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You had no right to do that перевод на испанский

103 параллельный перевод
Jane, you had no right to do that.
No tenías derecho a hacer eso.
Confound it, Mr. Holmes, you had no right to do that.
Me ofende, Sr. Holmes. No tenía derecho.
You had no right to do that, Lou. This is my case.
No tienes derecho a hacer eso, Lou.
You had no right to do that.
No tenías derecho a hacerlo.
You had no right to do that.
No tenías ningún derecho a hacer eso.
No tenias derecho a matarla!
- You had no right to do that, Ramón.
- No tenías ningún derecho.
Wait! - Don't touch me! You had no right to do that.
No me toques, no tenias derecho a hacer eso
You had no right to do that.
Usted no tiene derecho a hacer eso.
You had no right to do that.
No tenías derecho a hacer eso.
You had no right to do that.
No tenías derecho.
You had no right to do that!
¡ No tenías ningún derecho a hacer eso!
You had no right to do that. I wasted my entire morning on that line.
No tenía derecho a hacerme eso. Oerdí la mañana en esa fila.
You had no right to do that. Oh, did we violate your rights?
- No tenían derecho a hacer eso.
You had no right to do that.
No tenias derecho ha hacer eso.
You had no right to do that, Weldon.
No tienes el derecho de hacer eso, Weldon.
- You had no right to do that.
- No tenías derecho de hacer eso.
You had no right to do that, Michael.
Así que... - No tenías derecho, Michael.
You had no right to do that!
¡ No tienes ningún derecho a hacer eso!
You had no right to do that.
No tenías derecho de hacer eso.
You had no right to do that!
¡ No tienes derecho a hacer eso!
You had no right to do that to me!
¡ No tenías derecho a hacerme eso!
noing. chuck did, when I went to see him Because I thought maybe he could talk some sense into you. You had no right to do that.
No, Chuck lo hizo, cuando fui a verlo porque pensé, tal vez, que él podría hablar en algún sentido contigo no tenías ningún derecho de hacer esto.
You had no right to do that!
¡ No tenías derecho a hacer eso!
Oh, you had no right to do that!
¡ Oh, no tenías derecho de hacer eso!
What? You had no right to do that.
No debes hacer eso.
You had no right to do that.
- No tenía derecho a hacerlo.
You must have known you were doing something that you had no right to do. You raised five children of your own.
Usted crió cinco hijos.
He had no right to do it, and you have no right to say that.
Si lo hubiese hecho de otro modo nada habría que decir.
Do you think that, if I had no right to do, I'd have done it?
Pero ¿ tú crees que, si no tenía el derecho de hacerlo, lo hacía?
That bastard who sold him to you had no right to do so.
Ese canalla infeliz que te lo vendió no estaba autorizado para hacerlo.
I talked them out of it because I felt that whatever you were doing... you had a perfect right to do no matter how... nonsensical your adventures might be.
Yo les dije que me parecía que fuera lo que fuera que estuvieras haciendo... tenías todo el derecho de hacerlo, sin importar... cuán tontas fueran tus aventuras.
Charlie, you had no right to do something like that.
Charlie, no tenías derecho a hacer algo así.
Almost we are, one more pelín to the right would be still better you had found me in the shade, if I am not wrong here I have the sun in the eyes but where do you go, that you do?
Casi estamos, todavía un pelín más a la derecha sería mejor me habías encontrado en la sombra, si no me equivoco aquí tengo el sol en los ojos ¿ pero dónde vas, que haces?
Ellenor, you had no right to do that.
No culpable
I had every right to bring you into the family and she's accepted that there's nothing she can do about it.
Yo tenia el derecho a traerte a la familia, asi que ha aceptado que no puede impedirlo.
We knew they were the plum roles because all you had to do... was stand around with a staff and try not to laugh... at the poor saps that got stuck with the speaking parts. All right.
Esos eran los buenos papeles, porque sólo tenías que pararte ahí y no reírte de los tontos que tenían que hablar.
I don't think you had anything to do with my partner's murder. That's right.
Creo que no tuviste nada que ver con el asesinato de mi socio.
He very seldom praised you, because he had this obsession that if he praised you you would fall to pieces and not do the job right.
Muy rara vez te elogiaba, pues temía que... Margaret Adams Ayudante de Stanley lKubrick... si lo hacía te hundirías y no harías bien la tarea.
Oh, right. And you had nothing to do with that.
Y tú no has tenido nada que ver en ello.
OK, guys, what I'd like you to do is come to your right when you've had a look at that,'cause we're not getting much of an image here.
Quiero que se muevan a la derecha, porque nos están tapando la imagen. La corriente marina no es favorable.
You had to do this stuff for your parents all the time. Doesn't seem right that you should do it for us too.
Tú tienes que ocuparte de tus cosas no tienes por qué cuidar de nosotros
You know I had nothing to do with that, right?
¿ Sabes que no podía hacer nada con eso, cierto?
Don't listen to me, do your own research, but I think that, you know, what happened to a time in this country when we were entitled, when we had a Constitutional and the God given right to be curious about things that didn't make sense. That's all it was.
No me escuche a mi, haz tu propia investigación, pero pienso a lo que pasó con el tiempo en este país cuando teníamos el derecho, teníamos los derechos constitucionales y divinos de ser curioso sobre las cosas que no tienen sentido.
Do it the best you can and go home because I had arduously argued through other versions to try and get the best version that we could of the narration even though I didn't think it was necessary. - All right, go again.
Hacerlo lo mejor posible y volver a casa, porque había discutido arduamente en las otras versiones, para conseguir la mejor narración posible aunque no la creyera necesaria.
Arthur, you had absolutely no right to do that.
Arthur, no tenías absolutamente ningún derecho de hacer eso.
You really had no right to do that.
No tenías ningún derecho para hacerlo.
Sure. But you're not gonna tell me I had anything to do with that, right?
Pero no va a decirme que tengo algo que ver con eso, ¿ verdad?
You really had no right to ask me that. It didn't have anything to do with anything.
Usted no tiene derecho preguntándose qué, no tenía nada que hacer.
I do too. It's like, Lisa, Leslie... But you had no right to hear that.
yo también es que, Lisa, Leslie... pero no tenias derecho a escuchar eso estaba colgando el teléfono y asegurándome que habías cogido la llamada y que estaba conectada y...
You had no right to ask me to do that.
No tienes derecho a pedírmelo.

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