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You got to tell him перевод на испанский

337 параллельный перевод
I've got to tell him, you know, about Jim.
Tengo que contarle... ya sabes, lo de Jim.
You've got to tell a good guy the truth no matter how much it burns him up.
Es un buen tipo, hay que decirle la verdad, incluso si le duele.
Have you got enough spine to go down to Gelli's and.. Tell Belmonte you're going to spill him?
¿ Te atreves a ir a decirle que lo vas a delatar?
You've got to find him, I tell you.
Tienen que encotrarle, le digo.
Why don't you tell him you've got to work? Tell him you sprained your ankle. Tell him you've got klieg eyes or something.
Dile que estás ocupada o que te torciste un tobillo.
Tell him you got a headache And want to go home.
Dile que te duele la cabeza y te quieres ir a casa.
You've got to him and tell him his father – in – law expects him.
Haga el favor de buscarlo y dígale que su suegro le espera.
I tell you, you can't see him! But I've got to see him!
¡ Se lo he dicho, no puede verle!
Tell him you've got to work.
Di que tienes que trabajar.
All you got to do is tell him this :
Dígale esto.
This time, Agatha, you've got to just tell him to stop.
Esta vez, Agatha, Tienes que decirle que pare.
Agatha, this time you've got to tell him.
Agatha, esta vez tienes que decirle algo.
If you see him, tell him I've got something better to do.
Si le ve, dígale que tengo algo mejor que hacer.
I'll tell him you got angry with them and ordered to slaughter them.
Le diré que te irritaron y ordenaste apuñalarlos.
You've got to see Drake tomorrow and tell him everything.
Ve a ver mañana a Drake y cuéntale todo.
You've got to meet him and tell him about us.
Tienes que verle y contarle lo nuestro.
Whoever you got in that other room, tell him to come out.
Quienquiera que esté en la otra habitación, dígale que salga.
Paul, you got to go to Farr and tell him all you know about the Taylor Henry murder.
Tienes que ver a Farr y contarle lo que sabes del asesinato de Taylor.
You've got to talk to him, Orville. You've got to tell him the truth.
Tienes que hablar con él, y decirle la verdad.
I tell you, you've got to get him!
¡ Les digo que deben detenerle a él!
What did you want to tell him I got the letter two days ago for?
¿ Qué querías que le dijera Yo recibí la carta hace dos días?
But Dad, do you have to tell him now, after he got his scholarship?
Pero papá, ¿ tienes que decírselo ahora, que le acaban de dar la beca?
But you've got to tell him, Mary.
Tienes que decírselo.
You've either got to marry me right away... or tell him the whole truth... which would be terrible.
Tienes que casarte ya conmigo... o decirle la verdad... lo que sería terrible.
Tell him you're ready to sell, that you've got the jade.
Dile que tienes el jade y quieres venderlo.
You got to tell him.
Tendrás que hacerlo tú.
I said I'd get a house, and I got it... but now you may go to the king and tell him he can have it back.
Dije que tendría una casa y la conseguí, pero ahora puede ir a decirle al rey que se la devuelvo.
Now, the first thing you've got to learn is how to pretend. And the next time Homer says, "What kind of animal are you?" You tell him you're a monkey.
Lo primero que tienes que aprender es cómo fingir. dile que eres un mono.
Do you want me to tell him what you've got on me, Arthur?
¿ Quieres que le cuente lo que sabes sobre mí, Arthur?
- Why, of course it isn't easy... but you've got to tell him the truth.
Claro que no, pero no tiene por qué decir la verdad.
I tell you, Tiny, you got to let him in on it!
Te digo, Tiny, que tienes que dejarlo ganar.
Well, are you gonna tell him or have I got to?
Bueno, ¿ vas a contarle o lo hago yo?
You found the guy. You've got to tell him.
Tu lo descubriste, es necesario que se lo digas.
Tell him. You've got to tell him.
Díselo, tienes que decírselo.
It tells old man Gateway that you've got something important to tell him about his daughter.
Le dice a Gateway que tiene algo importante que decirle sobre su hija.
No, lucy. Look, you've got to go in and see him and tell him what i told you to tell him.
No, Lucy, tienes que entrar ahí para verle y decirle todo lo que te he dicho que le digas.
Hey, lovely, you've got to tell him.
Querida, debes decirle.
Listen, darling, you've got to tell him.
- Escucha, querida, debes decirle.
What else did they tell you about him? Oh, hurry, will you? We've got to find Ms. Cornelia!
Rápido, debemos encontrar a la Srta. Cornelia.
Well, if I tell you, if I let you see Him, it's got to be a secret.
Bueno... si os digo... si yo os permito verlo tiene que ser en secreto.
When the supervisor comes to claim the bus, tell him i've resigned. Well, what have you got to say now?
Cuando el supervisor venga a reclamar el colectivo... dígale que renuncié.
Well, you tell him he's got a deal, man. Column of files to the left to the right.
Dile que trato hecho, porque no puedo perder con un juego como éste.
You tell him I've kept my mouth shut, and I'm keeping my mouth shut, but he's got to get me out of this.
Dígale que no he hablado y no voy a hablar pero tiene que sacarme de aquí.
Let me tell you something, when you're on the road, see another bum, you meet anybody, you don't tell him you got any money, because, boy, they're liable to kill you to get it.
Dejame decirte algo cuando te encuentras con alguien en el camino ves otro callejero, conoces a alguien, no debes decirle que tienes dinero, porque, chico, pueden matar para robarte.
You got no rights whatever when it comes to him. And I'll tell you something,
No tienes ningún derecho sobre él, pero te diré algo.
You go to the suspect and you tell him you got a problem.
¿ Por qué no va con el sospechoso y le dice que tiene un problema?
You got life for killing a pimp. Then you had the bad taste to tell the prosecutor you were going to kill him too.
Mataste a un alcahuete... y tuviste el mal gusto de decirle al Fiscal... que escaparías para matarlo a él también.
Or don't care that I tell everyone you got pregnant by Julio to force him to marry you?
¿ O no le importa que diga a todo el mundo como se dejó embarazar por Julio para obligarlo a casarse con usted?
Well... why don't you tell him to try pissing off into this, uh, 25-knot wind we got up here?
Bien, ¿ porque no le dices que trate de enojarse con este viento de 25 nudos que tenemos acá arriba?
You've got to tell him.
Tienes que decírselo.
- You just tell him I got it, now it's his, and I'm glad to get shut of it.
Dile que ahora es suyo y que me alegro de deshacerme de él. ¿ Qué es?

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