él lo consigue.
Duana... I feel badly for you that you have no children. But I have to tell you that we don't want to be here, and we will not cooperate.
Duana, siento mucho que no puedan tener hijos pero no queremos quedarnos y no colaboraremos.
Well, if they don't, there's going to be 1,500 barrels of radioactive waste... buried just a few miles from here... and you might have grandchildren with three heads.
Bueno, si no, habrá 1.500 barriles de desechos radioactivos... enterrados a unos kilómetros de aquí... y puede que tengáis nietos con tres cabezas.
You don't have to be here yet.
- No es necesario que estés aquí.
- I don't know why we have to be out here. - Here, I'll give you this wine list.
No sé por qué tenemos que estar afuera.
You don't have to be here.
No tienes por qué estar aquí.
You don't have to be here, old man.
No tenés nada que hacer acá, viejo.
Your father isn't here now so you don't have to be afraid.
Tu padre ya no está aquí, no debes tener miedo.
- Look, I don't want to argue with you. I will one day show you who I am and what I have come here to be. - Eggs.
Algún día te enseñaré quien soy.
Don't worry. Your parents have been called and will be here to pick you up shortly!
Hemos llamado a sus padres y vendrán a recogerlos muy pronto.
- You don't have to go now. - Sorry if you think I've messed you about. - I just don't want to be here.
Perdona si piensas que te he fastidiado el plan, pero... no quiero estar aquí.
Let's say Jen takes a job out of town in, I don't know, Detroit, and she leaves you here. No. There would have to be more.
Debería haber algo más.
That really makes sense. You don't have to be here.
¡ Truco o trato!
You don't have to be here.
No tienes que quedarte.
You don't even have a right to be here.
Ni siquiera tienes derecho de estar aquí.
You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.
No tienes que estar loco para trabajar aquí, pero ayuda.
I don't know if I'm supposed to be on Voyager like you've told me, but it sounds a whole lot better than the life I have here. I'm willing to take my chances, Ensign.
No sé si debo estar en la Voyager o no, pero suena mejor que esta vida, así que estoy dispuesto a arriesgarme.
We don't have to be out here, you know. It's not like you're still in high school.
No tenemos que venir hasta aquí.
"You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps."
"No debe estar loco para trabajar aquí, pero ayuda" ¡ Claro que sí!
- I mean, don't you have to be here?
- Quiero decir, No tienes que estar aquí?
You don't really want to be here, and we don't really have anything to talk about.
Tú en realidad no quieres estar aquí, y nosotros no tenemos nada de que hablar. Por lo menos estoy haciendo el esfuerzo.
You don't have to be here.
No ten � is que estar aqu �.

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