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You don't have to come перевод на испанский

1,364 параллельный перевод
Teal'c, in case I don't ever get the chance to say this, if you hadn't come back for me, I might have been stuck in there for ever, so thank you.
Teal'c. Nunca tuve la oportunidad de... decirte esto. Si no llegas a venir a buscarme, me habría quedado allí para siempre.
And if you don't do it at my suggestion Lionel Tribbey is gonna come here, and you're gonna have to do it at his.
Y si no quieren hacerlo como sugiero Lionel Tribbey vendrá y los obligará a hacerlo a su estilo.
Josh. I have something that I really need to tell you and I don't know how to say it other than to just come out with it.
Tengo algo que debo decirte y no sé cómo hacerlo más que diciéndotelo.
You don't have to come in with me.
No hace falta que entres conmigo.
You know we'd love to come and visit you in New York, son, but I don't know if I'll have the time.
Sabes que amamos venir y visitarte en New York. Pero no se si tendré el tiempo.
Come on! Don't you have homes to go to? Scram!
¿ No tenéis una casa adonde ir?
- You don't have to come in.
Usted no viene.
- i swear to god. i'm trying to save you when we have to meet the real people... that you don't come off like, you know- - i don't wanna say it.
Te lo juro por Dios, intento que al conocer a esta gente... no des la impresión de ser...
- I have to tell you that... even though you don't feel the same way about me... as I do about you, and even though you didn't come to my gig- - What do you mean?
Tengo que decirte que aunque no sientas por mí lo que siento por ti y aunque no fuiste a mi concierto...
The cops are on to us, we have to come up there. - Not with the police on you, you don't.
Los policías están ahí, tenemos que ir.
You put into a machine, and it tells you when to come back so... so, you know, you don't have to wait in line. You just go right in and...
La colocas en una máquina y te dice cuándo regresar para que no tengas que hacer cola.
Lo mejor en este momento, es que cierres los ojos, o que te des un paseo y tomes una decisión.
You don't have to come...
¿ Aún quieres venir? David me dijo :
Come on, you really don't know how to have fun, do you?
Vamos, no sabes cómo divertirte, ¿ verdad?
You know, I don't know how you'll take to this suggestion, but... how'd you like to have Katie come live with you?
No sé cómo tomará Ud. esto que voy a sugerir pero... no le gustaría que Katie viviera con Ud.?
You don't have to dream yourself into it because they come complete.
no nos imaginamos dentro de ellos, ya están listos.
Look, uh, you don't have to come with me.
Mira, no hay razón para que vengas conmigo.
You don't have a suspect so now you're going to come after us.
No tienen ningún sospechoso entonces vienen por nosotros.
You don't even have to come and I'll sell it.
Ni siquiera tienes que venir. La venderé.
You don't have to come, I'm happy to come here.
No tienes que hacerlo, me gusta venir aquí.
I don't understand how lunch could come... and it's right in front of you, and... lf you don't feel like you've done anything wrong... and you don't feel like you have to make it up to them... then fine, go your merry way.
No entiendo cómo si llega tu plato y lo tienes delante de ti- - Si no sientes que has hecho nada malo ni que tienes que compensarlos pues, sigue tu camino.
So you don't mind if we just come in, just to... I guess you'll have to take my word for it.
¿ Entonces no le importa si entramos a...? Supongo que tendra que confiar en mi palabra.
If you want maternal control, you'll have to wait for the next one to come along because I really don't want that from you.
Si quieres expresar tu autoridad maternal espera a que nazca el bebé, porque yo ya no necesito eso.
We don't have to stay out here. You want to come in?
No tenemos que quedarnos en el muelle. ¿ Quieres entrar?
If I agree to look at it and it does suck I have to come up with some BS so you don't feel bad.
Si lo Veo, tendría que inventar algo para que no te sientas mal.
You don't have to come if you don't want to.
No tienes que venir si no quieres.
I don't think you have any idea how you come across to people sometimes.
