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You got to get out of here перевод на испанский

733 параллельный перевод
You got to get out of here.
Deben salir de aquí.
You got to get out of here, and don't stop for nothing.
Tiene que irse y que nada lo detenga.
You got to get out of here.
- Vamos, Lis.
Rocklin, you got to get out of here!
Rocklin, ¡ tienes que huir de aquí!
I've got to get out of here, I tell you.
Tengo que irme.
I tell you I got to get out of here, out of the country.
Te he dicho que tengo que irme, largarme del país.
Tiene que sacarla de aquí.
No, but you fellows have got to get out of here.
No, pero tienen que salir de aquí.
Jerry, do you realize that we have less than an hour before the show opens? We've got to get out of here.
¿ Sabes que falta menos de 1 hora?
Charles, you've got to get out of here as quickly as you can.
Márchate antes de que sea tarde.
- Yes, I've got to get you out of here as soon as possible.
Yo me encargaré.
- You got to get out of here.
Tienes que irte de aquí.
You've got to get that thing out of here.
Eso no importa, tienes que dejarlo.
I've got to get out of here, Julie, so that you'll get out.
Por favor, haz lo que te digo. Tengo que irme para que tú te vayas.
We've got to get you out of here in a hurry.
Hay que salir de aquí rápido.
Bijou, you've got to get out of here.
Bijou, tienes que irte de aquí.
Only why did you have to wait till now to tell me, now that you've got to get out of here?
Pero ¿ por qué me lo dices ahora?
Tienes que salir de aquí.
You've got to get dressed and out of here
Vístete y vete...
You've got to get out of here.
Se tiene que marchar.
¡ Tengo que sacarte de aquí!
Tenemos que salir de aquí, ¿ no lo entiendes?
You've got to get out of here now.
Tienes que salir de aquí ahora mismo.
Whatever Yates decides, he's got to get you out of here by dawn.
Decida lo que decida, tendrá que sacarte de aquí al amanecer.
Sáquelo de aquí.
I got to get you out of here and see that you're safe.
- Voy a sacarte de aquí.
Look, Isabel, before I get out of here, you've got to do something about that baby.
Mira, Isabel, antes de irme... debes hacer algo con ese bebé.
I'm still trying to get out of the jam I got into bringing you here.
Quiero salirme del lío en que me metí por traerlos.
Well, will you say what you've got to say and get out of here?
Bien, diga lo que tenga que decir y lárguese.
The phone call was just a stall, you've got to get out of here fast.
La llamada sólo era una excusa, tienes que salir de aquí cuanto antes.
! You've got to get out of here!
¡ Tienes que intentar escapar!
- You've got to get out of here!
- ¡ Tienes que huir!
Oh, you've got to get out of here, get out of town.
Ni hay tiempo ni llegaría lejos.
- Clem, you've got to get out of here.
- Clem, tienes que irte.
I've got to get you out of here.
Debo sacarte de aquí.
I love you, anne. If i tell you we have to get out of here now, you've got to believe me.
Te quiero y si te digo que tenemos que irnos, créeme.
Steve, you've got to get me out of here.
Steve, tienes que sacarme de aquí.
You're all beginning to break. I'm telling you, we're in a spot, we got to get out of here.
Todos están empezando a quebrarse.
Come on, you heard! We've got to get out of here!
¡ Deprisa, vámonos!
In any case, you've got to get out of here.
En cualquier caso, estarás muy bien allí.
You've got to get out of here.
Tienes que marcharte de aquí.
You've got to get us out of here or we'll all be killed.
Deben sacarnos de aquí, o nos matará a todos.
You've got to get me out of here.
Tienes que sacarme de aquí.
I know you've got authority to be here but keep your men out of our way or you'll have to get off the street.
Sé que tienen autorización para estar aquí, pero no estorben o tendrán que irse.
Jesse, you've got to get out of here.
Jesse, debe irse de aquí.
George, you've got to get out of here.
- George, tienes que irte de aquí.
Nan, thanks for everything, but I got to get out of here... or you'll be in a mess of trouble.
Nan, gracias por todo, pero tengo que irme de aquí... o te meterás en un lío tremendo.
You've got to get out of here.
Debes irte ahora mismo.
Oh, Steve, you've got to get out of here.
Oh, Steve, has de salir de aquí.
You've got to get out of here.
Debes salir de aquí.
You've got to get out of here.
Tienes que irte ya.

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