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You should have come to me перевод на испанский

185 параллельный перевод
You should have come to me to beg my forgiveness for your wicked and cruel words.
Deberías haber venido suplicando mi perdón por tus palabras malvada y crueles.
- You should have come to me.
- Debió haber venido a verme.
You should have come to me the first time this happened, my friend.
Debió haber venido la primera vez que le pasó, amigo mío.
Well then, you should have come to me.
Bueno, entonces, deberías haber venido a mí.
If you believed someone was stealing, you should have come to me, Silas.
Si creiste que alguien estuvo robando, debiste venir a mí, Silas.
Don't you think you should have come to me first with this, Lieutenant?
No cree que tendría que habérmelo dicho antes a mi, Teniente?
- You should have come to me first.
- Usted debería haber venido a mí primero.
You should have come to me straight away.
Debiste haber acudido a mí enseguida.
You should have come to me, Peyt.
Debiste haber venido a mí.
You should have come to me right away.
Debiste decírmelo en el acto.
You should have come to me sooner.
Debería haber acudido a mí antes.
- You should have come to me.
Debiste decírmelo desde el principio.
You should have come to me.
Deberías haber acudido a mí.
- You should have come to me right off.
- Debiste venir comnigo en seguida.
All the more reason why you should have come to me.
¡ Con más razón deberías haber venido a verme!
If you needed money, you should have come to me.
Si necesitabas dinero, debiste haber acudido a mí.
You should have come to me.
Debió decírmelo.
- Roz, if you needed extra cash you should have come to me. - I've got plenty of odd chores around the house.
Acude a mi si es dinero lo que necesitas... en casa hay muchos quehaceres.
If you wanted dancing, you should have come to me.
Si querías baile, debías haber recurrido a mí.
You should have come to me.
Deberías haber hablado conmigo.
You should have come to me, Monica.
Debiste acudir a mí, Mónica.
You'd have come to me quietly and talked to me as lovers should at the proper time.
Habrías venido hacia mí hablándome como los amantes lo hacen, en el momento adecuado.
And why should you have come to me and no one else?
¿ Y por qué viniste tú a mí y no otra?
Since my brothers and sons have betrayed me since the ones that should tell the truth with the loudest voice have turned their backs against the will of God they became your accusers and your executioners, Joan since the Word through their evil fingers has become an indecipherable writing I, Dominique I, Dominique I have descended from the Heavens to come to you.
Porque mis hermanos y mis hijos me han traicionado porque aquellos que deberían ser la voz suprema de la verdad se han alzado contra la voluntad de Dios tus acusadores y tus verdugos, Juana porque la palabra, a través de intrincado y maléfico dedo ha devenido una escritura indescifrable yo mismo, Dominique yo, Dominique he bajado del Cielo hacia tí.
You should have invited me to come with you.
Tenías que haberme invitado a ir contigo.
Oh, well, you should have come back to me years ago.
Debiste haber venido a buscarme hace años.
You should have come to see me sooner.
Debería haber venido antes.
If it was for that, you should not have asked me to come.
Si fuera por eso, no deberías haberme pedido que viniera.
My beloved has written a letter that I should come to see her to Ruzomberok my beloved, you are calling me in vain, I have to stay in the army, I can't go away
Mi amada me escribió que vaya a verla a Ruzomberok mi amada, me llamas en vano, Tengo que estar en el ejército, no puedo ir...
Should you have any doubts, problems, do not hesitate to come to me.
Si tuviesen alguna duda, problemas, no duden en venir a mi.
You should not have come to me.
No debiste venir a mi lado.
I don't like to be an "I told you so," but, uh... you should have come home.
No me gusta decirte que ya te lo dije,... pero deberías haber venido a casa.
And if such a day should come, I trust that you will turn to me a friend of Joseph Valachi a member of your family, and the man whose friends can be counted among those who have respect not only in this city, in this country, but beyond the seas.
y si tal dìa pudiera venir, Yo confiaría en que tu vendrías a mì... un amigo de Joseph Valachi un miembro de tu familia, y el hombre cuyos amigos........ se pueden haber contado entre aquéllos quienes tienen algun respeto........ no solamente en la ciudad, en este Paìs, sino en el extranjero.
Man, did you come here just to tell me what I should have done!
Hombre ¿ viniste aquí solo para decirme que debería haber hecho?
If it's me you're after, you should have the courage to come and get me.
Debería tener el valor de venir a buscarme.
It is also my wish to inform you, sir... that I propose your daughter Mary should come to live with me, if you have no objection.
También quiero comunicarle mi deseo de vivir con su hija, si Ud. No tiene inconveniente.
Hey, hey, come on, man. If you wanted me to move, you just should have asked.
Si querían que me cambiara, sólo tenían que decírmelo.
I should have you both killed for daring to come before me... but your blood is unworthy of me.
Debería ordenar que los maten por atreverse a venir ante mí... pero su sangre sería indigna de mí.
I would have sent Brian to come and pick you up. - You should have told me.
Brian hubiese ido a buscarlas.
I have a situation that's just come up... that's really pretty serious... and I don't know who to talk to or what I should do... but maybe you could put me in touch with somebody... if I explain myself.?
Surgió algo... que es bastante serio... y no sé con quien hablar o lo que debo hacer... pero tal vez me pueda poner en contacto con alguien... si le explico?
You should have come straight to me the second you found it... and you should have told him that when he came to you for advice.
Deberías haber venido a hablar conmigo apenas lo encontraste... y tú deberías habérselo dicho cuando vino a pedirte consejo.
I know I should never have stuck my toes in the gene pool in the fii rst place... but ifyou've come here to tell me " "I told you so," " say it and let's get on to something else, okay?
Sé que jamás debería haberme metido con los genes en primer lugar. Si viniste a decir "te lo dije", dilo y pasa a otra cosa.
You should have called me, I would have come to you.
Deberías haberme llamado, Yo hubiera ido a verte.
So Uncle Pussy said I should come down and talk to you because you're old and have wisdom and stuff.
El tío Pussy me dijo que hablara contigo porque eres vieja y tienes sabiduría.
You should've come to me first. This wouldn't have happened.
Si hubieras acudido a mí, esto no habría pasado.
As soon as you feel that you may have any new complications within your body you should come to see me.
Tan pronto usted sienta que pueda tener complicaciones nuevas en su cuerpo Usted debe de venir a verme.
I know you'll say I should not have come here... but I was careful not to be seen.
Sé que dirá que no debería haber venido... pero tuve cuidado de que no me vieran.
If somebody has something to say about me, they should have had the guts, you know, to be able to come face... to be face-to-face with me and say,
Si alguien tiene algo que decir sobre mi, debieron tener las agallas o ¿ no? Para llegar y decirme frente a frente, oye que tienes en la boca,
You should have come to my Kingdom and joined me
¿ Porque no vienes y te unes a este reino?
- You should have come to get me.
- Debiste buscarme.
There have been amendments. You should've come to me sooner.
Debió acudir a mí antes

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