No creo que tengas idea de cómo quedas con la gente algunas veces.
I don't know. I was just hoping that maybe you could have tried to come to terms with the situation
No sé, esperaba que quizá pudiste haber aceptado la situación...
You don't have to come along. You don't have to like it.
No tienen porque venir, no tienen porqué gustarles...
Listen, I don't have to work tomorrow... so, come on over if you want.
Mira, mañana no tengo que trabajar si quieres, ven más tarde.
Sir, I don't deal with the dead people, so you're just gonna have to come back.
- Lo siento, no trabajo con muertos. Vuelva cuando estén mis hermanos.
Come on, Jodi, you don't have to hide.
Jodi, no tienes que esconderte.
If you come out holding the immunity, then your position is set. If you don't come out holding your immunity, you better have your bags packed when you go to Tribal Council.
Si ganas la inmunidad tu posición se mantiene si no ganas la inmunidad mejor empacas antes del consejo tribal.
Come on dad, that just so I don't have to ask you for cash.
Vamos papá, sabes que lo hago para no pedirte dinero.
Now, you will tell me everything you know about Errol Partridge... or I will have a wagon come to take you... to the Hall of Destruction, for summary combustion. I... I really don't know...
Ahora, me dirás todo lo que sabes acerca de Errol Partridge, o haré que un vagón te lleve al salón de la destruction para la suma combustión en-en serio no lo sé -
Thea, something's come up, and I don't think I'll be able... to make it out there this weekend, but you all have fun... and I'll call you when I get a chance.
Thea, surgió algo y no creo que pueda... ir este fin de semana, pero diviértanse... y te llamaré en cuanto pueda.
Don't you have some friend to come and get us out.
Vale. ¿ No tienes amigos que vengan a sacarnos?
- Do you have to come in? No, ma'am, we don't have to.
¿ Tiene que entrar?
I don't usually treat adults, but since we have a history, you could come in here, describe the things you're going through, and we'll try to figure out if it really is a recurrence
No trato adultos, pero hay una historia atrás. Puedes venir, describir lo que está sucediéndote y veremos si de verdad se trata de una recaída de los terrores nocturnos o se trata de otra cosa.
You come in here demanding to get back a barbershop that you don't have anymore.
Entras aquí exigiendo recuperar una barbería que tú ya no tienes.
You don't have to come tomorrow... but it will be more of a fun day.
Ustedes no tienen que venir mañana... pero será más de un día de diversión.
You don't have to come.
No tienen que venir.
I don't know what you're after, but make no mistake you have come to absolutely the right place to get it.
No se que es lo que estas buscando, pero no creas que has cometido un error has venido al lugar correcto para encontrarlo.
You don't understand, how I have to lie to be able to come here.
Tú no lo comprendes, no sabes las mentiras que tengo que contar para estar contigo.
You don't have to come back, unless you want to. I know you think you can't trust anyone but I'd like to help you, if you'd let me.
Los reportes que llegan son que la víctima es la infame Selena Kyle, la misteriosa y hermosa mujer de negocios, acusada una vez de llevar una doble vida como ladrón de joyas llamándose Gatúbela.
Tyr, you don't have to come.
Tyr, tú no tienes que venir.
You don't have to come back... unless you want to.
No tienes que volver,...... si no quieres hacerlo.
If I have to come down there and show you the box I will but you don't want that because when I step in, those boxes travel.
Si debo ir a mostrarte la caja, lo haré... pero no lo querrás, porque cuando tomo cartas en el asunto, esas cajas viajan.
Better yet, why don't I have an adjuster come over to your place and check out all your rocks and see which ones are real and which ones you've switched out?
Mejor todavía, ¿ porque no hago que un liquidador del seguro vaya a su casa y se fije de todas sus piedras y vea cuales son reales y cuales cambió usted?
- You don't have to come.
- No hace falta que vengas.
Yeah, I have to. Why don't you come to Seattle some time?
Sí, tengo que hacerlo. ¿ Por qué no vienes a Seattle algún vez?

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