You said it перевод на испанский
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You said it mattered more than anything.
Dijiste que importaba más que cualquier cosa.
You said it would be destroyed.
- Dijiste que podría ser destruido.
I mean, you said it back.
Es decir, que dije de nuevo.
You said it.
Usted lo ha dicho.
You said it yourself.
Tú mismo lo has dicho.
I mean, you said it yourself - - he wanted this.
Tú mismo lo dijiste... él quería esto.
You said it.
Tú lo dijiste.
You said it, Scooby-Doo.
Tú lo dijiste, Scooby-Doo.
- Like you said it, from head to toe. - Uh-oh.
Una momia, de pies a cabeza.
♪ When you are not home ♪ You said it was crazy the "Sun-Times" thought we were married, but... ♪ I can't stop loving you ♪ Maybe it's even crazier we're not.
Dijiste que era una locura que el "Sun-Times" pensara que estábamos casados, pero... Tal vez es incluso más loco que no lo estemos.
She said we didn't need to do that, and if it came to it, you would take the bullet for both of us.
Dice que no necesitamos hacer eso, Y si llegara a ella, tendría que tomar la bala para ambos de nosotros.
I will think about everything that you said and you think about it, too.
Pensaré sobre todo lo que has dicho... y tú también piensa en ello.
Okay, I shouldn't have said anything because it has nothing to do with you.
Vale, no debí decirte nada porque no tiene nada que ver contigo.
Well, it's registered in your name, and the dealer said you paid cash for it.
Bueno, está registrado a su nombre y el concesionario dijo que lo pagó en efectivo.
As you said, Father, it's for the greater good.
Como dijiste, padre, es por el bien mayor.
Okay, so, you were in the U.N. commissary, and it was lunchtime you said?
De acuerdo, entonces, estabas en la comisaría de la ONU, ¿ y dijiste que era la hora del almuerzo?
Well, like you said, it's... once in a lifetime.
Bueno, como has dicho, es... una vez en la vida.
You said magic is bad. Why are we going to take it out of Storybrooke?
- ¿ Por qué sacarla de Storybrooke?
Kev went to go see that lawyer you used about suing, but he said it'll take years.
Kev fue a ver al abogado que usaste por si podemos demandar, pero dijo que tardaríamos años.
You looked me in the eye and you said you would stay out of it.
Me viste a los ojos y me dijiste que no te ibas a meter.
It's like you said, right?
Es como dijiste, ¿ cierto?
Okay, well, when you do, tell him I said that the kid made a mistake and he copped to it.
Cuando lo tengas, dile de mi parte que el chico se equivocó y lo admitió.
You said I would be okay, so I thought I should just do it and get it over with.
Dijiste que estaría bien, Así que pensé que debería simplemente hacerlo y acabar de una vez.
I made you do it and you knocked it out of the park and now I'm just- - I'm bombing. - No, it's like you said, we're- -
Te lo hice hacer y ahora dejé la pelota para que hagas el gol y ahora estoy sólo- - estoy schockeada.
- The guy in the wine store said that this was a good wine for the price, and that if you open it up an hour before you eat, it gives it time to breathe and for the aromatic- -
- El tipo de la tienda de vinos dijo que se trataba de un buen vino por el precio, y que si lo abres una hora antes de comer, le da tiempo para respirar y para el aroma -
Don't you wish you could just take it back... that thing you said, that thing you did.
¿ No desearías retirar... eso que dijiste, eso que hiciste?
I just said, "It looks like it's you," didn't I?
Acabo de decir : "Parece ser que tú", ¿ no?
It's like I said, you can't help it, it's not your fault.
Es como dije, no puedes evitarlo, no es culpa tuya.
And Rick said you could bring in your old one to recycle it.
Y Rick dijo que llevaras la vieja para reciclarla.
Tonight? You said yourself it's time to start living.
- Dijiste que comenzara a vivir.
Mr. Garber, you said you told Governor Florrick, you couldn't imagine your son had done it, but the evidence was against him.
Sr. Garber, ha dicho que le dijo al gobernador Florrick que no podía imaginar que su hijo lo había hecho, pero que las pruebas estaban en su contra.
I told you it was, just like the doctor said,
Te dije que era, al igual que el doctor dijo :
We have another memory eraser, and I'm gonna use it to make you forget all the things I said... and the so-called "gun incident."
Tenemos otro eliminador de memoria y voy a usarlo para haceros olvidar todo lo que he dicho y el llamado "incidente con el arma".
- Yeah, If we don't make it by morning, we're gonna remember all the crap you said forever!
- Sí, si no llegamos antes de por la mañana, vamos a recordar todas las cosas malas que dijiste para siempre.
That's what we both wanted, or at least I thought it was until you said we could be friends.
Eso es lo que los dos queríamos, o al menos lo que yo pensaba hasta que dijiste que podíamos ser amigos.
You said to go south on Glenville, but you didn't say if it was your south or my south.
Dijiste de ir al sur de Glenville, pero no dijiste si era tu sur o el mío.
- What I love about the jumpsuit is, it's smart because you said, " You know what?
Lo que amo del mono es que es inteligente. Porque dices, sabes que?
Uh, it's just in the park, you said that the orchestra was your home.
Es que en el parque dijiste que la orquesta era tu hogar.
The black site. News said it's where you go before you're read your rights.
Las noticias dicen que es adonde vas antes de que te lean tus derechos.
She said you did it.
Dijo que lo hizo.
It's like you said. The restaurant's doing great, which means I can afford to pay you back at a premium.
El restaurante va genial, lo que significa que puedo permitirme devolverle mucho más.
You'll feel better if you just said it.
Te sentirás mejor si lo dices.
I said to you, some people, they're just not up to it.
Te lo he dicho, algunas personas no están preparadas para esto.
It means a lot to me that you said that.
Significa mucho para mí que digas todo eso.
You said freedom from fear is a right and you shouldn't have to pay for it.
Dijiste que liberarse del miedo era un derecho por el cual no deberían tener que pagar.
You said you and the Legends discovered an aberration in 1942, what was it?
Dijiste que tú y las leyendas habían descubierto una anomalía en 1942, ¿ qué era?
You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee.
Estabas avergonzada y él se rió, dijo que se lo podías compensar yendo con él a tomar una taza de café.
I know you said you were okay about what happened at Hunts Point last night, but... it's all right not to be okay.
Sé que dijiste que estabas bien por lo que pasó en Hunts Point anoche, pero está bien que no te sientas bien.
I replaced the fan belt like you said but, uh, it's still doing it.
Cambié la correa del ventilador como dijiste, pero aún hace ruido.
How would you like it if I said your mom's hot?
¿ Te gustaría que dijera que tu mamá es sexi?
That being said, you are my brother, and if you want me to stop dating'her... just say it.
Dicho eso, eres mi hermano. Si quieres que deje de salir con ella, solo dilo.
you said it yourself 408
you said it was 18
you said it was important 29
you said it was urgent 22
you said 2178
you said you loved me 36
you said you were 23
you said you would 31
you said something 49
you said nothing 18
you said it was 18
you said it was important 29
you said it was urgent 22
you said 2178
you said you loved me 36
you said you were 23
you said you would 31
you said something 49
you said nothing 18